Diet for intestinal flu
Diet for intestinal flu: reviews and patient results
intestinal flu is an auxiliary treatment with the help of which the body quickly recruits and normalizes the work of the digestive system.
Features of the diet for gastrointestinal flu ^
Intestinal flu is a rotavirus disease, the symptom of which is a loose stool, as well as vomiting, fever, lack of appetite, abdominal pain and loss of taste sensitivity.
If the timely treatment does not take place, an important supplement of which is a diet for patients with intestinal flu, it can threaten with acute heart failure, and often - lethal outcome.
Do you need a diet with intestinal flu
During illness the human body weakens, immunity decreases, and the intestine ceases to produce important enzymes. It is the therapeutic diet with intestinal flu that accelerates the healing process and helps fight the virus from within.
What kind of diet is needed for intestinal flu:
- It should be gentle;
- Its menu can not be composed of diuretic, fatty, fried, and also loosening products: plums, figs, dried apricots, apricots;
- In the diet must include low-fat dairy products, meat low-fat broths, steamed vegetables and omelets, porridges on the water.
Diet for patients with intestinal flu should be used immediately after diagnosis of the disease. At first, the patient may have no appetite, and then a two-day fast is allowed.
In order to prevent dehydration, it is necessary to drink slightly salted water( 1 tsp salt per 1 liter of water), or dissolve the "Regidron" powder( 1 packet per 1 liter of water) in it - it will also help restore lifestrength of the body.
The rules for therapeutic nutrition for intestinal flu:
- Regardless of the stage of the disease, it is advisable to consume at least 1.5 liters of water per day. The norm can be reduced only in the case when the patient does not want to drink - it is not necessary to flood violently. The same goes for eating;
- It is recommended to resort to frequent fractional meals 5-6 times a day: this will reduce the body burden and contribute to optimal digestion of food.
All dishes are best cooked steamed, boiled or baked: fried food during illness doubly strains the intestines, which, in turn, can aggravate the condition of the patient.
Diet for intestinal flu: menu and features of therapeutic nutrition ^
Diet for intestinal flu: therapeutic menu, recipes
Therapeutic diet table № 4 with intestinal flu
For any intestinal diseases, it is necessary to eat only lean food: soups, meat, fish, steam omelettes, vegetable broths, grated apples, unsweetened kissels, and you can drink black or green tea, rose hips or blueberries, and diluted in equal proportions with water juices.
Sample menu:
- We have a breakfast of cottage cheese, oat porridge and tea;
- At lunch we drink a rosehip broth;
- We dine with steam meatballs, soup, rice mashed porridge and jelly;
- We have a loaf of currant broth;
- We dine with buckwheat porridge, omelette and tea.
Diet for intestinal flu in adults
In the initial period of the disease, nutrition is recommended according to this scheme:
- The first two days - only water( starvation);
- Further, when vomiting occurs, we introduce low-fat broths and other permitted products.
Diet for intestinal flu in children
If the disease has occurred in a child, this option of therapeutic nutrition is offered:
- For the first four days we eat boiled potatoes, oatmeal, boiled and wiped pasta;
- From the fourth day, we introduce a little boiled fish of low-fat variety;
- Any liquids other than water are prohibited.
Diet after intestinal flu
For two weeks after the disappearance of the symptoms the virus continues to be in the body, so it is necessary to adhere to the proper nutrition:
- We have breakfast of any cereal cereal on the water, we eat yogurt;
- At lunch we eat 2 boiled eggs;
- We have lunch with vegetable soup and 100 g of boiled meat;
- We snack trout and decoction of rose hips;
- We dine with steamed vegetables and cutlets.
Nutrition of the baby after intestinal flu
To make the baby's body faster strengthened, it is recommended to use this sample menu:
- In the morning we eat low-fat yogurt and steam omelette, drink tea;
- We have a snack with a salad and an apple;
- Dinner soup on meat broth, salad from boiled vegetables, wash down with kissel;
- We snack a glass of kefir;
- We dine with steam omelet, vegetables and tea.
Recipes for intestinal flu
Recipe for salad with apples:
- Grate a wet apple on the grater, season with lemon juice;
- Sprinkle with chopped nuts.
Recipe for meat soup:
- Prepare the chicken broth, put the sliced potatoes into it;
- We grind carrots, chop the onion and Bulgarian pepper, put everything in a saucepan, salt and sprinkle with herbs;Cook until cooked.
Prescription of wild rose hips:
- 50 g of crushed and dried rosehips are poured in a thermos 1 liter of boiling water, add 1 tbsp.l.honey;
- We insist 6 hours.
Results, feedbacks and recommendations of doctors about proper nutrition for intestinal flu ^
As a result of a diet with intestinal flu, it is possible to significantly shorten the duration of the disease, and also to alleviate its symptoms, strengthen immunity and improve the patient's well-being.
Tips for avoiding intestinal flu infection:
- Always wash products before consumption or preparation;
- Hands before eating should also be washed with soap;
- Try to avoid contact with patients with this disease people.
Such prevention of intestinal flu can reduce the likelihood of infection, but remember that 2-3 days of illness are an incubation period without symptoms, and for two weeks after recovery, the virus in the human body still remains viable, so to recognize that a person is sick, is problematic.
Reviews of doctors about the diet with intestinal flu:
Anna, 38, gastroenterologist:
"Very often people underestimate the importance of drinking water, and therefore often bring the disease to complications in the form of dehydration, resulting from the excretion of water from the body with feces. I always advise all my patients to drink salted water: it will restore strength and will not allow the body to weaken too much. "
Tatiana, 34, gastroenterologist:
" Diet during intestinal flu is necessary in any case, since a person can not even eat fatfood, this is the peculiarity of the disease. To speed up the recovery, I recommend drinking more berry or herbal decoctions, and also eating not too heavy for the stomach dishes. "
Galina 35, years, gastroenterologist:" Dietary nutrition with such a disease plays an important role, because without it from medication there is no sense. It is necessary to eat only useful food containing carbohydrates and proteins, but fat and fast food should be completely abandoned »