Diet for opisthorchiasis
Diet for opisthorchiasis: reviews and patient results
Diet for opisthorchiasis is specially developed forpurification of the diet, allowing to accelerate the elimination of the human body from helminths.
Features of nutrition in opisthorchiasis ^
Opisthorchiasis is a disease that occurs as a result of infection of the human body with helminths of the trematode species.
Its characteristic symptoms during exacerbation are: fever, hives, body aches, pain under the right lower rib. In a chronic type, opisthorchiasis, as a rule, is accompanied by allergy, edema, and also causes a number of complications: hepatitis, pancreatitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis, lowering of immunity.
The cause of infection with opisthorchiasis can be the use of infected fish, or contact with a sick animal, becausethese worms can live in any living organism. Do you need a diet for opisthorchiasis?
Parasitologists very often prescribe a therapeutic diet for opisthorchiasis, sincethere are a number of products that contribute to the elimination of helminths in the stage of exacerbation of the disease:
- Non-acidic juices;
- Tea;
- Low-fat dairy products;
- Fruits and berries;
- Kashi;
- Limited: honey, jam and sugar;
- Vegetables and greens;
- Dried fruits;
- Steam protein omelets.
Therapeutic dietary nutrition in opisthorchiasis completely eliminates the use of fried, smoked and fatty foods, becausethey create favorable conditions for the habitation of worms in the intestine. Meat and fish also should not be eaten, tk.they are difficult to digest in the intestines and can provoke rotting processes.
What will happen if you do not treat opistorhoz
Without treatment, the acute form becomes chronic, where, in turn, cirrhosis, hepatitis, cancer of the biliary system and many other serious diseases can occur.
With timely access to a doctor and observance of the diet for patients with opisthorchiasis, you can stop the disease, withdraw the parasites or slow it down.
Diet for opisthorchiasis: menu and features of therapeutic nutrition ^
Diet for opisthorchiasis: medical menu, recipes
Diet rules for opisthorchiasis:
- All foods must be thoroughly washed before cooking;
- The basis of the diet should be fruits and vegetables, and only then - protein food;
- An increase in the amount of water consumed will uniquely contribute to a speedy recovery.
Diet for treatment of opisthorchiasis: menu
For successful recovery in acute stage it is recommended to use this sample menu:
- We have breakfast with steam omelette and vegetables;
- At lunch we drink kefir and eat a handful of berries;
- We have lunch with vegetable soup and sea cabbage;
- We snack with pumpkin seeds;
- We dine with buckwheat porridge and dairy sausages.
Diet for opisthorchiasis of liver
For complications and chronic form, the following dietary variant is suitable:
- On an empty stomach we drink a decoction of pumpkin seeds;
- We have breakfast of porridge from porridge, we drink tea;
- We bite with baked apples;
- We cook vegetarian borsch for lunch, we eat vegetable salad;
- We snack a fruit cocktail;
- We have dinner with stewed cabbage and vegetarian cutlets.
Diet for pancreatic opisthorchiasis
When a pancreas is affected, a gentle menu consisting of soft dishes and vegetables is used:
- In the morning we eat oatmeal with berries, we drink a cup of tea;
- At lunch we eat fruit salad;
- We have lunch with mashed potatoes and a salad of vegetables;
- We snack with kefir;
- We have dinner with vegetable puree and juice.
Diet for opisthorchiasis in children
In childhood, there are no bans on meat and fish, but they need to be consumed in small amounts according to the example of this menu:
- In the morning we eat friable porridge, drink a cup of tea with 1 tsp.honey;
- Snacking with baked pears;
- For dinner, cook soup from vegetables, wash down with jelly;
- We have a snack with pineapple;
- We dine with a salad of vegetables with lemon dressing, as well as a piece of baked in the oven fish.
Diet for the prevention of opisthorchiasis
To prevent the development of the disease, it is recommended to adhere to this sample menu:
- In the morning we eat oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, drink juice or kissel;
- We ate nuts for lunch;
- Lunch low-fat soup and vegetable puree;
- We snack berries;
- We have dinner with mashed potatoes and vegetables with greens.
Diet recipes for opisthorchiasis
Recipe for St. John's wort infestation with chronic opisthorchiasis
- 10 g St. John's wort infusion with a glass of boiling water;
- We insist 30 minutes;
- We divide into 6 portions, we drink for a day.
Recipe for fruit salad
- Grind slices of pineapple, kiwi, banana and strawberries;
- Mix and season with low-fat yogurt.
Recipe of vegetable soup
- We cut potatoes, onions, sweet peppers, carrots and white cabbage;
- Put everything in a saucepan of boiling water, add bay leaf and salt;
- 10 minutes before the release of greens.
Results, feedbacks and recommendations of doctors about proper nutrition with opisthorchiasis ^
As a result of a diet with opisthorchiasis, you can not only get rid of its acute manifestations, but also prevent serious consequences. As for the chronic stage, in this case, proper nutrition and treatment of the opisthorchiasis by folk remedies slows down the development and aggravation of the disease.
For the prevention of opisthorchiasis, it is sufficient not to consume raw fish, nor to allow close contact with animals that could eat this product or drink contaminated water from the reservoir.
Advice on how to avoid opisthorchiasis:
- Make sure to heat meat and fish, cook for at least 20 minutes;
- Observe the rules of hygiene;
- Increase your immunity by eating only healthy food.
Comments of doctors about diet with opisthorchiasis
Margarita, 34, parasitologist:
"With timely detection of helminths, they can be withdrawn in six months with the help of drugs and diet, but if the parasites damaged internal organs and caused complications - the disease goes to the chronic stage, which is treatedalmost impossible and can develop even 25 years ยป
Helena, 43, parasitologist:
" Fans of sushi and rolls should not get carried away with these products, because it is through them that infection often occurs. It's best to eat boiled fish - only in this case there is a guarantee that worms will die under the influence of temperatures. "
Galina, 39, parasitologist:
" Not only raw but also salted fish are at risk in the risk zone: it is proved that worms do not perish,being in the refrigerator at a temperature of -18 degrees a month. Especially it concerns the carp, which happens to be infected most often. If a person has already become infected, then only diet and complex therapy will help. "