Onion diet - lose weight on onion soup
Onion diet is the main secret of harmony and grace of French women
Supermodal onion diet came to our country from France, because it is there onion soup - a signature and favorite by all the French dish. And very few people know that the reason for the harmony and beauty of French women in many ways is the usual onion, or rather the soup, cooked from this miracle - the vegetable.
Is it possible to lose weight on a diet with the help of onion ^
With its bitter taste and aftertaste in the mouth, onions repel many people. They stop using this product, despite the mass of useful properties contained in it.
Even thousands of years ago, onions were attributed to the ability to saturate a person with energy, to give him strength and courage, to protect him from disease. Now scientists were able to explain this miraculous property, revealing in onion phytoncides - substances that kill disease-causing bacteria.
It is known that onions contain a small amount of proteins and fats, but their absence is supplemented by the presence of minerals, iron, calcium and magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, citric and malic acids. This vegetable is rich in nitrogenous substances, as well as fructose, glucose, maltose and sucrose. In onions, a lot of vitamins, namely vitamins A, B, PP and C.
Thanks to the contents of all the above ingredients, onions are useful for:
- strengthening immunity and increasing the body's resistance to various infections;
- improve the performance of the intestines and stomach, good digestion of food;
- strengthening of the heart;
- increased sexual activity, relieve nervous tension;
- lowering cholesterol;
- prevention of malignant tumors;
- stimulate hair growth, strengthen nails, improve the general condition of the skin;
- weight loss.
Effective weight loss with the use of this vegetable is due to its low caloric content. In addition, the onion has a diuretic and choleretic action, removes slag and excess fluid from the body, speeds up the metabolic processes.
The method for weight loss on the basis of onions will be very useful for people with cardiovascular problems. Such a program is contraindicated for people suffering from gastritis, peptic ulcer and other diseases of the stomach. Before you sit on this diet, you need to have a consultation with a gastroenterologist.
Almost all varieties of onions are used during this program, but the most effective, as it turned out, is leek. It has a pleasant taste and low calorie content, harmoniously supplementing various dietary salads. However, the common onion also does not lag behind its colleague and can be successfully used for a diet. Of course, eating his bitter fruit does not bring much pleasure, but it's very possible to make a great fat-burning soup from it.
Onion diet: 7 days menu ^
The 7-day onion diet is based on the use of soup in combination with fruits, vegetables and meat. During this program, the use of alcoholic and carbonated beverages, bread and fatty foods is categorically contraindicated.
Onion soup, the most popular recipes of which will be described below, can be consumed at any time when there is a feeling of hunger. In addition, during the diet onions, you need to drink as much liquid as possible, namely non-carbonated water, unsweetened tea or coffee.
Sample menu 7-day onion diet for weight loss
Day 1
- During the day, you can eat in any amount of fruit and, of course, onion soup. Drinking water, cranberry juice, coffee, tea is allowed.
Day 2
- This day, fruits are replaced with vegetables and eat them with soup in any quantities. For the ration of the second for the diet program suitable raw, canned and fresh vegetables, baked potatoes and greens are allowed.
Day 3
- On day 3, you can eat fruits and vegetables, and onion soup, but the potatoes must be excluded from the diet.
Day 4
- The middle of the diet program is accompanied by a similar 3 day menu. However, on this day you can drink skim milk and eat a banana. It is important to drink plenty of water.
Day 5
- The menu for the 3rd day consists of soup( as in the previous days), beef or chicken, or fish. You can eat tomatoes, but you need to give up fruit.
Day 6
- Diet of the 6th day: onion soup, vegetables and low-fat beef meat. Tomatoes are replaced with leafy vegetables: cabbage, green salad, pepper and cucumber.
Day 7
- On the last day of the diet, together with soup, you can eat rice and vegetables combined with it, as well as freshly squeezed fruit juice without the addition of sugar.
Popular recipes for fat burning onion soup ^
At the moment there are a large number of recipes for dietary onion soup. The main ingredients of the easy and beloved French pottage are: onion, sweet pepper, cabbage, celery and tomato. To the monotony of the diet is not tired of losing weight within 7 days, cooks and nutritionists came up with several recipes for fat-burning lean soup.
Option 1 - Onion soup with celery
- To prepare this dietary dish, you need to cut cabbage, 5 to 6 onions, a few tomatoes, a couple of green peppers and a little celery.
- Then the mixture of vegetables must be cooked until ready, add salt to taste.
Option 2 - Onion soup with carrots and cabbage
- To make this version of onion soup, a dozen bulbs must be cut and fried over low heat, adding a little lean oil to the frying pan.
- Then pour the onions with water and add there the chopped cabbage( about 0.5 kg), 1 grated carrot, bay leaf, salt and pepper.
- Cook until ready for vegetables, season the soup with flour, pre-fried in oil.
- When serving on the table, decorate the soup with herbs.
Option 3 - Onion soup with melted cheese
- Fry the onion-cut onion in lean oil, pour it with water and 100 g of milk.
- Add the melted cheese melted in a water bath, season with salt and pepper.
Option 4 - French soup from Yulia Vysotskaya
- To prepare onion soup according to Vysotsky's recipe, fry the 3 onions with the rings on medium heat, add salt and add a little sugar.
- Then it is necessary to strengthen the fire, pour a spoonful of flour into the pan, wait a little, add 100 ml of dry white wine and a little chicken broth.
- Blend the mixture and add more broth, cook for about 1 minute, add salt to taste.
- When serving on the table, the soup is poured into ceramic pots, the slices of the baguette dried in the oven are placed on top, sprinkled with grated cheese and left in the oven until a golden crust appears.
Reviews, results and the opinion of doctors about the onion soup diet ^
It turns out that onion soup can help not only with losing weight, but also in the treatment of various diseases:
- Famous onion Broyse soup can help reduce malignant tumors. Prepare onion soup from cancer simply: cut the onion with small pieces, cut it in vegetable oil, pour it with water and cook until ready. Then strain and drink broth. The course of treatment with onion soup in combination with other medical infusions lasts 42 days.
- Onion soup from osteoporosis is prepared similarly to the previous one, but the duration of treatment is 1 month.
- Onion soup for colds and hangovers perfectly warms, and, in addition, it is considered a French analogue of Russian cucumber pickle.
The results of the onion diet are very impressive, because in just 7 days of this program you can get rid of 4 - 8 kg. And numerous positive reviews about the onion diet of weight loss testify to its high efficiency and easy tolerability.
We also recommend you to watch a video on the video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: