Grapefruit Diet
Diets with grapefruits actively burn fat deposits
The grapefruit diet is one of the most popular andeffective ways to quickly and reliably reduce weight. This is possible due to the unique fat-burning and antioxidant properties of grapefruit, which helps to actively lose weight to many domestic and foreign stars - Madonna, Sophia Loren, Anita Tsoi, Daria Dontsova and many others.
What is the effectiveness and contraindications of the grapefruit diet ^
The choice of grapefruit as a basic food product is not accidental, since this miracle is a fruit of little calorie( only 35 Kcal per 100 grams of product pulp), is an excellent natural antioxidant( slows down aging, improves skin conditionand reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood), as well as the source of many vitally important vitamins( C, B, D, PA), trace elements( potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron), cellulose, essential oils and organictheir acid metabolism accelerating and improving the assimilation of food.
Nutritionists are advised to eat mainly fruits with a shiny crust and red flesh - the more red it is, the more antioxidants it contains. Do not neglect and translucent interlobular septa, despite the fact that we are accustomed to remove them due to their giving the fruit a specific bitter taste.
Moreover, it is the partitions that play the main role in the "weight loss" process, as they contain a chemical substance - flavonoid called naringenin, which has a pronounced choleretic property, causing the liver to break down the complex fats that come with food, rather than accumulate them. Naringenin has a unique property to suppress the action of enzymes to break down fats, not allowing them to be absorbed by the body.
According to the research of American scientists, even a simple inclusion in a permanent diet of grapefruit( with the preservation of previous gastronomic habits) allowed to drop the participants in the experiment to 5 kilograms of fat in 12 weeks. And the use of a whole pair of lobules after each meal significantly weakened the feeling of hunger and increased fat metabolism.
Despite the fact that grapefruit is a deposit of useful substances, it should be used with great care. Thus, the use of the grapefruit diet is not recommended in the following cases:
- for allergies to citrus,
- stomach ulcer,
- for heartburn, gastritis, colitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, g
- and ipertus,
- for kidney, liver, gallbladder and pancreatic diseasesglands.
In addition, if you take any medications, never drink them with grapefruit juice, which can dramatically increase the absorption of medications in the intestines, provoke the appearance of many side effects and cause poisoning due to an overdose. It is especially dangerous to wash down with them antihistamine, hormonal, antiviral drugs, antibiotics, as well as drugs for the treatment of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.
Grapefruit diet for weight loss for 3 days ^
Despite the fact that grapefruit is a dietary product with a low glycemic index, its rich "vitamin" composition helps to restore strength and energy well and is easily transferred. Varieties of the grapefruit diet for three days there are quite a lot, we suggest you try a classic version of the sample menu, which you can change and supplement to your liking.
The main requirements for the developed diet are the complete exclusion of sugar, salt, sauces and spices( except red pepper) and the use of meat and fish exclusively of lean sorts. Brew tea weakly, and make coffee immediately before meals. In addition, every meal always begin with the use of grapefruit( so the feeling of satiety will come soon), and then eat the rest.
Exemplary menu of the grapefruit diet on the day of
First day of
- Breakfast - 1/2 grapefruit( or freshly squeezed juice), 50 grams of low-fat ham, light green tea without sugar;
- Lunch - 1/2 grapef., Salad of green non-starchy vegetables( tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage) with lemon juice, tea or coffee;
- Dinner - 1/2 grapef., 150 g boiled meat( can be baked in the grill), green salad, tea.
The second day of
- Breakfast - 1/2 grapef.(or freshly squeezed juice from it), 2 boiled eggs, freshly brewed coffee or green tea;
- Lunch - 1/2 grapef., 50 g.low-fat cheese;
- Dinner - 1/2 grapef., 200 grams of boiled or grilled fish, green vegetable salad with lemon juice, a slice of black or gray bread.
Third day of
- Breakfast - 1/2 grapefruit, 2 tbsp.l.oatmeal with raisins or muesli, 3 nuts( except peanuts), 4 tbsp.yoghurt( low-fat);
- Lunch - 1/2 grapefruit, broth or vegetable soup, 2 crumbs;
- Dinner - 1/2 grapefruit, 200 g boiled chicken, 2 baked tomatoes, tea or coffee. Egg-grapefruit diet: menu ^
Egg-grapefruit diet, according to numerous reviews of losing weight, it is difficult to withstand, however, if you need to lose weight urgently in a short time or to some important event, it is simply irreplaceable. In addition, it is recommended to use only those who love eggs and grapefruits, otherwise you can hardly endure such a monotonous diet until the end.
Menu of the egg-grapefruit diet for 3 days
For a three-day period, as a rule, 1.5 to 2 kilograms of excess weight stays.
- Breakfast - 1/2 grapefruit, 1 boiled egg, 1 piece of black or gray bread, unsweetened tea or coffee;
- Lunch - 1/2 grapefruit, 2 eggs, coffee or tea without sugar;
- Dinner - 1/2 grapefruit, 2 steep eggs, 1 glass of tea with lemon.
Menu for egg-grapefruit for 7 days
Egg-grapefruit diet for the week is the most rigid and monotonous option, but also the most effective - for each day of weight loss goes to 1 kilogram of weight.
The daily ration includes 7 hard-boiled eggs and 7 medium-sized grapefruits. And nothing else! If you can not consume so many sour fruits and want to reduce the diet, reduce the proportion of eggs, in other words, the proportion of fruits and eggs should remain unchanged( 1: 1).
In breaks between meals, drink plenty of ordinary filtered water( at least 2 liters per day) - this will help better cope with hunger and more effectively cleanse toxins and toxins from the gastrointestinal tract.
We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the honey diet.Output and results ^
If during the diet you dropped less than expected, reading reviews on the Internet, do not worry, much depends on the individual physiological characteristics of the body. If one of your friends lost more than 10 kilograms per week, then, most likely, the body left excess water, and not fatty deposits. Therefore, such a plumb line will, unfortunately, be short-lived. Unlike many other programs for weight loss, with the protein - vegetable grapefruit diet, it leaves fat, and not muscles and water.
Nutritionists say that you should not try to lose weight by more than 4 kilograms a week - in addition to the fact that sharp weight loss is very dangerous for health, it is almost impossible. As proof of their rightness, they lead simple and logical arithmetical calculations, judge for yourself.
Each kilogram of our fat contains about 8000 kcal. Even if nothing at all, with an average physical load of 2500 kilocalories to lose over a week more than 4 kilograms( stress, fat, not water and muscle) is simply unrealistic. To increase the effectiveness of weight loss is recommended to connect moderate physical exercise, walking and quiet sports.
It should also be added that the yield after the end of the grapefruit diet program should be smooth and gradual if you want to keep the achieved results for a long time:
- Do not strive to eat at all, and in no case lean on high-calorie foods.
- Treat nutrition with common sense and do not exceed the daily diet by more than 1500 - 2000 kcal.
- Remember, we do not live in order to eat, but eat in order to live.
In addition, during the weight loss stomach significantly decreased in size and you for saturation does not require the same amount of food. Try to firmly root in yourself the useful skills acquired during slimming:
- eat often, regularly and gradually;
- do not overload with heavy food and do not stretch the stomach;
- do not overeat and count the number of calories consumed;
- drink plenty of clean water daily;
- be physically active.
We recommend to watch a video about the unique properties of grapefruit and its health benefits and longevity: