Diet for the liver
The liver diet restores the full functioning of the body
Special therapeutic diet forliver diseases contributes to the restoration of the damaged organ, activates metabolic processes in the liver cells and positively affects the health and appearance.
The liver is very hardworking, but at the same time too vulnerable organ, performing many important functions and requiring constant care.
Causes, Symptoms and Features of Nutrition in Liver Diseases ^
The intense and violent rhythm of life, malnutrition, stress, and environmental problems adversely affect the health of people, especially those living in industrial cities. The only body that cleanses the body of harmful effects and regulates metabolism is, as you know, our liver.
The main causes of hepatic diseases include:
- Chemical food containing a large number of preservatives, dyes, fats, pesticides, contaminated water.
- Overload of digestive organs due to overeating.
- Excessive use of medicines.
- Lack of solar energy, fresh clean air and rest.
- Dieting the body.
- Constant nervous tension.
- Smoking and frequent use of alcohol.
The most common hepatic diseases: cirrhosis, cancer, parasitic and non-parasitic cysts, hemangiomas. It should be noted that these diseases are difficult to recognize, since their early stages are practically asymptomatic.
For this reason, the condition of the body must be carefully monitored and it is necessary to resort to the help of a specialist in case of such symptoms: frequent fatigue and fatigue, bitterness in the mouth, intolerance of very fatty food, unpleasant sensations in the right hypochondrium. In addition, the appearance of liver problems is indicated by the appearance of edema, frequent convulsions, a yellowish skin tone.
These diseases are dangerous, first of all, because it is difficult to diagnose them at an early stage. That's why patients mistakenly turn to rheumatologists, hematologists and other specialists. The lack of proper treatment can lead to serious consequences and complications: kidney damage, anemia, and in especially severe cases - death.
The role of diet in prevention, as well as in the treatment of liver diseases, plays a more important role than medications, since it allows the body to effectively purify itself and repair damage. During the therapeutic diet, the following foods are allowed to be consumed:
- light soups, crackers and biscuits;
- low-fat beef or chicken, preferably boiled;
- boiled or baked lean fish;
- vegetable and butter in small quantities;
- raw vegetables and juices, coffee and tea with milk, broth of wild rose;
- one egg a day, porridge;
- dairy products, fruit compotes, puree.
Doctors strongly recommend to refuse fried, flour and fatty, legumes, smoked products, chocolate and cocoa, canned products, and the most important condition for complete recovery is the refusal of alcohol.
Diet for the liver: an approximate menu and features ^
Diet for liver inflammation
Dietary nutrition for inflammatory liver diseases is to ensure that the caloric intake of the diet is approximately 2500 kcal per day, and the amount of meals was increased to 4 to 6 times.
- In addition, in order not to increase the burden on the inflamed organ, the products must be eaten in a cooked and crumbed form.
- It is very important to stop using too hot and too cold foods when inflammatory symptoms occur.
- A prerequisite is a complete rejection of fatty foods and increased consumption of foods that contain fiber.
- 80 - 90 g protein - the optimal daily rate for inflammation of the liver. The lack of protein in the body causes liver dystrophy and the development of cirrhosis. An excellent source of proteins are dairy products.
- In a significant reduction of carbohydrates is not necessary, most importantly, do not abuse products such as sugar and baking, which contribute to the deposition of fat in the liver.
- Fats, contrary to popular belief about their danger to the body, you can, but in moderation.
Such a dietary program for doctors called table number 5.
Diet for liver cancer
Diet for cancer provides the body with useful substances, it gives strength to fight the disease, but at the same time restricts the intake of substances that harm the affected organ. During this diet program, doctors recommend eating each meal with raw foods, and then go to the boiled dishes.
You should never eat too much, after eating a sick person should feel slight hunger. In addition, it is important to thoroughly chew food and drink plenty of liquid, namely water or slightly boiled teas.
The sample menu provided by this diet program looks like this:
- for breakfast is ideal for freshly squeezed carrot juice;
- a snack between breakfast and lunch can be prepared by cooking noodles and radish salad, dressed with sour cream, allowed to drink a glass of warm milk;
- dinner can consist of non-welded chicken broth, light salad, a slice of bread, one baked potato and a cup of loose tea;
- for dinner, you can cook millet porridge on milk, bake cottage cheese casserole and drink it all with a glass of milk;
- before going to bed you can eat some fruit or drink yogurt.
Diet for exacerbation of liver diseases
Therapeutic diet in case of aggravation sets itself the following tasks:
- Provides the patient with adequate nutrition and is a moderate restriction of the consumption of fats and table salt.
- The dietary diet completely excludes from the menu products that promote the emergence of processes of putrefaction and fermentation, as well as those products that stimulate the release of gastric juice, the separation of bile, etc.
- According to the diet menu, it is forbidden to eat foods that contain cholesterol, essential oils, purines and refractory fats.
- A complete exclusion from the patient's menu of all fried, spicy and alcohol is assumed.
- The effect can significantly enhance a specially prepared cocktail consisting of 1/3 glass of beet juice, cucumber without skin, lemon and a small apple. All the ingredients must be ground on a blender and add a couple tablespoons of olive oil.
Diet for diffuse liver changes
Therapeutic diet for diffuse changes can work even more efficiently than medications. He is appointed by a doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the body and the individual habits of the patient. From the diet, products with toxic components, preservatives and chemical additives are removed. The patient menu should be natural and rational.
The main goal of the patient who survived the operation is to restore this vital organ. Diet after the operation on the liver is considered a very effective way, without which the medication will not have results.
Each meal should be complete, with enough carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber, vegetable fats and proteins. After the operation, a positive effect on the body will have bran, rusks and cereals, as well as a large amount of liquid.
Diet for cirrhosis of the liver
The diet program for cirrhosis is aimed at mechanically creating rest for the liver, normalizing its function, and improving the bile secretion. Its basic rules are the same as those of previous diets: food should be served in boiled, stewed or baked form, and products such as meat and vegetables can be wiped.
Depending on the severity of cirrhosis, protein intake is regulated: with compensated cirrhosis, the daily protein norm is 120-140 g per day, with decompensated protein it is limited to 20 grams.
The approximate menu for people with such a disease looks like this:
- Breakfast: boiled brushedrice, soufflé meat.
- Snack: an apple baked in the oven.
- Lunch: soup of pearl barley and vegetables, necessarily grinded, vermicelli with chicken cutlets, steamed, jelly from fruit.
- Snack: infusion of dog rose, cracker.
- Dinner: steamed meatballs, steamed, carrot puree, unsweetened curd pudding, jelly.
- Before going to bed: low-fat kefir.
Results, recommendations and feedback from doctors about dietary nutrition in liver disease ^
The results of a diet for the liver can be noticed after some time after the start of the diet program. And positive responses about a diet for a liver which leave happy patients, speak about its high efficiency at treatment of serious diseases.
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