
Age features of the kidney: developmental stages and measures for the prevention of lesions

  • Age features of the kidney: developmental stages and measures for the prevention of lesions

    The human body is constantly changing. Therefore, changes are reflected in the kidneys. Age features of the kidneys are classified according to the age of the person. A complete formation of the urinary system occurs in twenty years, and after thirty years, its aging is noted.

    How the kidneys develop during the intrauterine period

    In the prenatal period, the kidneys undergo three main stages of development, namely:

    1. Preference
    2. Primary.
    3. The final.

    Already in the third week of development of the fetus, the formation of preference begins. In the fourth week of intrauterine development, primary kidneys form. Then, in the second month of fetal development, the secondary kidney also develops. The final is in the pelvic region and there is already a large number of tubules and blood glomeruli in it. But before the birth of a child, the kidneys do not start working, because all the products of the fetus are excreted by the placenta.

    How the kidneys develop in children

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    Each of the kidneys of the newborn is covered with a fibrous membrane. It has rounded forms and looks like a bumpy growth. This is due to the lobular structure, because the cortical substance is not yet fully developed. A full formation occurs in ten years, and tuberosity passes already in two - four years.

    In a newborn, the size of the kidney is about 4 cm in length, about 2 cm in width and about 2 cm in thickness. In the first year of life, they grow almost twice, and another feature of the kidneys of the newborns is the expansion of its pelvis. The thickness of the medulla is approximately 8 mm, and the cortex is 2 mm. With age, the thickness of the cortex increases fourfold, and the brain substance - twice.

    This is important!

    The kidney increases in size in the first year of life and in the first years of life the organ enlargement occurs due to the growth of the brain substance, which is formed only by the age of 12, and then the kidneys increase occurs due to the growth of the cortical layer. The cortical layer grows, because the distal and proximal tubules grow in width and in length.

    In the first years of life, the kidney has practically no fat capsule, it only develops in six to seven years and then gradually thickens. Thickening of the fat capsule occurs up to 50 years, and in the elderly, the capsule, on the contrary, can be completely thinned out and completely disappear.

    It is very dangerous for children to have insufficient intake of liquid into the body. Unlike an adult, a child with an insufficient amount of fluid bound water in the structure of cellular structures from tissues begins to enter the blood, so begins the depletion of the tissues fluid and the violation of metabolic processes.

    Kidney aging process

    Kidney budding is due to two parallel developing processes - sclerosing and decreasing the filtration rate in the renal glomeruli. After thirty years, the filtration rate is reduced by 7 ml every 10 years. Sclerotic processes are called nephrosclerosis. The essence of nephrosclerosis lies in the fact that nephrons die and are replaced by connective tissues. By the age of seventy, only half of the nephrons remain in the kidney, and it thickens noticeably.

    Sclerotic processes provoke a violation of blood pressure indicators, because there is a violation of absorption of sodium and water, and this is the most important pressure level regulators. If the kidney does not hold sodium well, then the development of arterial hypotension begins - a decrease in blood pressure.

    Age changes in the kidneys cause a slowdown in blood circulation, so the immunity inside them worsens. This happens in connection with the fact that the protective cells from the blood in a lesser amount penetrate the organ in the inflammatory process in them. Because of the deterioration of such immunity, infectious lesions in the elderly person are difficult to treat and take much longer. Very often, the kidneys are additionally affected by the chronic form of pyelonephritis.

    This is important!

    It turns out that with age, the excretory system of man, namely the kidneys become very vulnerable. This will need to be considered for catering and the right way of life. It is important to take into account that in any age period, correction of certain moments of a person's vital activity is necessary in order to prevent defeat.

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