Dumpling diet
Pelmeni diet: does it help to lose weight
In most slimming methods, it is forbidden to eat pelmeni, but there is a specialDiet, thanks to which you can reduce weight by using this product.
Pelmeni and diet: myth or reality ^
Many people question whether it is possible to eat dumplings with a diet, and this is absolutely right: those who decide to lose weight can not eat a whole range of dishes, so you should take special care in choosing foods.
Do not think that in a diet allowed to eat ready-made dumplings - it's not at all: bought in the store semi-finished products contain a lot of fat and calories, therefore, they are not suitable for weight loss. It is desirable that the dumplings were prepared in their own way, because special attention is paid to the filling: in order to reduce the amount of fat, it is recommended to add vegetables and mushrooms, and the meat should be only avian;it has very few calories.
The very weight loss in this case occurs due to the decrease in the caloric content of the diet: for example, if you stuff dumplings with chopped mushrooms, 100 g of the product will contain only 100 kcal.
Dumplings Dumplings: Advantages and Disadvantages
Having decided to experience a diet of diet for slimming, it is necessary to get acquainted with its positive aspects:
- It is very easily transferred - accordingly, it will not be necessary to starve;
- Dumplings, stuffed with vegetables, are very useful for the body: they contain vitamins and microelements that increase immunity and accelerate metabolism. Of course, after heat treatment, the amount of useful substances decreases, but it does not reduce completely to zero.
The disadvantage of this technique is the mandatory calorie counting: the number of calories consumed per day should be less than the consumed. On average, the human body with an average activity processes per day 1800 Kcal, so you need to try to keep within 1500 Kcal, so you can lose weight on a pelmeni diet.
In addition to dumplings, other products are not permitted, except for those that need to be used for the filling:
- Veal;
- Oat bran;
- Curd;
- Chicken meat;Pumpkin, carrots and beets.
Pelmeni diet: menus, rules and recipes ^
Pelmeni diet: menu options, diet pills recipes for weight loss
Rules for pelmeni diet:
- You can not "eat" over 1500 calories per day, otherwise the efficiency will be reduced to zero;
- Daily it is necessary to drink from 1.5 liters or more of non-carbonated mineral water: it helps to remove excess liquid faster;
- Dumplings should only be home-made.purchased do not have value for health;
- It is advisable to increase physical activity during a diet.
Dumpling dumplings: option one
This diet is suitable for those who are more used to counting calories. Observe it can be up to 5 days, after which it is necessary to make the right way out by starting to consume vegetables in small quantities.
- We have a breakfast of dumplings with vegetables, drink down with green tea;
- For lunch - a glass of water;
- We have lunch with dumplings, we drink tea;
- We snack only the main course( 100 g);
- We have dinner with cottage cheese dumplings and tea.
Dumpling on dumplings: variant of the second
According to the opinion of English scientists, a person can lose weight with pelmeni if one observes such rules:
- For a day you need to eat a quantity of ravioli equal to age;
- You can stick to such a diet for not more than three days, and all this time you drink a lot of water and green tea.
Dietary dumplings: recipes
Recipe for cottage cheese dumplings:
- 400 g curd we spread under the press, making it dry. Mix with two egg whites and 3 tbsp.l.starch to homogeneity;
- We make sausage, cut into equal pieces;
- We twist the boiled meat in a meat grinder and beat it with raw yolks( 2 pieces);
- We make a cake from the dough, lay out the stuffing on it, we form pelmeni;
- We bring the water to a boil, boil the cooked dumplings in it for 5 minutes.
Recipe for ravioli with bran:
- Cooking forcemeat from 200 g of veal, twist the onion in a meat grinder and mix everything and sprinkle with spices;
- In a coffee grinder, grind 2.5 st.l.bran, mix them with salt and 1/3 tbsp.l.starch;Beat the raw egg with 2.5 tbsp.l.water, knead the dough and add starch( 1/3 tbsp.);
- We make dumplings, cook in boiling water for 8 minutes.
Recipe for dumplings with mushrooms :
- In a container mix wheat flour, salt and vegetable oil, leave for 20 minutes;
- We twist mushrooms in a meat grinder, mix it with onion, fried in a frying pan, simmer in a sauté pan for 15 minutes with spices and salt;
- Let's cool the filling, then roll out the dough and cut into circles, spread out the stuffing on them and mold the dumplings;
- Boil in boiling water with spices until done( 10 minutes).
Pelmeni diet: results and reviews of weight loss ^
The vast majority of nutritionists are skeptical about the method of losing weight on dumplings, believing that it is ineffective compared to other diets. Despite this, there are doctors who claim that such nutrition really helps to reduce weight, and this conclusion is easily confirmed by good results, because in 5 days it takes up to 3 kg.
Reviews of the pelmeni diet:
Marina, 23 years old:
"I lost weight on dumplings, which my friends were surprised at. I ate them for almost a week, keeping the calorie content of 1300 Kcal, and eventually threw off 4 kg. "
Oksana, 29 years old:
" For the sake of interest, I decided to try, whether it is really possible to lose weight on dumplings. She ate them for 3 days, and when she got on the scales, she was impressed: they showed 2 kg less than before. »
Tatiana, 35 years old:
« Of all the diets I like pelmeni most: compared to others, it is much easier to maintain. The effect, of course, it does not give as good as others, but it does not have to exhaust yourself with hunger either. "