Carrot diet for fast growing thin
The carrot diet can lose weight by 3 kilograms for 3 days
Carrot diet for weight loss is rightly considered oneof the most effective and affordable ways to quickly lose weight, and its main ingredient carrots the most unique in composition and usefulness year-round root.
Despite the fact that the carrot diet is quite tough, it not only guaranteed to reduce body weight by 3 to 3.5 kilograms for 3 to 4 days, but also saturates the body with beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. That's why the carrot diet is preferred by Hollywood stars Katie Holmes, Emily Blunt and Naomi Harris.
The benefits and characteristics of the carrot diet ^
The benefits of carrot weight loss are based on the unique properties of carrots, which are a storehouse of valuable vitamins( B, PP, C, E, K), minerals( potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, copper, cobalt, chromium, iodine, zinc, nickel, fluorine, etc.), essential oils, dietary fiber and fiber.
Carrots contain a lot of beta-carotene( converted in the liver to vitamin A), which takes an active part in oxidation-reduction reactions, as well as facilitating the normalization of metabolism and improving the functioning of the immune system.
In addition, the usual carrot is an excellent natural antioxidant, which prevents the aging process, stimulates the growth of healthy cells and promotes the formation of so-called "killer cells" aimed at the destruction of cancerous growths.
And, it should be noted that, unlike many other vegetables, carrots not only do not lose their useful antioxidant properties when cooked, they are additionally enriched with them - it is known that in the cooked root of the antioxidants it is twice as much as in the raw.
The presence of a large amount of fiber is very beneficial for the work of the gastrointestinal tract - as is known, the dietary fiber is not processed in the intestines, but absorbs toxins, slags, poisons, excess glucose, bad cholesterol and other metabolic products and out them. However, it is precisely because carrot fiber is a rather rough food and cleans the intestines "like a brush", it can over-irritate and cause inflammation of the tender mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.
Therefore, people with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract( peptic ulcer, gastritis, enterocolitis) are not recommended not only to sit on a carrot diet, but also eat any rough-fibered raw vegetables. Moreover, nutritionists are advised, even in the absence of problems in the work of the digestive tract, not to gnaw a lot of root crops whole, but rather rub them on a large grater.
The menu of carrots diet for the day ^
Since the carrot belongs to the group of vegetables with a negative caloric content( it consumes more calories than it contains) and an almost complete lack of fat, it is the ideal ingredient in the slimming menu. So, in 100 g. Root crops contains only 41 kcal and 0.1 grams of fat.
But, as is known, beta carotene is absorbed by the body only in the presence of fats, so for greater efficiency carrots - vegetable and carrot - fruit salads and vinaigrettes need to be filled with vegetable oil or sour cream.
The menu of carrot diet is calculated for a day, and the 4th day is a transitional day of the release, in which some indulgences are allowed. The regime of eating food is recommended 4 or 5 times a day, while the daily amount of carrots is not strictly limited - eat as much or as little as you can.
To prepare a salad, it is best to choose a young carrot that does not need to be cleaned, but it is enough to rub it lightly with a brush. When cleaning root crops, try to peel as thinly as possible, since it is in the surface layer that there are the most useful vitamins and fiber.
Menu for the day
- In the morning?a glass of milk, kefir or 1 tbsp.spoon of sour cream. The use of animal fats in the morning helps to better assimilate the nutritional value of carrots.
- Breakfast, lunch and lunch - carrot-fruit salad with honey and vegetable oil.
- Dinner - instead of salad, you can make fresh carrot or carrot and fruit juice.
Salad preparation: Take 1 - 2 medium sized carrots, grate, add a little lemon juice, vegetable oil, honey( 1 tablespoon per day) and any fruit( apple, orange, kiwi, grapefruit, Garnet).
During the day, it is recommended to drink plenty of clean drinking water without gas( at least 2 liters per day) or herbal teas without sugar, since a plentiful drinking regime contributes to better cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract from stale toxins and toxins.
The fourth day is the day of exit from the diet program. In the menu of the fourth day, it is allowed to add a few small boiled or baked potatoes and 100 grams of boiled low-fat meat( chicken, beef, turkey).
The output after the carrot diet, like after any other, should be cautious and gradual, without overlapping on fatty and sweet foods. If you really want a sweet, prepare carrot balls - sweets that are very tasty and much more useful than the usual sweets.
To prepare a vitamin dessert, mix grated carrots, ground apricots, chopped walnuts and honey until a thick mass is obtained. Then roll the balls, sprinkle them with coconut shavings and eat for health.
Cosmetologists advise, simultaneously with losing weight, to deal with healing and refreshing the skin of the face. For this purpose, the carrot cake left after cooking the salad is perfect - mix it with sour cream until smooth and apply to the cleansed face for 15-20 minutes.
Carrot diet: testimonials and results ^
Despite the fact that eating many carrots for a few days is not obtained by many, reviews about the carrot diet from those who survived and did not break, the most positive. After all, in a few days not only excess weight goes away, but also the complexion improves, the skin becomes clear and beautiful. In addition, the intestines are perfectly cleaned and lightness appears throughout the body.
Here are some testimonials that have grown thin:
- I was sitting on carrot salads, though I added garlic to it, because I read that it helps to burn fat, and I like sharp salads. Green apples and kiwi ate separately from the salad and spent the day drinking green tea and a decoction of rose hips. The result is - 4 kilograms for 4 days, I'm very happy))). I will try to keep the weight and repeat the time.
- I lost 5 kg on a carrot diet for 5 days, I did not take any longer, but too much carotene is probably not very useful. I remember reading somewhere that a day a person needs only 200 grams of carrots to fill the daily requirement for carotene( 6 ml).And it was not too hard to endure, as I had already eaten a salad of grated carrots with apples and sour cream. When I wanted to eat, I drank water and tea. The main thing is the result of the diet is, so a few months I'll try again.
- And I survived only one day and left. About a kilogram left, but I think it's not fat, but slag. My bowels relaxed so much that I literally did not get up from the toilet bowl( ((but I still think that cleaning the bowels and minus one kilogram is a positive result, although I expected more.)
- I like carrots, but hard food and mono-foodusually I can not stand it for a long time and break it off, so I decided to listen to the advice of nutritionists and it's better to arrange weekly unloading days - for me this is the most regime, one day I can withstand anything. You can not believe it, but for six months,dropped 10 kilogramsOf course, I'm trying not to overeat, because I'm sorry to lose what I've achieved. I'm so used to carrots that I take to work with me and quietly gnawing before dinner, so as not to attack the burgers and biscuits, so I advise everyone to take my lightweight option
We recommend you to watch the video of a doctor - nutritionist about the benefits of carrots for health and longevity: