Cucumber diet
- What are the advantages of the cucumber diet
- Cucumber diet for 3 days
- Cucumber diet for 7 days
- Kefir - cucumber diet
- Cucumber discharge days
Cucumber diet - the fastest and most useful weight loss
Cucumber diet is very popular all over the world, as this is an excellent way not only to quickly and surely lose weight, but also to effectively cleanse the body of harmful salts, toxins and toxins, as well as to rejuvenate and improve the skin.
On the cucumber diet successfully reduce the weight of many foreign and domestic show business stars: Jennifer Aniston, Alla Pugacheva, Anna Dovlatova, Xenia Borodina, Anita Tsoy.
What are the advantages of the cucumber diet ^
As you can guess, as the main food product are fresh crispy cucumbers - an indispensable ingredient in most vegetable and combined salads.
It should be noted that the best time to lose weight using cucumbers is considered to be a spring-summer period. In fresh ground cucumbers, unlike winter imported, there are no nitrates and other harmful constituents, but with an abundance of many useful substances that help to quickly lose weight.
The choice of cucumbers as a basis of nutrition is not accidental and is largely due to their chemical composition and low caloric content. As is known, they are 90% composed of "living" structured water, which is the best natural solvent, therefore, simultaneously with weight loss, there is a powerful purification of all organs, cells, tissues and joints from salts, slags, toxins, poisons, excess sugar,bad "cholesterol and other decay products.
In addition, the cucumber contains a lot of natural fiber, not without reason called the cleaner of the gastrointestinal tract. The fact is that the fiber is not processed in the intestine, but, like a metal scraper, it cleanses its walls of adherent fecal stones and mucus, which cause dangerous intoxication of the body. Cleansing the bowels will immediately affect the condition of your skin - it will clear of acne, inflammation, acne, it will be fresh, smooth and radiant.
Especially useful is a cucumber diet for those who have frequent constipation and a "lazy" intestine, having forgotten how to empty themselves. Cucumbers perfectly stimulate the digestive process and have a mild laxative effect, forcing food to slide faster along the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, this miracle - vegetable helps to improve the beneficial microflora in the intestine.
The content of cucumbers in the optimal combination of sodium and potassium helps to improve water-salt metabolism and to remove swelling, peculiar to hypertensive disease and other cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, cucumbers help to normalize the acid-base balance, that is, shift it to the alkaline side, while excessive consumption of protein foods, inherent in modern people, contributes to the formation of an acidic environment in the body, favorable for the growth of bacteria, microbes, fungi and cancer cells.
However, if you suffer from any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then, before observing a cucumber diet, you should consult your doctor. In particular, the cucumber diet is contraindicated in peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, colitis, increased acidity and with exacerbations of kidney diseases. Due to imbalance and excessively low caloric content, it is prohibited for pregnant and lactating mothers, and also during menstruation.
Cucumber diet for 3 days ^
Cucumber diet for 3 days is the most popular option of cucumber slimming and allows you to lose from 2 to 5 kilograms of excess weight. The basis of the diet is a cucumber salad, dressed with olive oil or low-fat sour cream( mayonnaise).Given the low calorie content of cucumbers( 15 Kcal per 100 g of product), during the day it is desirable to eat them at least two kilograms to feel full.
The salad is prepared very simply:
- Mature medium-sized fruits cut into large cubes, add a lot of greens( dill, parsley, green onion) and season with butter( sour cream) or lemon juice.
- Salt the salad is not desirable, if necessary, to improve the taste, add spices or seaweed.
Due to the fact that this diet is diuretic, do not limit yourself in the liquid - drink plenty of still water or herbal teas without sugar. Fruit and vegetable juices can not be consumed.
Cucumber diet for 7 days ^
Cucumber diet for 7 days is not as strict as a three-day diet and may include, in addition to salad, a small amount of boiled lean meat or fish, rye bread, hard cheese, vegetables and fruits. Menu cucumber diet for 7 days should be made in such a way that a day was eaten 1.5 - 2.5 kilograms of cucumbers. The average daily calorific value is about 565 Kcal, weight loss for a week to 5 kilograms.
Sample menu for 7 days:
Breakfast daily
- cucumber, a piece of rye bread.
- first day - fresh vegetable soup: carrot, radish, cucumber( not fry), 1 apple.
- second day - 50 g of boiled beef, salad of cucumber and radish.
- the third day - boiled fish( 100 g.), Boiled rice( 100 g.), Cucumber( it can be salted).
- the fourth day - 100 grams of rice, 20 grams of hard cheese, cucumber.
- fifth day - vegetable salad( cucumber, carrot, radish, cabbage), boiled egg, 1 orange.
- the sixth day - vegetable soup: radish, cucumber, carrots( not fry), 1 pear.
- the seventh day - vegetable soup: cucumber, radish, carrots( not fry), 1 apple.
Snack every day( optional)
- to choose from one fruit( apple, pear, orange, mandarin) or 1 cucumber.
Dinner daily
- cucumber salad with herbs, seasoned with vegetable oil.
Before going to bed every day
- at will( for 2 hours) - 1 cucumber.
Do not recommend cucumber diet longer than 7 days, as a meager unbalanced diet can seriously undermine your health. In addition, as noted by many nutritionists, all mono-diets without exception are effective only during the first few days.
In the future, the body adapts to a new diet and includes a saving mode, as a result of which a person simply ceases to lose weight and the continuation of the diet is not only dangerous but also meaningless.
Kefir - cucumber diet ^
Cucumber - kefir diet, according to popular rumor, is a favorite way of losing weight for Alla Pugacheva. It is based on kefir - cucumber cocktails, which are ideal for those who love yogurt. Despite the "severity", such a meal perfectly sates and allows you to drop a day to 2 kilograms.
Preparation of a cocktail is very simple - 1 fresh cucumber grate on a grater, pour 1.5 liters of fresh low-fat kefir( preferably one-day), mix thoroughly, add finely chopped greens and drink 1 glass every 2 to 3 hours.
If you do not like cocktails, you can just drink 1,5 - 2 liters of kefir a day and eat 1.5 - 2 kilograms of cucumbers. If you feel weakness, loss of strength and strong hunger, add to the daily ration 100 grams of boiled or baked lean fish.
Cucumber Drainage Days ^
Because all the options for cucumber slimming are pretty strict, not everyone can endure them. Therefore, to avoid sudden jumps in the diet and well-being, nutritionists advise to pre-taste cucumber or cucumber - kefir unloading days. In case the unloading day is comfortable for you, you can safely start a longer marathon for 3, 5 or 7 days.
Cucumber and cucumber - kefir unloading days, as well as diets, allow to lose weight less effectively( up to 1 - 2 kg per day), remove swelling and cleanse the gastrointestinal tract from toxins, toxins and harmful substances.
- Prepare 1.5 kilograms of fresh cucumbers and 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir.
- Divide this amount into 7 - 8 servings and use it evenly, every 2 - 2.5 hours.
- The optimal time of a fasting day is 24 hours, that is, from the morning until the next day.
- The daily calorie content of such a diet is very low and is only 675 calories.
However, if you are too hard at first to endure so much time without food, do not be upset, make the first day off for 12 hours - from morning to evening. The only condition - do not lash out at night with the usual high-calorie food, eat light vegetable soup, porridge boiled on water or a little boiled fish( meat).
In the future, the body will get used to the restrictions and you can easily withstand any mono-diet, of which there is a great variety( buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, curd, egg and others).Moreover, if you practice fasting days regularly, every 7 to 10 days, the need for long-lasting weight loss programs will disappear by itself, because you can easily maintain weight, shape and health in perfect condition.
We recommend to watch a video about the benefits of cucumbers for health and longevity: