Diet for the thyroid gland
The thyroid diet provides the righthomeostasis of the body
The thyroid diet is an integral part of the treatment and prevention of diseases of this body and contributes to a significant improvement in the condition of the patienttents.
The thyroid gland plays a very important role for the human body, because the failure of its work can negatively affect the functioning of other organs. Its main function is the synthesis of a number of hormones that support the correct homeostasis of the body.
Causes, Symptoms and Features of Nutrition in Thyroid Diseases ^
To date, thyroid disorders are very common around the world. Most often, genetic predisposition contributes to their occurrence. But, besides this, there are also many external factors related to the development of thyroid pathologies. These include:
- frequent stress;
- malnutrition, leading to iodine deficiency;
- ecological situation in the world, high level of radiation;
- various infectious and chronic diseases;
- the use of some medicines.
Now you can count a large number of thyroid diseases, the most common are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
- Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the level of hormones decreases, which causes damage to certain organs, slowing down metabolic processes. Symptoms of this disease are: fatigue and weakness, lack of desire to work, memory impairment, and edema. In addition, the hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland indicates a worsening of the condition of the hair, skin, rapid weight gain.
- Opposing hypothyroidism is a condition called thyrotoxicosis, during which the level of thyroid hormones is too high, therefore, metabolic processes are accelerated. The most common symptoms of hyperthyroidism are persistent irritability of the patient, short temper for unexplained reasons, insomnia, rapid pulse. In addition, the development of the disease says rapid weight loss with eating large amounts of food, sweating and high body temperature.
Thyroid disease is extremely dangerous for the whole body, since without timely treatment, other vital organs can also be affected. The excessively enlarged thyroid affects the larynx, the vocal cords, and hyperfunction can cause tachycardia.
Creating a full-fledged diet for thyroid diseases is the key to successful treatment and recovery. Dietary nutrition along with therapeutic procedures will ensure the constant work of this body, support the optimal body weight, strengthen the heart. In addition, proper nutrition normalizes metabolic processes and leads to the resumption of the stability of the hormonal background.
When treating diseases of the thyroid gland, it is necessary, first of all, to completely eliminate from the menu sweets, carbonated drinks, canned, salted, spicy food, coffee and, of course, alcohol. Preference should be given to sea fish, dried fruits and vegetables.
For the healthy operation of the thyroid gland, it is necessary to increase the intake of iodine into the body, namely, to consume more seafood and sea cabbage, eggs, meat and other foods rich in protein, cereals, vegetables and fruits. To help his health, the patient must also drink enough clean water.
Prohibited products include:
- sausages, sausages, smoked products, salinity, canned food;
- strong tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages;
- white rice, bread and other refined foods;
- sugar in its pure form and other sweets.
It is necessary to be afraid not only of lack, but also of excess of iodine, therefore before the beginning of a diet or the use of chemical additives, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician.
Diet for hypothyroidism and other diseases of thyroid: approximate menu and features ^
Diet for hypothyroidism of thyroid gland
In case of insufficient thyroid function( hypothyroidism), patients are prescribed a low-calorie diet, it is recommended to reduce the amount of consumed fats, carbohydrates, completely eliminate all foods with high cholesterol, salt, causing edema.
People with this disease should be restricted to taking products that contain vitamin A, namely apricots, carrots, liver, pumpkins, etc. Completely exclude from the diet, this food can not be, just do not abuse it.
The diet for hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland provides for an increase in the amount of protein, sour-milk products, various cereals, vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to eat at least 5 times a day to stimulate the synthesis of hormones in the thyroid.
The energy value of a daily diet should not exceed 2,100 kcal. The approximate menu looks like this:
- Breakfast: a small portion of buckwheat with meat crockery, a cup of soft tea.
- Snack: cottage cheese and a glass of unsweetened compote of prunes.
- Lunch: soup-puree of carrots, mashed potatoes with boiled meat, fruit compote.
- Snack: meatballs made of lean meat, tea.
- Dinner: light salad, omelette without yolk, compote.
- Snack before bedtime: kissel.
Diet for hyperthyroidism of thyroid gland
The diet for hyperthyroidism( thyrotoxicosis) is aimed at consuming more calcium, which reduces the production of thyroid hormones. Because of the increased excitability during illness, it is not recommended to eat foods that excite the central nervous system: spicy, chocolate, coffee and tea.
Menu with increased thyroid function:
- Breakfast: salad with cabbage, apples and sour cream, scrambled eggs with cheese, oatmeal cooked in milk, soft tea.
- Snack: Toast with a slice of cheese, tomato juice.
- Lunch: borscht cooked on the basis of meat broth, brown rice, boiled chicken meat, compote.
- Snack: biscuit biscuit, broth of wild rose.
- Dinner: carrot puree, meatballs, cottage cheese casserole, tea.
- Snack: a cup of yogurt.
Diet after removal of the thyroid gland
The diet after removal of the thyroid gland does not strictly restrict the intake of some products. It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and adhere to the principles of rational nutrition. Refuse need from alcohol, soda, limit the consumption of sweet, fatty and smoked.
You should inform your doctor about the use of soy products, as soybeans prevent the absorption of the hormone. Fasting and low-calorie diets after removal of the thyroid are strictly prohibited.
Diet for thyroid cancer
Together with the course of treatment, as a rule, a diet is prescribed for thyroid cancer. Its peculiarity is that the diet of such a dietary program is poor in iodine. Nutrition of people suffering from this disease must necessarily be balanced.
Excluded from the diet are the following products:
- seafood,
- iodized salt,
- dairy products,
- eggs,
- chocolate,
- soybean,
- beans.
The use of fresh meat, rice, cereals and cereals is limited.
The results, recommendations and feedback of physicians on therapeutic nutrition in thyroid diseases ^
The doctors' reviews of the thyroid diet are positive, especially if it is chosen by a doctor, taking into account the exact diagnosis and condition of the patient.
The results of a diet for the thyroid gland are noticeable after several days of its application: the mood improves, the sexual desire increases, irritability disappears.
Correctly selected diet helps the thyroid gland to work without interruption, supports the normal weight of the patient, strengthens the heart.
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