American diet for weight loss
Diet Rollercoaster can reliably lose weight by speeding up the metabolism
Diet Rollercoaster developed by American nutritionist Martin Cathan more than 30 years ago and during thattime has gained wide popularity.
It is one of the most effective ways to reduce weight and allows, in the presence of physical activity, to reduce to 7 kilograms per week.
The essence of the diet roller coaster ^
Dietitians long been noted that with any diet, whether long-term programs( Duke Kremlin, Maggie, Kim Protasov, Japan, blood type) or rapid monodiets( cucumber, oatmeal, cottage cheese, etc.), weightmost effectively decreases in the early days, and then the rate of decline either slows down significantly, or the weight stubbornly stands still.
This is a simple explanation. The fact that our body can very quickly rebuild and adapt to any diet. To do this, it literally takes several days, after which it turns on the saving( energy-saving) mode, due to which the metabolism( metabolism) slows down and the weight ceases to fall precipitously.
Dr. Martin Katan took into account this feature, and has developed his own method so that literally "confuse" the body, not giving him "remember" the amount of calorie intake and not allowing to adapt to the new regime.
recommended them daily caloric intake ranges up - down, from minimum to maximum, which gave the name of a popular diet of the attraction roller coaster. Thanks to this approach to nutrition, he managed to lose about 30 kilograms of his own weight and help lose weight to a huge number of people.
Diet Roller Coaster: Menu ^
Diet Roller Coaster: strict accounting of calories
follow a diet roller coaster is easy, you are only required willpower to not break away and to follow through, and scrupulous counting calories. The composition of the products, unlike most other weight loss programs, is of no fundamental importance. That is, you can eat whatever you want, the main thing is to keep within the recommended amount of calories.
The most severe and difficult from the psychological point of view are the first three days, in which it is allowed to eat only 600 Kcal. These days it will be very hungry and you will always want to eat, but you must clearly follow your plan and understand what will be easier next.
To do this, try to choose the daily caloric no chocolates, pastries and light in carbohydrates, and low-calorie vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products and cereals in the water.
As these products consist of fiber and slowly digestible carbohydrates, they provide a long feeling of satiety for a long time and do not give way to "jor".In addition, the fiber will help to avoid unavoidable constipation in malnutrition, it is good to clean the intestines and populate it with a useful microflora.
Do not forget about the abundant drinking regime, drink plenty of plain and mineral water without gas and herbal teas( without sugar).This will not only enhance the cleansing process in the intestines, but also help to avoid a strong sense of hunger. After all, everyone knows that people very often confuse the feeling of hunger with a feeling of thirst. Sometimes it is enough to drink a glass of water, and there is already no desire.
So, the scheme of alternation of calories, calculated for 3 weeks:
- The first - the third days - 600 Kcal;
- The fourth - the seventh days - 900 Kcal;
- The eighth - fourteenth day - 1200 Kcal;
- The fifteenth - seventeenth days - 600 kcal;
- The eighteenth - twenty-first days - 900 kcal.
The daily menu, as already mentioned, can be any, from any products, dishes and combinations. But, to make it easier for you to navigate, we give an approximate daily diet for 600, 900 and 1200 Kcal.
You can take it as a basis and change the components at your discretion, in accordance with the energy value of the products( see the table of caloric content of products and on labels) and individual taste preferences.
Menu for 600 kcal:
- Breakfast - unsweetened tea, a small slice of rye bread;
- Lunch - 100 g boiled beef and boiled rice, salad of radish and cucumber without butter;
- Dinner - 1 boiled egg and a glass of low-fat kefir.
Menu for 900 Kcal:
- Breakfast - black tea( you can add 1 tsp sugar) with rye crumbs, green apple;
- Lunch - boiled or steamed fish, pasta and vegetable salad( 100 g).Tea( sugar not more than 1 tsp);
- Dinner - 1 boiled egg, 100 grams of cottage cheese( low fat) and a small banana.
Menu for 1200 Kcal:
- Breakfast - 200 g oatmeal( on water and without oil), tea( sugar 1 tsp) with rye crumb;
- Lunch - boiled chicken( 200 g.), Buckwheat porridge with a small piece of butter( 100 g);
- Dinner - fruit salad assorted of apples, grapes, banana, pineapple.
- During the day, between the main meals, snacks are allowed - 1 cup low-fat kefir, a small banana.
After a full course of 21 days, you can gradually return to your normal diet. According to Dr. Katan, during this period it is possible to "confuse" the body reliably, therefore the result is preserved for a long time and it will not be necessary to repeat the full cycle soon.
It should be noted that to comply with the "roller coaster" can only be healthy people, beauty and harmony should not be achieved at the expense of health. It is forbidden to lose weight according to the scheme "600-900-1200":
- for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
- for pregnant women,
- for nursing mothers,
- for any chronic diseases.
Even if you feel perfectly healthy, consult your physician before starting weight loss.
Despite the fact that physical training can significantly, almost 2 times, increase the effect of the diet( with physical loads you can lose up to 10 kilograms, without them - up to 6 kilograms), heavy physical activities are prohibited, since they can lead to a sharp deteriorationstate of health.
It is useful to practice yoga, walking, pilates, aerobics and leisurely cycling. To distract from food, walk more in the fresh air and sleep well, at least 8 - 9 hours a day.
American diet "Dinner minus" ^
American diet Dinner minus does not promise weight loss for 3 days, but it is very comfortable in compliance and does not require scrupulous calorie counting in every eaten piece, as inRoller coaster. In addition, during the "dinner minus" system, the body develops the right and healthy eating habits - to consume the majority of fats in the morning, when the hormones responsible for their cleavage are active.
It is based on familiar from childhood postulates that at night there is harm and need to eat according to the famous saying "You eat breakfast yourself, lunch is stripped with a friend, and dinner is given to the enemy."That is, the authors of the technique suggest completely forget about such a concept as dinner and after 17 hours recommend drinking only plain water.
So, the basic principles of the diet Minus dinner:
- plentiful drinking regime - drink at least 2 liters of water daily;
- the last meal take place no later than 17 hours;
- reduce the intake of animal fats in the diet, replacing them with vegetable fats. Just remember that you can not completely exclude fat, you approach everything with common sense;
- choose for your menu only quality products without trans fats, dyes, preservatives, emulsifiers, preferring to eat in fast food healthy home food.
Make your diet, do not skew in any direction. If you really want sweets, do not deny yourself - eat a small slice of dessert in the morning. Do not get hung up on choosing only low-calorie foods, pay more attention to their usefulness and naturalness.
Remember that beauty and harmony can only give a healthy body, provided in a balanced amount with everything necessary for normal functioning - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements.
We also recommend you to watch a video with useful tips from nutritionists about the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: