  • Ketogenic diet

    Read the article:
    • The essence of a ketogenic diet for weight loss and epilepsy treatment
    • Ketogenic diet: a menu for 6 days
    • Popular recipes for a ketogenic diet
    • Ketogenic diet is an effective way to combat epilepsy and overweight

    Ketogenic diet is an acknowledged way of not only achieving the harmony of a figure, but also an effective method of combating many serious diseases, the most formidable and dangerous of which is epilepsy.

    The essence of the ketogenic diet for weight loss and the treatment of epilepsy ^

    As is known, the human body is able to produce nutrition for the brain from the fat stores available in the body. Stocks of glucose, contained in the liver in the form of glycogen, is enough for about a day.

    After this, the body starts ketosis, a process in which fats are burned in the absence of carbohydrates. During ketosis, the pancreas turns fat into keto-bodies, which completely replace glucose. Ketones, while falling into the brain, have a noticeable anticonvulsant effect.

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    Doctors can not exactly explain how the ketogenic diet causes improvement in epileptic patients, but the results prove a direct relationship between nutrition and well-being. In addition, dehydration of the body necessary for epilepsy is easily achieved by eliminating carbohydrates.

    Doctors say that a ketogenic diet for epilepsy in children completely removes seizures in two of three patients up to 12 years of age. During the treatment course, the menu is calculated by specialists. In the diet of children include fatty milkshakes and ice cream and reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. Ketogenic diet for epilepsy in adults implies their complete exclusion, it is quite strict.

    The ketogenic program has many contraindications related to the load the body is undergoing due to changes in food:

    • diabetes mellitus,
    • diseased kidney and liver,
    • metabolic disorders, encephalopathies,
    • heart and vascular disease,
    • lipid and cerebrovascular diseases.

    To drawbacks of the ketogenic dietary course include:

    • a decrease in the acidity of the blood, which in emergency cases can lead to death( this concerns diabetics);
    • restructuring to a new way of feeding the brain, which at first causes a decrease in activity;
    • rejection of fiber can worsen the stool.

    Advantages of the ketogenic diet program - its effectiveness and lack of hunger, despite the restriction of calories. By reducing the production of insulin, the dietary course reduces the threat of vascular and cardiac disease. This technique has recently been used to treat oncological formations.

    Ketogenic method of weight loss is the only one that does not reduce muscle tissue, but fights with fatty deposits. Ketogenic diet bodybuilding provides the necessary energy, preserving the result obtained in the form of a slender body and relief muscles. It is recommended to athletes as a great way to be always in shape.

    Periodically, bodybuilders take breaks per day to replenish the body with a small amount of carbohydrates, and then again they are excluded from the menu. During the dietary program, vitamin complexes are used. All the features of nutrition in sports are taken into account and the famous ketogenic diet Lily McDonald.

    Ketogenic diet: menu for 6 days ^

    The following products are excluded from the menu: potatoes, bread, muffins, cereals, carrots and beets, bananas, grapes, sugar and sugary drinks. It is allowed to use dairy and sour-milk products, meat( mainly turkey and chicken), fish( salmon, tuna, herring), eggs.

    Menu for 6 days

    Beginning a ketogenic diet program experts advise with fasting, which should last 3 days. At this time you can drink only boiled water. Physical activity should also be reduced. In the following days, the allowed products are gradually introduced into the diet. The menu can be something like this:

    4th day

    • boiled eggs( 2 pieces), 50 grams of butter, tea or coffee with 15 grams of creamy cream;
    • 2 boiled sausages, a quarter of a tomato, 1.5 tsp.mayonnaise;
    • cottage cheese with sour cream( 150 g);
    • chicken breast( 1 pc), string beans, 10 g butter, vegetable oil( 2 tbsp.), Coffee( tea) with cream.

    5th day of

    • protein bread and butter( 30 g);
    • lean meat( 150 g), cucumber salad and onions, seasoned with vegetable oil;
    • pan fried with sour cream, pork roasted with tomatoes, tea and cream;
    • fried eggs with bacon, cucumber, protein bread( 50 g).

    6th day

    • quail eggs( 4 pieces), coffee with cream of high fat content( 15 g);
    • 150 g of boiled beef;
    • turkey with mayonnaise and tomato;
    • low-fat sea fish( slice), a half of the asparagus bean( boiled).

    A portion of food in these 3 days should account for one-third of the usual portion of an adult. Between meals you can have a bite of cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir or fermented baked milk.

    Popular recipes for ketogenic diet ^

    Omelette with bacon

    • Ingredients: chicken eggs( 2 pieces), 2 slices of lean bacon, butter( 1 tablespoon), cream( 100 g), salt and red pepper( to taste).
    • Pieces of bacon fry in a skillet on high heat for 2 minutes on each side.
    • Beat with whipped egg and cream, salt and pepper.
    • Pour the mass into a frying pan with bacon and put on a slow fire for 10 - 15 minutes.

    Fried eggs with ham

    • Ingredients: 2 eggs, 50 grams of ham, processed cheese( 25-50 g), vegetable oil( 1 tablespoon), dill, parsley, salt.
    • Ham cut into cubes, put in a frying pan with vegetable oil.
    • To drive in there eggs. Grate cheese and sprinkle on top.
    • Fry over a low heat for about 3 minutes. Serve with greens.

    Baked turnip

    • Ingredients: turnips( 400 g), grated cheese( 150 g), raw egg, butter, sour cream, salt and pepper.
    • Clean the turnip and pour water in a saucepan.
    • Put on fire, allow to boil, then reduce heat and cook for about an hour. Then remove and allow to cool.
    • Turneps with sour cream and butter put in a food processor and knocked into a homogeneous mixture.
    • Add the cheese, eggs and scroll again.
    • The resulting mashed potatoes should be poured into a baking dish and put in the oven at a temperature of 170 degrees. Bake until golden brown.
    • Pull and sprinkle with herbs.

    Grilled vegetables

    • Ingredients: sweet pepper( 200 g), onion( 2 pcs.), Olive oil, olives, capers( 1 tablespoon), vinegar, salt, pepper.
    • Bulgarian peppers cut in half and remove the seeds.
    • Cut the onion into small cubes( 1 cm thick).
    • Put everything on the grill. Cook for 5 minutes on each side. Remove and cool.
    • Pepper cut into strips. In a salad bowl, combine the olive oil, capers, vinegar and olives. Add pepper and onion, stir. At the end pepper and salt.

    Ketogenic dietary course can be kept for 6 days, then you should replenish the carbohydrate reserve in the body, returning to the diet for several days, hydrocarbon-containing products. When using the technique for weight loss, you can repeat it 2-3 times to achieve the desired body weight. Patients with epilepsy according to the recommendations of doctors continue to eat for such a regime for months, until the number of attacks is reduced.

    We also recommend that you read the article Hypoallergenic diet.

    Results, feedback and recommendations of doctors on ketogenic nutrition ^

    Reviews about a ketogenic diet among doctors differ. About 30% of adults who were prescribed a special course of nutrition for the treatment of epilepsy, do not feel the effect. With what it is connected - physicians can not explain. The remaining 70% of patients note significant improvements. In children, the use of ketogenic nutrition can help to almost completely get rid of a serious illness.

    Results of the ketogenic diet for weight loss do not cause doubts. Those who applied it, noted a weight loss of up to 4-5 kilograms for 6 days. The ketogenic method of losing weight is transferred quite easily, because fats and proteins do not let them feel hungry.

    Doctors advise you to use more fluid during this program. However, it is not recommended to start a ketogenic diet alone. Before you remove carbohydrates from your diet, you should always consult your doctor.

    We also recommend you to watch a video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help to lose weight fast and effectively: