The German Diet
German diet helps to get rid of obesity( up to 15-20 kg in 7 weeks) without stretch marks
Excess weight is a serious problem of modern society, therefore it is deeply concerned about the specialists of different countries. Today among the slimming is quite popular German diet, which has several varieties, which makes it possible to choose the method most suitable for the regime, products and terms.
Essence and principles of nutrition of the German diet ^
Like any other dietary program, the German diet has both pluses and minuses.
Advantages of the German method of losing weight:
- Eliminates the use of alcohol, which always affects the body only positively.
- Copious drinking is one of the conditions. As you know, the fluid increases skin tone, "starts" metabolic processes and flushes toxins and toxins from the body.
- The seven-week German method is not harsh for the body, because it implies a gradual elimination of the usual products from the diet and a decrease in calorie content.
- A two-week program is based on eating healthy and low-calorie foods, which is an undeniable benefit for the body.
- Guaranteed weight loss and long-term results.
- After a long diet and reduced calorie, the stomach decreases in volumes, which saves from overeating after the release.
If we talk about a seven-week weight loss program, for some, it is the drawback of its duration. Some find it difficult to give up alcohol for such a long time, and some simply can not eat for a period of almost two months on a certain system. This is the reason for the large number of disruptions. Those who are not sure that they can bring it to the end, it is better to choose a shorter version.
Each of the variants of the German diet is quite strict and low-calorie. Therefore, it does not fit the following population categories:
- to people with chronic diseases;
- to nursing mothers and pregnant women.
- In some cases( problems with the digestive system, nervous system disorders), a preliminary consultation of a specialist is necessary.
- It is worth knowing that a German diet, designed for a long time, consists of mono-days. Therefore, those who are allergic to one of the products or individual intolerance, it will be more correct to abandon it.
German diet: menu options for 2 and 7 weeks ^
One of the most common ways to lose weight is a seven-week German diet, developed by German dietitians for women experiencing problems with being overweight. For such a period of time you can lose 15 - 20 kg. This figure largely depends on the initial weight. The higher it is, the faster the fat burning rate, especially in the first stages.
German menu for 7 weeks
Week 1
- Monday: hunger;you can drink only clean water( up to 5 liters).Do not use other drinks, especially fizzy drinks.
- Other days: the usual menu, which is used to.
Week 2
- Monday: hunger.
- Tuesday: no more than 2 kg of citrus( oranges or grapefruits).
- Wednesday - Sunday: usual food.
- Monday: hunger.
- Tuesday: citrus fruits.
- Wednesday: apples( up to 2 kg).
- Thursday - Sunday: moderate nutrition.
- Monday: Drinking.
- Tuesday: not more than 2 kg of oranges or grapefruits.
- Wednesday: not more than 2 kg of apples.
- Thursday: juice( fruit, but not from a banana, or vegetable).
- Friday - Sunday: the usual menu.
Week 5
- Monday: water.
- Tuesday: not more than 2 kg of citrus fruit.
- Wednesday: not more than 2 kg of apples.
- Thursday: juice( fruit, except banana, or vegetable).
- Friday: light kefir.
- Weekend: usual food.
Week 6
- Monday: drinking.
- Tuesday: 2 kg of citrus fruits( grapefruits and oranges).
- Wednesday: not more than 2 kg of apples.
- Thursday: juice( fruit, except banana, or vegetable).
- Friday: light kefir.
- Saturday: boiled squash or pineapple( no more than a kilogram).
- Sunday: the usual diet.
Week 7
- Monday: Drinking.
- Tuesday: citrus fruits.
- Wednesday: up to 2 kg of apples.
- Thursday: juices( fruit, except banana, or vegetable).
- Friday: light kefir.
- Saturday: boiled squash or pineapple( no more than a kilogram).
- Sunday: up to 5 liters of water.
An important rule of the German method: all products must be natural and fresh. Juices from boxes, canned vegetables and fruits only will break the stomach, therefore it is strictly forbidden.
Menu for 2 weeks
It is clear that such a long program can not withstand all. For adherents of short dietary techniques, a two-week German diet is developed, the menu of which is painted literally by the hour. It is quite strict, but the results are worth it, because you can lose up to 7 - 8 kg.
Day 1
- Breakfast: a toast and a glass of coffee or a coffee drink.
- Lunch: omelet, tomato and spinach, as dressing - olive oil.
- Dinner: steak cutlet with tomato garnish with green onion and olive oil.
Day 2
- Breakfast: cracker with black coffee.
- Lunch: 220 grams of vegetable salad( cabbage + tomatoes), a few sips or apples.
- Dinner: 2 eggs, 180 grams lean meat with garnish from leaf lettuce.
Day 3
- Breakfast: herbal, black or green tea, cracker.
- Lunch: egg, 220 g of boiled carrots, 90 g of cheese.
- Dinner: 260 g of fruit platter.
Day 4
- Breakfast: apple juice( natural it is desirable to dilute a little with water).
- Lunch: steak from fish with a garnish of tomato, apple.
- Dinner: steam cutlet, a mixture of cucumber, lettuce and green onion, seasoned with oil. Day:
Breakfast: carrot juice. Lunch: chicken breast with vegetables.
- Breakfast: rusk with green tea.
- Lunch: 190 grams lean meat, cooked in any way, sauerkraut or fresh cabbage.
- Dinner: 150 g of boiled or raw carrots, 90 grams of cheese. Day 7
- Breakfast: rusk with tea.
- Lunch: 220 grams of chicken, cooked in any way.
- Dinner: 300 - 330 g of any fruit.
The diet of the next seven days completely repeats the menu described above.
We also recommend you read the article bean diet.Reviews and results of losing weight, advice of specialists ^
Despite the fact that the results of losing weight in German are pretty seductive, reviews about the German diet are mixed. If 14 days on a varied, albeit strict, nutrition can withstand, it is possible to hold out almost 2 months on a rather monotonous diet is not all. The main reasons - hunger, lack of a rich and varied menu and lack of training.
To lose weight has not turned into stress for the body, you need to organize the correct way out of the German diet, as well as the process itself. On a seven-week program in those days when the usual dietary regime is allowed, you should not overeat and replenish everything that was not eaten in previous days. You can eat everything, but in moderation. You need to go out smoothly, starting with light foods. Gradually, you can include in the diet cereals, fish, lean meat, etc.
Nutritionists advise that any program for weight loss, especially one in which the weight loss is quite high( as in the examples described above), it is better to combine with physical activity. This is necessary because with a rapid decrease in weight, the skin and muscles lose their tone. The lack of exercise during the period of weight loss can cause "looseness" of the body and the appearance of stretch marks.
The results of the German diet are amazing. In the case of a long-term option, after half a month, you can lose 3-6 kg, of course, if not overeat in "free" days. But, since the dietary program is very long, it can be repeated no more than once a year. The two-week option provides the body with ease and the first plumbs as early as 2-3 days. But, since it is also quite strict, it, according to doctors, should not be repeated more than once in 2.5 - 3 months.
We also recommend you to watch a video on the video with useful advice of nutritionists on the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: