Diet of cosmonauts
Effective weight loss on the diet of astronauts is achieved thanks to the protein-carbohydrate menu
Cosmonauts' diet in fact with space communication technologies is nothas, but got its name sooner because of the opportunity to quickly come by this method of weight loss in a state of "weightlessness", and also because of the need for it to have excellent health tomonavta and unwavering determination towards achieving the ideal forms.
The essence and rules of the astronaut's diet ^
The "cosmic" diet is based on two basic principles - reducing the daily caloric content of the menu and the advantage of protein nutrition with a reduction in carbohydrate constituents. This program of weight loss allows you to achieve great effect in terms of loss of extra pounds, as well as avoid muscular dystrophy.
The metabolism is substantially accelerated, the protein products are processed more quickly and provide the body with additional energy reserves. All this in combination contributes to the active burning of fats. An additional bonus when observing such a diet will be skin cleansing.
The cosmonauts diet is very strict and not at all simple, the restrictions in it are quite numerous, and they will have to adhere to them for a long time - 20 days. The menu is also monotonous and very scarce, and can cause stress even in the most targeted natures.
Following the method of weight loss astronauts, the following important rules must be observed:
- , foods containing fiber and carbohydrates are excluded from the diet;
- under the ban are also all possible taste additives - salt, sugar, seasonings, vegetable and animal fats;
- the important point is the need to consume a lot of simple drinking water - it can dull the gnawing hunger and well removes accumulated in the body toxins and toxins;
- menu should be four meals a day, and between meals you can occasionally use a glass of low-fat kefir.
But in spite of the fact that in the carbohydrate feeding systems the agonizing attacks of hunger, as a rule, are absent, and the food is absorbed slowly, physical activity at observance of this diet will be impossible - too low nutritional value it has.
Nevertheless, in order for the organism to cope better with the removal of the products of the decomposition of protein foods, it is necessary to load it with the feasible load - for example, to walk. In addition, the imbalance of the cosmonaut diet menu assumes the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes when it is observed.
The rarity of the diet also imposes certain contraindications to the use of this program:
- can not be used by those who suffer from any gastrointestinal diseases;
- is very careful to be and people with kidney disease, liver, heart and any chronic ailments;
- categorically forbids the diet of cosmonauts to pregnant and lactating mothers.
But even those who consider their health to be impeccable, the doctor's advice also does not hurt. And if after a few days of observing the "cosmic" weight loss method there were dizziness, weakness and nausea, then compliance with such a diet should be urgently ceased.
In addition, all protein diets can cause the development of ketoacidosis - a metabolic malfunction that causes disorders of fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, it is impossible to abuse this weight loss program and to comply more often than once a year is simply dangerous.
Cosmonauts diet: a menu for 20 days ^
The cosmonauts diet has a very monotonous menu that does not change throughout its entire length. The main rule here is food 4 times a day, at the same time, without deviations from the established diet.
"Space" menu for 20 days:
- breakfast: boiled egg or fried eggs from 1 egg, cooked without the use of fats, a cup of yogurt. For vivacity you can drink a cup of coffee;
- lunch: boiled chicken( no more than half carcass), 0.5 liters of chicken broth, a glass of kefir. Coffee is also not forbidden;
- snack - a cup of yogurt or a cup of tea or coffee without sugar;
- dinner: 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of yogurt.
No adjustments are made to the menu. In the event that 20 days of nutrition under this scheme are too hungry and insurmountable for you, the duration of the dietary program can be halved. In this case, of course, and the result will be much less effective. It is strongly recommended not to increase the duration of the astronaut diet.
"Space" diet is very tight and promotes the development of severe stress in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to leave it very carefully, in order to avoid undesirable complications:
- First, breakfast is introduced into the diet - porridge, for example, oatmeal.
- After a few days, you can add something for lunch, vegetables or fruit.
- Even later, the garnish is introduced - it is better if a new crop is prepared every day.
- For dinner it is good to eat salad - vegetable or fruit.
- It is better to abstain from over-fat or fried foods, you should not immediately get carried away with foods rich in fiber.
- Refined food should be given up for as long as it can withstand the body.
Thus, gradually enriching the diet, you can achieve the consolidation of the results achieved and learn how to eat properly.
Results, reviews of losing weight and specialists ^
The results of the diet of astronauts can be called truly stunning - minus 20 kg for 20 days. And these are real numbers, provided that all restrictions and diet are fully observed. There is in them, however, a negative point - with such rapid weight loss, the skin loses elasticity, hangs, unwanted stretch marks and wrinkles appear. To avoid such consequences, during the diet of astronauts you need to keep your muscles toned and take care of your skin with daily peelings, wraps and moisturizing.
Reviews about the diet of astronauts also often contain complaints about the rapid return of discarded kilograms and manifestations of gastritis. But very often the reason for this is not the dietary program itself, but an illiterate way out of it, because the technique is very tough, so it requires proper nutrition and after its termination.
Nutritionists say about this program of losing weight is not very flattering. First of all, this is due to the manifestation of such a phenomenon as compulsive overeating, often occurring against the background of the abolition of the protein diet. It is known that when eating such dietary programs, eating disorders also often occur, in which the slimming person has a "craving" for products with a high carbohydrate content.
In addition, the diet of astronauts in some cases can cause chronic constipation and reduce mental activity. And therefore to start to grow thin on this system follows only after careful weighing of all arguments for and against.
We also recommend you to watch a video on the video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release, helping to quickly and effectively lose weight: