Lemon diet for effective weight loss
Lemon diet helps lose weight up to 6 - 7 kg per week
Lemon diet is an excellent way notonly lose weight, but also saturate the body with vitally important vitamins and maintain immunity in the period of acute respiratory-viral diseases.
This is achieved through the unique properties of the main component of lemon( lime) - citrus fruit, famous record high content in its composition vitamin C.( 100 g of approximately 40 mg product).
Diet Lemon: features, benefits and contraindications ^
benefits of weight loss based on lemons:
- excellent prevention of diabetes, as this citrus fruit has a positive effect on the digestive tract, normalizes metabolism in the body, strengthens blood vessels;
- drinking lemon juice is not only able to remove the extra weight, but also removes toxins from the body, his body healthy in general;
- lemons reduce hunger and reduce appetite;
- when you follow a diet you do not have to limit yourself to eating and count calories;
- is also important for the economy and availability of such a slimming program - lemon is sold in every supermarket and the price is very acceptable;
- high performance - allows you to reset to 5 kg in just a couple of weeks.
Broadly lemon diet reviews from losing weight is very positive - it can be applied up to three times a year, which makes it possible each year without compromising the health of dumping 15 - 20 kg overweight.
But there are contraindications that must be borne in mind:
- increased acidity and gastrointestinal diseases;Heartburn and allergy to citrus products;
- nephrolithiasis.
The essence of the lemon diet is the addition of lemon peel or lemon juice to all ready meals. Your diet should be composed in such a way that it included a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, as well as whole wheat bread.
Sweets and refined foods should be avoided. To exclude completely fats from a diet it is impossible - their source for you should become sea fish, nuts, vegetable oils. Eat small portions and without hurry - this is the key to good digestion.
In addition, a diet program based on lemons implies mandatory physical activity - it is necessary to give sports exercises at least half an hour a day. It can be running, swimming, aerobics or another sport according to your preferences.
Another important point - the intake of citrus juice can have a devastating effect on tooth enamel, so it is recommended after each use to rinse your mouth with soda.
Lemon diet for weight loss: recipes and menus ^
Developed a fairly large number of weight loss programs that are basically lemons. They differ in duration, ways of using the product, and, of course, efficiency.
Classical lemon diet
The classic variant, developed by the American dietician Chong, is designed for 2 weeks and differs in that it does not require any cardinal changes in the habitual diet. Its essence is in the daily use of lemon juice, diluted in warm water. Throughout the day you need to drink the following amount of juice:
- 1 day - 1 lime per 1 tbsp.water;
- Day 2 - 2 limes on 2 tbsp.water;
- Day 3 - 3 limes for 3 tbsp.water;
- Day 4 - 4 limes on 4 tbsp.water;
- Day 5 - 5 lemons at 5 tbsp.water;
- Day 6 - 6 lemons on 6 tablespoons.water;
- Day 7 - 3 lemons squeezed into 3 liters of water, add a spoonful of honey and drink during the day. From this day, reduce the amount of daily consumption of lemon juice.
- Day 8 - 6 limes on 6 tbsp.water;
- Day 9 - 5 lemons for 5 tablespoons.water;
- Day 10 - 4 limes on 4 tbsp.water;
- Day 11 - 3 lemons on 3 tbsp.water;
- 12 day - 2 lemons on 2 tbsp.water;
- Day 13 - 1 lime per 1 tbsp.water;
- Day 14 - all as on the 7th day.
Lemon juice should be eaten in the morning on an empty stomach, but if it increases in quantity, it starts to cause difficulties, then it is divided into 2 to 3 doses. An important condition - to drink juice should be strictly 1 hour before meals.
Hard lemon diet
If you need to achieve a faster result, and you need to lose a few pounds of excess weight in just a few days, then a very effective lemon diet is very effective. It consists in the fact that every day you need to drink 4 glasses of lemon juice, diluted with water. In addition, very strict restrictions on food intake are imposed:
- 1 day - the intake of fruits and low-fat kefir is allowed;
- 2 day - you can eat oatmeal on the water and yogurt;
- 3 day - only juice and baked apples are allowed.
The diet program, as you can see, is quite strict and can become a real test not only for the strength of the will of the slimming one, but also for his stomach, so it is recommended only in extreme cases. With its observance, you can throw off 1 kg of excess weight a day.
Diets on lemon water
Because the hard and classic diets are not so simple( in the first one not everyone can drink 3 liters of lemon juice a day, in the second diet and at all it can be considered extreme), you can try a milder version of weight loss based on lemon water, calculatedfor only 5 - 7 days of use. Its result can be a loss of 3 - 4 kilograms of excess weight.
Within a week it is necessary to drink a glass of cold water and the same amount of lemon juice in the morning on an empty stomach, and the same amount of water and lemon juice - in the evening, instead of dinner. It is not necessary to refuse from the usual diet, it is necessary to correct it a little and limit the use of simple sugars.
Lemon-honey diet
An alternative to pure lemon diets can be no less effective mixed diet programs. For example, a two-day lemon-honey diet is very effective, thanks to which it is quite realistic to lose 2 kilograms of excess weight. In addition, this diet program has an excellent cleansing effect, which as a whole will benefit the whole body.
This technique excludes the reception of any food, except lemon-honey mixture, which is prepared as follows:
- 3 liters of boiled water squeeze out 15 lemon and put 50 g of honey.
- This amount of mixture is dispensed for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
- On the second day they prepare exactly the same drink and take it the same way throughout the day.
- It is acceptable to take green tea or still water.
Lemon - kefir diet
The lemon - kefir variant is very popular, as it is short lived, low calorie and very effective. Its duration is only 1 - 2 days and during this time you can lose from 2 to 5 extra pounds. The menu is very simple:
- Breakfast - 0,5 l kefir, 0,5 lemon;
- Lunch - 0.5 liters of kefir, 1 lime;
- Dinner - 0.5 liters of kefir, 0.5 lemon.
Fruit in its pure form can be replaced with lemon juice, which is mixed with kefir or taken separately. In the day, you can also drink 1,5 - 2 liters of clean water, if the evening is very hungry - eat an apple or an orange. More than two days of such nutrition should not be adhered to.
Lemon Diet Beyonce and Lolita Milyavska ^
Lemon diet is very appreciated by pop and movie stars. For example, Beyonce used weight loss with lemons before filming Dreamgirls, which allowed her to throw off 9 kilograms in 10 days. Her diet is also called maple, or lemonade, because her main ingredients are maple oil, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and lemon juice.
Lemonade( maple) diet Beyonce
You need to gradually change to a maple diet.5 days before its beginning, all meat and fish dishes of the diet are replaced by vegetarian ones. For 2 days they go exclusively to liquid food, and for a day - exclude all foods and drink only orange juice( no more than 2 liters).
Prepare a maple cocktail:
- lemon juice - 2 tbsp.l;
- maple syrup - 2 tbsp.l;
- maple oil - 1 tsp;
- pinch of cayenne pepper;
- mineral water - 1 glass.
This drink can be consumed both cold and hot, and a maximum of 5 doses is allowed per day. After the end of the dietary program for a normal diet, you must also move gradually - first include the menu of vegetable soup, the next day, add vegetables and fruits, on the third - nuts. And then you can switch to the usual power mode. The Beyonce diet is very effective, the reviews about it are the most positive.
Lemon diet Lolita Milyavskaya
Very popular and lemon technique Lolita Milyavskaya, which helped her lose weight by 10 kilograms. The program is designed for 7 days - its essence is that the diet includes only natural products, and salads are filled exclusively with lemon juice.
Here is the menu of the technique of losing weight from Lolita:
- 1 day - 0.5 liters of kefir, 5 potatoes in a uniform without salt and spices;
- Day 2 - 1.5 liters of kefir, several boiled chicken breasts;
- Day 3 - 1.5 liters of kefir, 100 g of low-fat meat( veal or beef);
- Day 4 - 1.5 kefir, 100 grams of fish per pair or boiled;
- Day 5 - salad of green vegetables, seasoned with lemon juice, and any fruit, except grapes and bananas;
- Day 6 - kefir in any amount;
- Day 7 - only mineral water.
During this diet program, it is recommended that you take a multivitamin complex.
Reviews of those women who tried the action of the lemon diet on themselves, indicate its high efficiency and good portability. But do not forget that the effectiveness of any weight loss will be much higher in conjunction with an active lifestyle and regular exercise.
We also recommend you to watch video - advice of experts on how to choose lemons correctly, what signs indicate poor quality or violation of storage conditions of the product, and also in which parts of the fruit contains the greatest amount of useful vitamins: