Pineapple diet
Pineapple diet - the secret unchanged youth and slimness Sophia Loren
Pineapple diet is a known and effective techniquefor weight loss, the basis of which is the fruit of the same name. Having a pleasant taste, pineapple contributes not only to getting rid of excess weight, but also to improving the body as a whole.
slimming features on pineapples ^
no secret that the most popular pineapple and pineapple based on their dietary techniques acquired through the legendary Italian actress Sophia Loren. Today this extraordinary woman is almost 80 years old, but she still pleases her fans with beauty and harmony.
As acknowledged by most actresses, her secret is simple and consists in the regular conduct of fasting days in the exotic fruit with the following rules permanent diet:
- no fried, silnosolenogo and fat;
- low-calorie meals in small portions;
- obligatory presence in the daily ration of proteins and carbohydrates, which are included in different meals;
- absence of alcohol and mandatory consumption of 2 liters of water per day. Pineapple
comprises a plurality of macro- and trace elements - iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamins C, A, PP, B group - by which has a number of useful properties:
- promotes the pancreas, strengthen bones and joints;
- lowers blood pressure and viscosity, cleaves blood clots;
- sanitizes the intestines;
- strengthens the immune system;
- helps to get rid of extra pounds.
fruit is a good tool wishing to lose weight because:
- has a low caloric content( of 49 kcal per 100g of product);
- is rich in fiber, which promotes digestion, rapid saturation, elimination of toxins;
- potassium in its composition removes excess liquid from the body;
- contains a digestive enzyme called bromelin, which is involved in the cleavage and digestion of proteins. It relieves the feeling of heaviness in the stomach when ingested after eating and is able to "quench" the feeling of hunger if you eat pineapple in between meals.
Pineapple diet is contraindicated in persons with allergies to the fruit, as well as people with diseases of the liver and digestive system( particularly suffering from gastritis, elevated levels of acidity and stomach ulcers).
In other cases, the pineapple method for weight loss has some advantages:
- high efficiency;
- availability of fruit all year round;
- saturation of the body with vitamins;
- availability of several time options.
Pineapple diet: menu for 3 and 7 days ^
Pineapple diet Sophia Loren found a large number of followers several years ago. With the passage of time, many new variations in weight loss have emerged in this technique, designed for different time duration.
Pineapple menu for 3 days
More often, slimming people resort to a three-day pineapple slimming program. Its orientation menu is as follows:
- Breakfast: "kashka" from 100 g of fruit + 150 ml of low-fat yogurt and 3 tsp.oatmeal.
- Lunch: 1 chicken egg + sandwich with slightly salted salmon on a piece of rye bread, slightly oiled.
- Lunch: a serving of vegetable soup( preferably on a celery basis) + a serving of rice + vegetable salad of cucumbers, celery, tomatoes + a piece of boiled chicken fillet( no more than 00 g).
- Dinner: slice of puff cake with pineapple filling or rye bread, 100 g pineapple
Menu for 7 days:
The diet of a pineapple diet of a week's duration is not difficult to compile on its own:
- Daily it is necessary to eat about 200 g of boiled or steamed meat of low-fat variety;
- serving of vegetable soup;
- piece of rye bread;
- any fresh or boiled vegetables, except potatoes;
- 700 g of pineapple;
- 2 liters of unsweetened juice or green tea.
It is desirable to eat 4 times a day, slowly and in small portions.
А нанасовая diet with vodka
Recently, the diet from pineapples with vodka , is gaining popularity, the essence of which consists in taking one tablespoon after each intake of food with a special tincture. It is prepared simply: from the whole fruit cut off the leaves, the lower part( the skin does not clean), the fruit is cut into pieces, which are ground in a blender.
The resulting mixture is poured a bottle of vodka( 0.5 liters) and insisted a week in a cold place. Such an easy-to-manufacture pineapple tincture, used after meals, promotes rapid digestion of food, creates a feeling of satiety and does not allow overeating. It is also recommended to drink one spoon before going to bed.
Pineapple fasting day
People who adhere to healthy eating positions do not need to "sit" on certain specific diets, but they also need to "unload" and clean their bodies from time to time. For these purposes, a fasting day on pineapples is just like the . For this day, you need 2kg of fruit, cut into pieces and 1 liter of pineapple juice.
The fruit pulp should be eaten for four meals, and the juice should be drunk during the day in small portions. To maintain the body in a tonus it is enough one such day a week, however, if you want to lose excess weight, then two "discharges" are allowed every 7 days.
Results, reviews of thin and doctors about pineapple diet ^
During one day of "unloading" on exotic fruit, the body can lose 500-700 grams. If you want to get rid of 2-3 kg, then you should choose a three-day diet, and "Pineappleweek "allows you to lose up to 7 kg of excess weight.
Nutritionists warn that it is equally important to be able to keep the results of the pineapple diet achieved. For this, the following after it for several days, it is necessary to observe the following rules:: :
- leave the diet program smoothly, gradually adding calorie dishes;
- does not overload the body with heavy food, give preference to vegetables, fruits, easily digestible proteins;
- try to keep 4 four-time power;
- not to abuse flour products;
- drink at least one and a half - two liters of water;
- for 2-3 days continue to eat a piece of pineapple or drink a glass of pineapple juice.
You can repeat 3 and 7 day pineapple diets every 30 days. Let's list some useful tips that must be observed during such weight loss:
- A good effect is given only by fresh pineapple, the use of canned fruits will not do harm, but also benefits.
- Eat a few slices of fruit can lead to the formation of jaws on the lips, so it's better to cut your daily norm into pieces and eat them with a fork.
- Fruit acids contained in the pulp and pineapple juice destroy the tooth enamel, so after drinking fruit, it is recommended to drink a little water.
Numerous positive reviews of the pineapple diet confirm that this method of weight loss is delicious and effective. Scientists have long proven that this fruit suppresses the feeling of hunger, so in the absence of contraindications and with observance of simple rules, such a dietary program is easily tolerated. Lose weight easily, quickly and delicious!
We also recommend you to watch a video on the video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: