Diet with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer
Diet in the stomach ulcer helps cicatrize ulcers and relieve inflammation
In case of peptic ulcer of the digestive organs, therapeutic nutrition - a diet with gastric ulcer, which is made based on the clinical symptoms of the disease, metabolic processes and strict pimode.
Causes and features of therapeutic nutrition in gastric and duodenal ulcers ^
Ulcer is a trophic damage, or defect of the mucous membrane, formed in the absence of an equilibrium between the protective function and the influence of aggressive factors on the gastrointestinal tract.
The formation of the ulcer is associated with the bacterium HelicobacterPilori. It is present in the body in 80% of the population, but its destructive effect begins with the presence of additional factors associated with a violation of the secretory work of the stomach, resulting in an excess of formed pepsin and hydrochloric acid.
Of the most significant factors that trigger the occurrence of ulcers, physicians distinguish the following:
- Genetic predisposition.
- Gastritis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis.
- Irrational and irregular meals, the habit is "dry", spicy or rough food.
- Alcohol, nicotine irritate the mucous membrane, reduce its protective functions.
- Side effect of drugs.
- Stresses, nervous overexertion, depression.
Peptic ulcer is considered an extremely dangerous disease and poses a direct threat to life. It is known that an ulcer can affect not only the mucous membrane, but also capture the muscular and peritoneal membrane of the organ. In such cases, the perforation( perforation) of the wall occurs and the outflow of contents into the peritoneal cavity.
A penetrating ulcer occurs if ulceration occurs outside the organ, and neighboring, for example, the liver "stick" to it. The destructive process passes to the neighboring body. This disease threatens with sudden internal bleeding, stenosis of the gatekeeper( narrowing of the canal that passes the food mass into the 12-colon) and the transition to oncology.
A therapeutic diet plays a leading role in the treatment of the disease, which is well balanced and physiologically complete. It consists of 100 gr.protein products( 60% animal proteins), 100 grams.fats( 30% vegetable), 420 g.carbohydrate food. It is admissible to take up to 12 g per day.salt and 1.5 liters of water. Caloric intake of the patient can reach 3000 kcal.
Diet in the ulcer is aimed at restoring the secretory and peristaltic function, cicatrizing ulcers and removing the process of inflammation. To this end, irritating mucous membranes, secretion excretion, difficult and long-term processed products are removed from the diet.
It is known that the same products have different digestion rates, depending on the preparation methods. Steam, boiled, grinded food, without coarse fibers, in a warm form is the basis of a therapeutic diet. The break between meals should not exceed 4 hours, food 5-6-fold.
Prohibited products:
- Grinded bread, baked pastry and whole fresh.
- Broths based on meat, mushrooms, borsch and rich vegetable decoctions.
- Oily, coarse-fiber meat products, smoked products, canned fish and meat.
- Sour milk.
- Fried and steep eggs.
- Beans, corn, millet and pearl barley.
- Cabbage - white-beetle, turnip, spinach, radish, sorrel, mushrooms, cucumbers.
- Vegetables canned, hot snacks and seasonings.
- Alcohol, kvass, soda, coffee.
Recommended food products:
- Uncomfortable, white, yesterday's pastries, bread, biscuits and biscuits are dry.
- Soups puree from previously cooked meat and vegetables on a weak potato or carrot broth, soups with milk with manga, oatmeal, rice, sweet berries, seasoned with cream, butter and omelet mixture.
- Meat steamed, boiled, without tendons, with fat removal: chicken, beef, rabbit meat, liver and tongue, lean lamb and pork. Steamed chops.
- Fish, diet cooked.
- All non-acidic dairy products.
- Eggs are liquid or in the form of omelet mass for steaming.
- Manka, buckwheat, rice, pasta, oatmeal - porridge or milk porridge.
- Carrot, cauliflower, beetroot, potato, pumpkin, zucchini - cooked, steam or puree.
- Sweet jam, jelly, fruits and berries baked, honey, marshmallow, compote, sugar.
- Tea, coffee, but not strong and with milk, broth of dogrose, cocoa, sweet juices. Cream and vegetable oils.
The therapeutic menu, along with medical treatment, contributes to the speedy recovery of the patient. Moreover, observance of dietary ration for people suffering from peptic ulcer, according to doctors, is a vital necessity.
In general, the therapeutic nutrition of the peptic ulcer is very balanced, however, there is a lack of fiber and fresh fruits and vegetables needed in the menu of a healthy person. Therefore, such a diet is not suitable for people who are prone to constipation or trying to lose weight.
Diet for an ulcer: an approximate menu and features ^
The list of allowed products is quite diverse, so the tasty curative menu is very simple to make from it. If the ulcer is not manifested by pain, eructation, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms, you can use the option of diet No. 1. The menu consists of unprocessed food. For example:
- Breakfast - butter sandwich, non-acid curd or egg liquid, cocoa.
- Extra breakfast - baked pumpkin with sugar or honey.
- Lunch - soup on milk or vegetable with boiled croup. A slice of tender meat, cooked in a diet. For garnish - steam vegetables( allowed), compote.
- Snack - kissel milk or sweet berry, allowed baking. Dinner - fish, garnish - buckwheat or puree from carrots. Fish can bake with milk sauce.
- Late meal - cream or milk.
If the symptoms of ulcers are severe, the menu is made up of pureed products. For example, a diet with an acute ulcer may look like this:
- Breakfast is a liquid gruel( rice, semolina), the egg is not hard.
- Extra breakfast - baked apples, you can with honey or sugar, yogurt.
- Lunch - soup with digested oatmeal in milk, steamed meatballs, carrot puree, fruit mousse.
- Snack - an extract of a dogrose, cookies. Dinner - baked fish, small mashed potatoes.
- Late meal - milk. Drinks with milk during the day to choose from.
Peptic ulcers who ignore the recommendations of dietary nutrition are more likely to face such dangerous complications as a perforated ulcer. Nervous stress, physical activity and overeating can also lead to such a complication. Diet after perforated ulcer is more severe and should be observed for several months. After a complex operation, long-term treatment is required, in which proper dietary nutrition plays a far from secondary role.
The diet after the operation of the perforated ulcer limits the intake of salt, fast carbohydrates and water. Depending on the condition of the patient after the operation, after some time, he is allowed only mineral water without gas, tea and fruit jelly. Then add a small amount of soup - mashed potatoes and crushed eggs.
And only with the 10th day of the patient begin to feed puree food from pumpkin, potatoes, carrots. After a month, the dietary diet becomes less strict, bread is allowed, but the menu is still determined by the doctor. In other respects, the food takes place according to the same rules.
Diet during erosion of the duodenum during an exacerbation should consist of the mashed food. Diet No. 1, rubbed, is used for 14 days. Then you can stick to an unprocessed diet from the recommended products, without violating the diet and ways of cooking. From the menu, products from the forbidden list are excluded.
The results, recommendations and feedback of doctors about dietary nutrition in the case of esophagus ulcers ^
Therapeutic diet No. 1, developed by dietician Mikhail Pevzner as far back as Soviet times, proved to be effective, as evidenced by the doctors' positive feedback about the diet with ulcers.
Reducing the symptoms of the disease, healing erosions and ulcers, a long period of remission - these are the positive results of an ulcer diet. Improvement of the condition occurs already in the second week of the diet menu. Failure to comply with the same dietary norms during treatment quickly leads to an uncomfortable state.
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