The Hunger Diet
Hungry diet helps you to radically lose weight by 5 to 7 kg per week
The hungry diet isrigid express - method of weight loss, the duration of which is no more than 4 - 7 days.
This extreme weight loss is necessary only when other dietary methods do not give the desired result.
The essence and rules of losing weight on a starvation diet ^
A hunger diet is based on a rigid restriction of products, their daily norms and calories. Due to hungry nutrition, the body begins to quickly relieve excess kilograms.
A hungry technique has several types of dietary nutrition: on water, on tea, on milk, on pearl barley and others.
Express diets can consist of one, two or more approved products recommended for inclusion in a dietary diet. The products most suitable for hungry diets are:
- Green tea, orange, carrot or apple juice, herbal decoction, skim milk, still mineral or drinking clear water;
- Beef, chicken, eggs;
- Fruits - apples, oranges, grapefruits, pears, pineapples;
- Low-fat cottage cheese, cheese and yogurt;
- Vegetables - cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes;
- Dried fruits - prunes, dried apricots;
- Various cereals boiled on water.
Other products, including seasonings, salt and sugar are strictly prohibited.
The benefits of a hungry weight loss program are as follows:
- In weight reduction, high performance will be achieved - from 7 to 10 kg;
- The body will actively remove slags, salts and toxins;
- Foods that make up the diet are available and do not require large financial costs;
- Preparation of dishes takes very little time.
Disadvantages in the hungry technique are also present:
- An unbearable feeling of hunger will be daily;
- The intake of vitamins, minerals and trace elements will drop drastically;
- Lightning-fast weight loss will result in wrinkles and sagging of the skin, especially at the age of thirty and older;
- The body will begin to feel a shortage of essential nutrients and nutrients, which will cause a stressful condition;
- Energy supply will decrease to a minimum and lead to a sense of permanent weakness.
The hungry diet is contraindicated for adolescents and the elderly, during pregnancy, during lactation, reduced immunity and in the presence of chronic diseases. Such people can try to lose weight less severe ways to combat excess weight, such as the very popular now-dumb protein diet Dyukan.
Hunger diet for weight loss: menu and food features ^
Hungry diet on water
The essence of a hungry food system on the water is to consume a certain amount of fluid per day. Drinks included in the diet should be taken every day in six meals.
- Monday: one and a half liter of 2.5% milk;
- Tuesday: drinking mineral water;
- Wednesday: one and a half liters of green( herbal) milk tea( you can add a little honey and lemon juice);
- Thursday: 1% kefir, water( liter / 0.5l);
- Friday: a liter of carrot and apple juice;
- Saturday: 1 liter.ginger tea;
- Sunday: 500 ml of pomegranate and 500 ml of apple juice.
As a result of the hungry drinking technique for seven days you can throw off 7 kilograms or more. For those wishing to cleanse the body and lose weight by two or three kilograms to some event, you can reduce hungry dietary days to three using any of the drinking rations.
Hungry diet with pancreatitis
Pancreatitis is a disease caused by inflammation of the pancreas, which in the future can lead to obesity. The main aspect in the treatment of this disease is strict adherence to a diet, the essence of which is the rejection of food, which enhances gastric acid formation and activates the enzymes of the pancreatic gland.
Before the beginning of the recommended by the doctor of a medical system of a food, during the first three days it is necessary to adhere to hunger-strike. The hungry three-day diet includes a drinking regimen consisting of a weak black tea, still water and a rose hip broth.
Diet with hungry days
The diet with hungry days is developed in several variations, the only difference is the food ration. The most acceptable hungry food system consists of the following menu, in which the norms of drinks should not exceed 200 ml at one time:
- Morning: a glass of warm boiled water mixed with lemon juice;
- Lunch: chamomile milk tea;
- Snack: low-fat milk( kefir 1%) - 150 ml;Evening: herbal decoction.
- Morning: non-fat cottage cheese 100 g, water;
- Lunch: Carrot drink;
- Snack: carrot drink;
- Evening: cottage cheese is low-fat 100 g, carrot juice.
- Morning: red apple, mineral water;
- Lunch: a couple of apples, mineral water;
- Snack: water, apple;Evening: water, apple.
- Morning: lean beef - 50 g, apple-tangerine drink - 150 ml;
- Lunch: tangerine juice;
- Snack: apple juice;
- Evening: a staggered boiled beef slice, apple-tangerine juice - 250 ml.
- Morning: curdled milk with dried apricots 150 g;
- Lunch: 5 pcs.dried apricots;
- Snack: 250 ml of 1% kefir;
- Evening: dried apricots, a glass of kefir.
- Morning: an egg, a glass of warm milk;
- Lunch: corn flakes with warm milk - 100 g, water;
- Snack: egg, a glass of warm milk;
- Evening: two glasses of warm milk.
- Morning: one boiled potato, a mug of dairy green unsweetened tea;
- Lunch: an egg with carrot juice;
- Snack: a couple of boiled potatoes, carrot drink;
- Evening: milk green unsweetened tea.
Results, testimonials of those who have lost weight and doctors about the hungry diet ^
The results of a hungry diet shaking - a radical reduction in weight to 5 - 7 kg or more. However, only those who have a hard patience, willpower and a persistent desire to quickly get rid of the accumulated kilograms are able to withstand a hungry diet. In addition, with such extreme weight loss, the lost weight very quickly returns back.
Therefore, only a correct and competent output can reduce the risk of returning the dropped kilogram. Exit from a hungry diet is based on strict rules:
- It is extremely necessary to forget about sweet foods, fried foods and other delicious but very high-calorie and harmful food in the initial post-weekend weeks;
- Caloric content in the diet should increase very smoothly and cautiously;
- The menu for the first month after hungry weight loss should include only sour-milk products, fish, fruits, lean porridges, vegetables, natural juices, unsweetened compotes and mineral water.
It is strictly forbidden to use the hungry method of weight loss for longer than a week, as a result of its continued use may cause serious health problems, one of which is anorexia. Repeated application of a starvation diet is possible only in a year, after a full-fledged diet.
Reviews of the hungry diet of losing weight are very different. Many people think that this is a very cruel food system and it is decided to use it only as one day off. Some, thanks to this technique, successfully coped with excess weight and were satisfied with the result. Doctors - dietitians negatively speak about a hungry diet and believe that along with the lost pounds, health will be lost.
See Also informative video clip with the tips of experts - nutritionists about the best three days of discharge, helping to quickly and effectively lose weight: