Diet minus 10 kg
Diet minus 10 kg: reviewslost weight
Many women want to lose 10 kg in a short time and without damage to health, and for this there are several diets that also have a beneficial effect on the whole body.
How to lose weight on 10 kg at home ^
Both women and men who do not want to contact a dietician are often interested in the question: on what diet can you lose 10 kg at home?
There are a lot of options, but it is necessary to find the most optimal diet that does not harm the body and gives a quick result.
For example, a balanced diet for weight loss of 10 kg combines the correct ratio of proteins and carbohydrates, but fats practically exclude. It is considered harmless and effective, and also has no contraindications: it is allowed to use even during pregnancy. In addition, this method of nutrition stimulates metabolism, improves the functioning of the intestines and purifies the entire body.
With a quick diet for weight loss of 10 kg you can lose weight in a week, but it is unsafe for health and contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, hypertension, pregnancy and lactation. Its menu is rather monotonous, and it can last no more than 7 days.
When choosing a diet for safe weight loss of 10 kg at home, it is recommended to pay attention to a number of nuances:
- What should prevail in the menu;
- Do not have any allergies to approved foods;
- Possible contraindications.
Already determined with the best diet for weight loss of 10 kg, it is important to follow the rules of nutrition:
- To eat in small portions, but often;
- To remove from the menu fat, smoked, fried, flour and salty food;
- Daily use more liquid - at least 1.5 liters;
- Give advantage to fruits, vegetables, cereals, low-fat meat and the same fish, sour-milk products, light salads, berries and greens.
Diet minus 10 kilograms: menu, rules, recipes ^
Diet minus 10 kg: the best recipes and menus for losing weight
Diet minus 10 kg per week
A vivid example of a balanced diet is this fruity and protein diet: it contains proteins and carbohydrates. Eating is allowed with boiled eggs, cottage cheese, meat, vegetables, fruits, and drink green tea and yogurt.
Sample menu:
- Lunch a cup of tea and boiled egg;
- We dine with fresh cabbage salad and 100 g of boiled beef meat;
- We dine with apple, quail egg and vegetable salad;
- In breaks between meals we have a snack with fruit( any).
Diet minus 10 kg for 10 days
This light version, in addition to the products from the previous diet, includes nuts, soups and salads in olive oil.
Approximate menu:
- In the morning we eat a pack of cottage cheese, we drink unsweetened coffee;
- We have lunch with vegetable soup, a piece of fish and juice;
- We snack nuts;
- For dinner we boil meat and stew vegetables.
Fruit Diet minus 10 kg per week
Only fruits( except grapes and bananas), berries, nuts and meats are allowed here.
Sample menu:
- We have a breakfast of ripe grapefruit and 20 g of nuts;
- Lunch boiled meat( 150 g) and 100 g of berries;
- For an afternoon snack we eat orange, apple and a few slices of melon;
- We dine 150 g of boiled fish and fruit salad.
Buckwheat diet minus 10 kg for 10 days
The essence of this technique is to use only buckwheat porridge without any additives. It is prepared for 1 day as follows:
- In the evening steaming a glass of cereals in boiling water( 400 g);
- The next day we eat everything.
Diet on oatmeal minus 10 kg
The principle of losing weight on oatmeal is the same as on buckwheat, only it can be eaten for not more than a week. How to cook porridge:
- Pour 1-2 cups of oatmeal into a saucepan with boiling water;
- Cook for 15 minutes.
Apple diet minus 10 kg
One of the most complex rations is this: every day you can eat only fresh or baked apples, and drink only water.
Menu for 6 days:
- First day: we consume 1.5 kg of apples;
- Second day: 1.5 kg;
- Third and fourth days: 2 kg;Fifth day: 1,5 kg of apples;
- Sixth day: 1 kg of ripe apples of green varieties.
Lenten diet minus 10 kg
This diet involves the rejection of products of animal origin: meat, eggs, fermented milk products and fish. Only cereals, vegetables, fruits, nuts, berries and soups are allowed to eat for two weeks.
