
Causes, signs, effects and methods of treatment of the parenchymal cyst of the kidney

  • Causes, signs, effects and methods of treatment of the parenchymal cyst of the kidney

    The pathological tissue that has separated from the tubules and has grown to a certain size is called the parenchymal cyst of the kidney. This is a rare enough pathology, which mainly affects the stronger sexes who have reached the age of forty.

    Why is a cyst formed?

    The parenchymal cyst of the kidney even today remains one of the least studied pathologies. The exact causes of the appearance of the neoplasm could not be established.

    According to many modern specialists, the neoplasm has acquired character.

    So, pathological formation can appear as a result of trauma of the actual organ or infection of the urinary tract infection.

    In the most rare cases, the cyst develops during the intrauterine period. The cause of the appearance of a pathological "mashochka" in this case is the hereditary factor.

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    The parenchymal cyst of the right kidney, like many other cystoses, rarely shows its existence with specific symptoms. For this reason, the pathological condition can go unnoticed for a long time.

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    In some cases, a person can feel:

    • painful sensations in the lumbar region( not pronounced), which are amplified in the case of physical exertion;
    • localization of painful sensations( if a person assumes the presence of a parenchymal cyst of the right kidney, then the discomfort is felt on the right);
    • pressure on the ureter( actual, when the neoplasm takes an impressive size), which leads to a violation of urination.

    The reason for applying for medical help should be the presence of even weak painful sensations. Otherwise, serious complications may occur, leading to a loss of the kidney.

    How can a doctor

    help? Self-diagnosis and self-treatment, including uncontrolled use of potent drugs, are not strictly recommended. Treatment of the parenchymal cyst of the kidney is appointed by the doctor, only after the size and type of pathological formation is determined.

    In some cases, medication and surgery are not required.

    Admission of prescribed medications

    Treatment of the parenchymal cyst of the kidney by medication requires a reduction in neoplasm in size. Often, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs.

    If the neoplasm does not react to any medication and does not decrease in size, a person continues to experience painful sensations, and the functioning of the kidneys is violated, then the doctor decides on surgical intervention.

    Surgical intervention

    Treatment of the parenchymal cyst of the kidney in a complex surgical way involves the use of endoscopy or laparoscopy. Each of these methods is tolerated without problems by the patient's body. In view of the fact that the postoperative period is painless, the patient has the opportunity to return to normal life and daily activities.

    Unfortunately, there is a risk of stumbling upon a dangerous underwater stone: the risk of recurrence or trauma of a vital organ in this case is extremely high.

    When the tumor has a small size, the doctor decides on sclerotherapy. In this case, a puncture of the pathological neoplasm is performed. To perform this procedure, the doctor "arms" with a special needle and inserts a sclerosing medicine into the cavity.

    If the neoplasm progresses, but does not prevent a person from living and working, there is no need for surgical intervention. The patient in this case undertakes to undergo a strict examination in the clinic and adhere to a special diet.

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