Pear Diet
Pear diet: reviews and results of weight loss
Lovers of juicy fruits will certainly appreciate the pear diet: it allows not only to relieve the body of accumulated harmful substances, but also significantly reduce the weight.
Weight loss on a pear diet: the essence, pluses and minuses ^
A feature of losing weight with pears is their low caloric content and the minimum sugar content: for example, in apples, it is present in the largest number, although many of them are mistakenly considered less caloric.
The pear diet works on the principle of reducing the number of calories. In this case, the body must independently produce them through the already available fat deposits.
For those who are interested in whether the volumes on the pear diet go, it is worthwhile to explain: the volumes really go along with the water and fat that comes out, but if they continue to eat incorrectly, they will return together with the weight.
Advantages of the pear diet for the body:
- The person gets the vitamins and other elements contained in pears;
- In general, the diet is easily tolerated;
- There are contra-indications only mono-diet and menus consisting of two products, in other cases, even pregnant women can use the technique.
How much can you lose on a pear diet without harm to health
The weight loss indicator directly depends on the specific menu: on a mono-diet, the loss is 1 kg per day, and the less strict diets allow you to lose up to 5-6 kg per week.
In general, the caloric content of a diet on pears is not higher than 1300 Kcal per day, even taking into account the use of other permitted products:
- Hard cheese;
- Breadcrumbs;
- Low-fat fish and meat;
- Sour-milk products;
- Boiled eggs;
- Cereal cereals;
- Green tea;
- Fruits and Vegetables.
It is completely forbidden to eat fried foods, as well as sweets, smoked foods and pickles - they significantly reduce the effectiveness of the pear diet for weight loss and harm the body.
Diet pear slimming at home: menus, rules, recipes ^
Pear diet: reviews and menus for weight loss on pears
Rules for weight loss on a pear diet:
- For the whole day it is allowed to eat no more than 7-8 ripe pears;
- Daily need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water, and the whole meal should be divided into 5-6 portions.
Pear mono-diet
The most effective variant lasts 3 days, during which it is necessary to eat as follows:
- Eat 1 kg of pears;
- Drink lots of water;
- At a sensation of hunger we take a snack with bread, but not more than 2 a day.
Unloading day on pears
Unloading consists of only two products and allows you to quickly clean the intestines:
- We eat 1 kg of pears;
- Drink 2 liters of purified water.
Pear diet for 7 days: menu
To take off 6 kg per week, you can use this example of a diet:
- Lunch a couple of pears, a slice of black bread and low-fat yogurt;
- We have dinner with boiled rice and chicken breast;
- We have supper with two pears and green tea;
- Snacking with pears.
Pear diet: minus 7-10 kg for 5 days
For a significant weight reduction, the following menu option is suggested:
- Daily eat 800 g of pears and 500 grams of other fruits, except grapes and apples;
- Drink 1 liter of low-fat kefir.
Diet on pears and apples
For three days of using such a diet, you can lose up to 4 kg:
- We consume 0.5 kg of pears and as many apples;
- Drink 2 glasses of water every hour.
Diet on pears and yogurt
Practice such unloading is recommended no more than 2-3 days:
- We drink daily 1 liter kefir;
- We eat 1 kg of pears each.
Diet on pears and oranges
In addition to these two fruits, it is allowed to eat apples and grapefruits, but oranges and pears should be given the main advantage:
- For 5 days we eat 500 g of pears, as many oranges, and also 300 g of apples and grapefruit;
- Observe the drinking regime;
- Fruits are allowed to make salads with yoghurt dressing.
Diet on pears and honey
Here everything is very simple:
- For a month for lunch and dinner we eat one baked pear with honey;
- We use any products from the list of allowed.
Diet on pears and milk
In this case, for dinner, there should always be a pear and a glass of milk, and the remaining meals can be made according to this example:
- We have breakfast with cheese and berries, we drink tea;
- Snack baked in the microwave pear;
- We have lunch with oat soup and vegetable salad;
- We snack low-fat yogurt.
Diet on pears and bananas
This diet is best used for a fasting day:
- Eat 800 g of pears and 3 bananas;
- Drink 1 liter of milk.
Diet on pears and cabbage
5 days on such a diet can be thrown down to 5 kg:
- Every day we eat 500 grams of sauerkraut or fresh cabbage, we make salads from it and carrots;
- We consume 700 g of pears daily.
Diet on pear juice
With the help of juice in just 1 day, you can adjust the intestines and remove slags:
- Drink 1.5 liters of pear juice without sugar;
- We do not eat anything.
Recipes for the pear diet
Recipe for the baked pear:
- Remove the seeds and the core from the pear, place 1 tsp.honey, sprinkle with cinnamon;
- Bake in a microwave for 5 minutes.
Oat soup recipe:
- Cooking meat broth, pour the crushed potatoes onions and carrots;
- After 10 minutes, place oatmeal, salt and cook until done;
- Before serving, sprinkle with herbs and grated cheese.
Recipe for fruit salad:
- Cut the pear, apple and orange slices;
- Season with lemon juice.
Effective diet for pears: doctors' reviews, results of losing weight ^
According to doctors, pear method is not capable of harming health, if not abused it too often: only 2-3 repetitions a year is enough. To avoid weight gain in the future, you need to maintain a healthy diet and make the correct way out after a pear diet:
- Gradually introduce fruit, then - vegetables;
- From the second week it is allowed to eat lean meat.
As a result, a diet for pears for quick weight loss really can lose weight without a risk to health, and it also turns out to normalize metabolism, which certainly goes only to the benefit.
Reviews of the pear diet for losing weight of our regular readers are also very positive:
Alina, 28 years old:
"Three days on pears and yogurt seemed to me an eternity, but I finally got rid of 4 kilograms, so I do not regret anything!"
Valentina, 24 years old:
" I lost a week of diets on pears with exactly 6.5 kg, and the former weight has not returned for several months, and despite the fact that I was not starving for getting rid of kilograms "
Oksana, 30 years old:
"I managed to lose 7 g for 5 days, using exactly the diet on pears. Despite the fact that it was not easy and very often wanted to eat, I recommend it to everyone, because personally for myself, I did not find a more effective way to lose weight ยป