Diet on okroshke
Diet on okroshke: reviews andresults of losing weight
In hot summer time, the most popular dish on all tables is okroshka. Its preparation does not cause special difficulties, and the diet on this light soup helps to get rid of excess weight, the main thing is to prepare it from useful products.
Diet on okroshke: how much you can lose weight, benefits and recommendations ^
If a person does not have a metabolic disorder, then by eating okroshki during the week you can easily get rid of 5-7 kilograms of excess weight.
Okroshechnaya diet is a popular way to lose weight in those who love this dish, because it exists in several varieties, the most popular of which are the following:
- Meat;
- Vegetable;
- Fish;
- Mushroom;
- Kefir okroshka.
For those who do not want to constantly sit on porridge and not too hearty vegetables, the best option for a low-calorie diet is okroshka, because the ingredients that make up it are extremely useful and nutritious.
After eating a small portion of okroshka, quickly feeling hunger, while the body is saturated with all the components necessary for normal life( vitamins, microelements, proteins, etc.).
It should be noted immediately and contraindications to the diet for weight loss on okroshke, which include:
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- A tendency to frequent diarrhea and flatulence.
Nutritionists recommend following the recommendations for a diet for slimming:
- During cooking, use only fresh and low-calorie foods;
- Drink daily from 1.5 to 2 liters of purified water without gas;
- Exclude from the diet sweets, flour products, smoked and fatty foods, as well as alcohol.
How to cook slimming powder:
- The easiest way is to cut all the ingredients at once, put them in a saucepan, and in the morning they fill with broth;
- If you want to constantly eat a freshly prepared dish, then the products are cut into one serving;
- If you add meat or sour cream to this light soup, it will become more caloric, and then it will be almost impossible to lose weight;
- The final result of the diet depends on its duration and individual characteristics of the body, but do not torture yourself with monotherapy for more than 10 days.
Diet on okroshke: menu for 7-10 days, popular recipes ^
Diet on okroshka: best recipes for weight loss
Diet on okroshka with kefir
This diet is recommended to be observed for 5-10 days:
- We have breakfast without sugar and a slice of blackrye bread, oiled;
- For the second breakfast we eat a fruit;
- We have lunch with okroshka( 200 g), we drink water;
- For a midday snack we eat light vegetable salad;
- We have dinner with okroshka( 150-200 g);
- Before going to bed we drink 100 g of kefir.
Recipe for cooking okroshki on yogurt:
- Grind boiled potatoes( 200 g), fresh cucumbers( 2 pcs.), 1 egg, hard boiled;
- Fill all with low-fat kefir( 200 g) and let stand in the refrigerator for half an hour. Salt is not added.
Diet on okroshke with kvass
The following method of weight loss can be adhered to no more than three days:
- We have breakfast with cottage cheese or yoghurt( 100 g);
- At the second breakfast we eat an apple or pear;
- For lunch we eat okroshku, wash down with tea or water;
- In the afternoon snack - all the same fruits;
- We have dinner with summer soup, cooked for lunch, we drink tea.
Recipe for milk on kvass:
- Cut into small pieces of fresh cucumber, half egg, a couple of radishes, potatoes( 1 pc.), A bunch of parsley or dill;
- Fill all 200 g of low-calorie kvass.
Diet on beetroot
In 100 grams of beetroot prepared on the basis of beet, contains 61 kcal - a pretty good indicator. This option to reduce excess weight can be used all 10 days, because in the soup contains all the necessary for optimum life:
- We have breakfast with cottage cheese or natural yogurt, we drink tea with black rye bread;
- For lunch we eat beetroot;
- We dine with the same dish, drink a cup of green tea.
In the intervals between meals you can eat fruits and light salads from vegetables.
Beetroot recipe:
- Peeled and washed beet cut into small pieces and cook for 10 minutes;
- Place in a saucepan and a beet top, stew for 5-7 minutes;
- We take out everything from the pan, leave the broth there;
- Grind 2 boiled eggs, mix them with 1 tbsp.l.mustard, the same portions of sour cream and sugar, salt all to taste;
- Cut the beet into cubes, add to the total mixture;
- We connect 700 g of kvass with 1 liter of beet broth, we pour products.
Diet on okroshka with vinegar: recipe
- Half a kilo of boiled potatoes cut into cubes, do the same with two cucumbers and eggs( 3 pieces).Cut 3 radishes into circles;
- Several stalks of dill and onion are crushed and mixed with salt to taste;
- Put everything in a saucepan, add a glass of sour cream, 30 g of vinegar. Fill with cold boiled water until the dish does not take the desired consistency, if necessary, dosalivayem.
This dish can be consumed twice a day for a week.
Diet on okroshke with serum
When choosing such a product, you should be careful not to use it for more than three days, becauseSerum can cause diarrhea. During this short period, many manage to lose 3-5 kg of weight, alternating okroshka with vegetable salads and low-fat kefir.
Recipe for whey with whey:
- Cut into very small pieces of 6 radishes, on a bunch of onions and dill, 2 cucumbers, egg, grind the boiled chicken fillet( 50 g);
- We are all serum and 1 tbsp.l.sour cream to the desired condition, put in a cool place for 1 hour.
Diet on okroshke with mayonnaise
Due to the high caloric content of mayonnaise, it is practically impossible to lose weight significantly, but getting rid of a couple of weeks from 5 extra pounds still has chances.
Prescription of okroshka with mayonnaise:
- We take the same ingredients as in the recipe with whey, only we exclude this sour-milk product: instead of it we pour vegetables with boiled water and add 2-3 st.l.mayonnaise of the lowest fat content;
- Keep in the refrigerator for at least an hour, and only after that we serve on the table.
Diet on okroshke with milk
- Vegetable dish based on milk can be consumed for 3-5 days, alternating with salads and fruits.
- It is prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe, only dilute all with milk mixed with 2 tsp.vinegar and 2 tbsp.l.mayonnaise.
- Thus, from the body take no more than 3 kg of fat per week.
Diet "Five okroshki"
- This variant of the diet implies the use of five different types of okroshki for the same number of days for breakfast, lunch and dinner, each serving should not exceed 200 g.
- In addition to it, you can drink water and green tea unlimitedly.
- For the whole period there is a chance to lose from 3 to 7 kg.
Diet on okroshke: results and reviews of weight loss on it ^
Depending on the choice of diet and the duration of dietary nutrition, you can get rid of several kilograms of excess weight, while it is desirable to combine weight loss with exercise.
Reviews on the diet on okroshke, sent to our editorial office from regular readers, are also very positive. We publish some responses and tips of losing weight on okroshka:
Karina, 34 years old:
"I still managed to lose weight, eating as much as 5 days only beetroot and some fruits!"
Oksana, 24:
"How many did not try at least a little bit,a little to lose weight with okroshki - did not work. Or I cook it wrong, or something is wrong with me. But I will persevere, so my friend thanks to the okroshechnoy diet has lost weight. "
Raisa, 53 years old:
" I always liked okroshka, and now I'm losing weight thanks to her by leaps and bounds! For a week - minus 7 kilograms! How pleasant it is to combine business with pleasure! "