
Prevention of kidney disease, organization of basic activities and their benefits

  • Prevention of kidney disease, organization of basic activities and their benefits

    Kidneys are the most important organ of the human body. They are responsible for filtering blood, cleaning it from harmful components. With infectious pathologies, it is the kidneys that perceive the main impact and try to remove pathogenic microorganisms, so the prevention of kidney disease is an important stage in maintaining human health.

    This is important!

    In the kidneys there is a synthesis of nutrients that are required for the body to work - hormones, vitamin D. Kidney diseases usually have an asymptomatic beginning, so treatment begins already in chronic course. Kidneys of women suffer much more often.

    Recommendations for the prevention of

    Human kidneys are poorly tolerated by cold and lack of motor activity. Fishers or tourists, who often sit on cold ground, often develop kidney inflammation. Also, you should give up a long stay in cold water, warmer dress in damp and frost.

    Negative effect on the health of the kidneys permanent overheating, which provokes dehydration of the body, dries them and violates water-salt metabolism, which prevents the body from being properly cleaned.

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    It is not recommended to carry out heavy physical activities, for example, lifting weights, jerking or intense long running. All this can provoke the omission of the kidneys.

    The use of salt badly affects the work of the kidneys, since it is the kidneys that are responsible for excretion from the body. At the same time, it is better not to eat food than overspend. The most harmful salty products for the kidneys are canned food, chips and some varieties of salted cheese. But the lack of salt, too, does not affect positively. It is recommended to consume about 5 grams of salt per day.

    Kidneys do not cope well with excessive intake of animal proteins, especially fried meat. Proteins are not deposited in the human body, do not split up to water and carbon dioxide in comparison with fats and carbohydrates. Superfluous proteins break down and form urea, creatinine and uric acid, which increase the burden on the kidneys.

    Kidneys suffer from excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, as they irritate the mucous membrane of the urinary organs and make them work as actively as possible. Also very harmful is smoking - it can lead to the development of kidney failure.

    Chronic infectious foci negatively affect the kidneys, the chronic form of tonsillitis, sinusitis, frequent colds, spoiled teeth cause them to remove from the body the remains of microbial activity and toxins. When the body suffers from inflammatory diseases, 70 - 80% of bacteria enter the kidneys through the blood and provoke their inflammation.

    It is also necessary to be cautious about taking medications. Their remains are excreted by the kidneys, and antipyretics and analgesics markedly weaken the kidneys.

    Alternative medicine for the prevention of kidney disease

    It has long been known that essential oils are used to treat many pathologies, maintain the immune system of the human body. Easy massage of the lumbar region with the addition of a few drops of patchouli oil helps to eliminate inflammation. Bath with bergamot will help relieve spasms and pain with cystitis.

    To maintain kidney health, eliminate inflammation, you can use spices, namely juniper berries. Two or three berries should be crushed into powder and consumed before meals.

    For the kidneys, exercise such as stretching the back is very useful.

    According to the information provided by Eastern medicine, the kidneys are responsible for the fertilization and reproductive capacity of a person, for vital energy. With the participation of the kidneys, the body forms and circulates a liquid - sweat. Saliva, mucus, plasma, etc. If this body is not working properly, the vision and hearing deteriorate. Healthy kidneys are the source of intelligence and creative charge.

    This is important!

    To maintain the health of the kidneys, you should always undergo special examinations and, if kidney pathology is detected, do not delay treatment, because timely therapy helps prevent further progression of the diagnosed disease.

    In the treatment of the prevention of kidney pathology, taking phytopreparations takes a special place, which, when used in complex therapy, increases the effectiveness of the influence of other agents, reduces the risk of seasonal recurrence of the disease, which happens in the autumn or spring.

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