Cleopatra Diet
Diet Cleopatra: reviews and results of slimmed
Egyptian queenlife was very slender and beautiful, which seduced many men. Of course, now it is impossible to restore its menu for certain, but the modern diet of Cleopatra allows you to approach it as close as possible.
Cleopatra Diet: the essence, benefits, pluses and minuses ^
The queen of Egypt lived in the 30s BC, so you can learn about what kind of diet was at Cleopatra, only from her well-known preferences: she loved vegetable food, soas she believed that it positively affects the hormonal balance and sex hormones.
The basis of Cleopatra's diet was the following products:
- Almond;
- Basil;
- Bananas;
- Garlic;
- Cardamom;
- Cereals;
- Seeds;
- Low-fat meat and seafood, from which it periodically refused, eating only fruits and vegetables.
It is these products that store the secret of the harmony of Queen Cleopatra, because they are the best way to help lose weight, improve metabolism and normalize the hormonal background.
The essence of losing weight on the diet of Cleopatra is the effective purification of the body: as is known, slags and toxins make it difficult to metabolize, which directly affects the weight loss process. Thus, due to cleansing of the body and a low-calorie menu, the fat deposits begin to be split, which is the basis for reducing body weight.
Pros and cons of the Cleopatra diet
The Cleopatra diet has a number of advantages:
- Several varieties of menus: you can choose a diet for those who like vegetable food, or for those who prefer meat;
- Compliance with the methodology is not accompanied by a feeling of hunger;
- This nutrition system is suitable for pregnant women and patients with various diseases, with the exception of individual contraindications for a low-calorie menu from a doctor.
The drawback of the technique is that many people think that it is not suitable for people who want to lose weight quickly, since the caloric value of the Cleopatra diet is approximately 1500 kcal, which is an average figure that allows you to lose weight gradually.
How many can be reset on a Cleopatra diet
Despite the fact that the main menu of the queen is designed for 7 days, it can be used for a month. For a week of its use it turns out to lose 3-4 kilograms, but considerable depends on the initial weight.
Everyone who is interested in the volume on the diet of Cleopatra, you should know that you can really get rid of excess pairs of centimeters on the waist or hips, but if you start eating fatty foods again, they will return with interest.
Observing the rules of losing weight from the Egyptian queen Cleopatra, you can achieve good results, but high-calorie, fried, smoked food and sweets can prevent this, so they are strictly prohibited in this case.
The effectiveness of the Cleopatra diet confirms and many reviews on the Internet about it: the girls write that thanks to this technique they managed to become much slimmer.
Diet Cleopatra for weight loss: menus, recipes, rules ^
Diet Cleopatra: recipes for weight loss, examples of the menu
Rules for weight loss with the help of Cleopatra diet:
- You need to eat 5 times a day, and on an empty stomach it is desirable to drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice and1 tsp.honey;
- The intake of a large amount of liquid will only accelerate the process of cleansing the body, so the norm of purified still water per day should be at least 1.5 liters.
Cleopatra Diet: 7 Days Menu
This is the same menu as mentioned earlier. It can be extended up to a month to achieve more noticeable results:
- On an empty stomach we drink a drink with honey and lemon juice;
- We have breakfast oat porridge, boiled egg, a couple of fruits and a glass of juice;
- At lunch we drink fruit juice and eat fruit;
- Lunch stewed vegetables, as well as a seafood salad or a slice of boiled fish;
- We snack 50 g of nuts;
- We dine with boiled meat and vegetables, wash down with all natural fresh juice;
- At night we drink a glass of sour milk.
Cleopatra Protein Diet
This variant is based on seafood, chicken eggs, fish and low-fat meat, and you can use it for no longer than two weeks:
- Lunch boiled eggs( 2 pcs.) And green tea;
- Snacking fresh vegetables;
- We have dinner with shrimp soup, we drink vegetable juice;
- We have a lot of sunflower seeds;
- We dine with steam fish and salad with seafood.
Cleopatra's love drink: recipe
To make the figure always slender, the queen took a drink prepared according to her own recipe:
- Heat 500 g of cow milk on small heat, add to it the crushed dates( 100 g), rose petals, saffron, 20 g creamoils and a handful of almonds;
- When the composition takes a pink color - remove from heat, cool and add 1 tbsp.l.bee honey.
Recipes of Cleopatra for weight loss
Recipe for bath with milk
In addition to diet, the queen regularly took baths with various additives that stimulate blood circulation and rejuvenate the skin:
- We collect a full bath of water, pour into it 1 liter of milk and add 3 tbsp.l.honey;
- We take a bath for 15 minutes.
Seafood salad recipe:
- We spread 150 g of sea kale in a salad bowl, grind pickles, boiled potatoes, carrots, red onion and boiled chicken eggs;
- Mix, season with olive oil sauce, turmeric, chicken yolk and 2 g of salt.
Soup recipe with shrimps:
- Cut carrots, onions and potatoes, throw into boiling water and cook for a quarter of an hour;
- Add tomato paste;
- Grind garlic and shrimp, put everything in a pan to the rest of the ingredients;
- Solim, pepper, pour lemon juice;
- Sprinkle with chopped parsley before serving.
How to lose weight on a diet Cleopatra: testimonials, the results of losing weight ^
Even in our time, doctors not only do not mind, but they advise you to use Cleopatra's technique for losing weight, because it is absolutely harmless to human health and brings great benefits. The basic rules of nutrition can be followed and all life to support remarkable results of a diet of Cleopatra:
- the Beautiful harmonous figure;
- Normal metabolism;
- Clean, smooth skin.
The output after the Cleopatra diet is simple, as its menu is balanced enough - it's enough to add 200 Kcal per day to the diet.
Reviews of the diet for losing weight from Cleopatra our regular readers are also very positive:
Anna, 28 years old:
"I used the weekly menu of Cleopatra for about a month, and very well lost weight - by 12 kilograms. Such a technique I would never call hungry, because other diets are harder compared to it. "
Irina, 33:
" With the help of the Cleopatra diet for a week, I threw off 3 kilograms. But then I had to interrupt her - there was a series of holidays. Go tell that the weight did not return, because I did not really lean on food. I'm thinking back in a couple of weeks again to such a diet ยป
Alla, 39 years old:
" I found the diet of Cleopatra uneasy - I used to eat all the high-calorie, because of what for six months I gained 15 kilograms. I managed to get rid of 10 of them safely in a month, using the power system of the Egyptian queen, and now I'm practically in the form of "