Approximate menu:
- We have breakfast porridge from a pyshenki with apples, we drink tea;
- Lunch with lean borsch and cabbage salad;
- For a mid-morning snack we drink compote;
- We have dinner with stewed vegetables and a handful of berries.
Vegetable diet minus 10 kg per week
In this case it is allowed to eat fish, meat, vegetables, sour-milk products and cereals:
- We have a vegetable salad in olive oil, a piece of boiled fish and a glass of low-fat kefir;
- Lunch a boiled egg and a slice of black bread;
- For dinner, eat only fresh vegetables daily.
Watermelon diet minus 10 kg per week
Lose weight on watermelons is recommended in late August - early September, when on the shelves there are watermelons without nitrates:
- We eat watermelon every 3 hours;
- For 10 kg of weight you have 1 kg of watermelon - that's how we calculate the daily rate;
- Other products do not eat, drink only water.
Diet for 3 days minus 10 kg
The menu for all 3 days of rapid weight loss is as follows:
- On an empty stomach we drink cocoa with honey( 1 tsp) and milk;
- After 15 minutes we are eating grapefruit;
- We have dinner with baked fish( 150 g);
- After 2 hours, eat low-fat yogurt;
- For a snack drink a glass of water with lemon juice and honey( 1 tsp);
- We are having supper with broth from vegetables.
Diet minus 10 kg for 2 weeks
At this rather rigid method of weight loss you need to eat on this menu:
- Monday: we eat only vegetables, fruits and a couple of boiled eggs;
- Tuesday: we eat 500 g of cottage cheese and 1 liter of low-fat kefir;
- Wednesday: we drink fruit juices, eat vegetables and any fruit;
- Thursday: eat 500 g of chicken breast or fish, drink 1 liter of kefir;
- Friday: only fruits and vegetables in raw form;
- Saturday: we begin the repetition from the first, and on day 14 we cook 2 potatoes, eat fruits and drink kefir.
Diet for 1 month minus 10 kg
It is allowed to eat absolutely all the allowed products, but give priority to carbohydrates and proteins, the use of fats to minimize.
Approximate menu:
- We have breakfast oatmeal, banana and a glass of kefir;
- Have a snack with orange or apple;
- We have lunch with vegetable salad, liver pate, drink a glass of milk;
- For a snack - a pear or an apple;
- We dine with boiled rice, vegetables and fish.
The best diet for fast and safe weight loss of 10 kg: reviews, results, correct output ^
Many nutritionists believe that a harmless weight loss of 10 kg is possible only for a month, because with a significant restriction of calories used, the body experiences stress. A balanced diet allows you not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also significantly improve your health, so doctors recommend sticking to it throughout life.
It's better to get out of the diet minus 10 kg
If one of the strict rations was used, then the following rules should be adhered to:
- From the first days, gradually introduce into the menu the usual food, with the exception of fatty and fried dishes - they are allowed to be consumed only in a week and in a smallquantity;
- Smoothly increase the calorie content of consumed food - by 100 Kcal per day.
The results of effective diets for weight loss of 10 kg at home are wonderful:
- Good metabolism;
- Weight reduction;
- Improve digestion.
Reviews about diets for fast weight loss for 10 kg of our regular readers are very positive:
Catherine, 23:
"I used the diet for a month, and really dropped 10 kilograms. I would never have thought that it's enough to remove harmful food and just stick to proper nutrition without sports "
Olga, 30 years old:
" For me, the weight correction method seemed quite strict for 3 days, and I managed to drop not 10,but 8 kilograms. Probably a lot depends on the body. In any case, the goal is achieved - I just need a new dress, which means that the diet is effective. "
Olesya, 35 years old:
" I lost weight on my favorite watermelon. I will not say that it was easy for me, but I achieved the result, as I wanted - minus 10 kilos ยป