Cleansing Diet
Cleansing diet helps to lose weight and significantly improve the appearance of
The cleansing diet is aimed at performing the basictasks - removing from the body accumulated toxins, salts, toxins and other poisonous substances.
In addition, the cleansing technique will perfectly help to lose four to seven extra pounds and significantly improve the body's internal state and appearance.
The essence and principles of weight loss on the cleansing diet ^
The essence of the cleansing diet is to clean the entire body of harmful compounds, the causes of which are:
- Improper nutrition;
- Overeating;
- Harmful habits;
- Use of substandard or chemically treated products;
- Lack of fiber in the diet.
When zashlakovannosti body is reduced immunity, there is fatigue, a decline in strength, falls working capacity, develop diseases of the stomach with the intestines and markedly increases weight. In addition, the complexion acquires a gray or brown tinge, acne erupts, pimples, wrinkles, hair fade, fall out and split, the nails break.
To avoid these problems, periodic body cleaning is recommended. The cleansing diet aims to prevent these effects or to eliminate them. The food ration is made taking into account those products that excellently excrete slag, salt, reduce intoxication and promote excellent weight loss.
High efficiency, first of all, depends on what you can eat on the cleansing diet. Advantages of the healing cleansing technique are:
- Effective weight reduction - up to 8 kg;
- Relieving the body of many harmful substances;
- Improve the appearance and structure of the nail plate, hair and skin;
- Improvement of internal organs;
- Improvement of well-being.
The only negative side of this diet are the following contraindications:
- Chronic diseases;
- Pregnancy, lactation period;
- Age under 14 years old.
The list of products for the cleansing diet includes:
- Rice, oatmeal, buckwheat;
- Dried and fresh berries, fruits;
- Vegetables, greens;
- Sour-milk drinks;
- Dietary yogurt and low-fat cottage cheese;
- Sunflower seeds, nuts;
- Vegetable, fruit juices, ginger or green tea, compotes are unsweetened.
During the cleansing diet is forbidden to use:
- Animal food - fish, poultry, meat;
- Fatty, sweet and fried;
- Smoked meat, marinades, pickles;
- Fast food, soda.
Cleansing diet for weight loss: menus and food features ^
The cleansing diet for weight loss lasts no more than 10 days, which will result in not only cleansing the body, but also an excellent weight loss of up to 7 kg. The main components of the diet of the cleansing diet - vegetable broth, consisting of 400 grams.vegetables - carrots, cabbage, celery and herbs and a half liter of water.
An approximate five-day menu of a cleansing diet for weight loss recommended the following:
1 day
- Breakfast: porridge porridge;
- Lunch: ginger tea, vegetable broth, cabbage salad;
- Snack: fresh carrot;
- Dinner: ginger tea, broth, apple salad and yogurt.
Day 2
- Breakfast: buckwheat boiled with vegetables, kefir;
- Lunch: boiled potatoes, vegetable broth, cucumbers;
- Snack: apple - pear drink;
- Dinner: fruit salad with pumpkin seeds, herbal tea.
Day 3
- Breakfast: buckwheat boiled, vegetable broth;
- Lunch: boiled rice croup, carrot salad with olive oil, compote;
- Snack: a handful of berries;
- Dinner: oatmeal and vegetable soup, cabbage - cucumber salad.
Day 4
- Breakfast: salad from boiled rice, dates, pears and walnuts, kefir;
- Lunch: rice with dried apricots, vegetable broth;
- Snack: apricots;
- Dinner: vegetable soup with buckwheat, tomato salad.
Day 5
- Breakfast: ginger tea, rice cereal steam;
- Lunch: boiled green beans with cabbage, vegetable broth;
- Snack: broth;
- Dinner: vegetables, stewed with rice, ginger - lemon drink.
With the end of the five-day diet should be repeated from the first day.
Cleansing diet for intestines
The best products for cleaning the intestines are rice cereals, kefir and green apples.
In addition to these, it is recommended to supplement the diet of the cleansing diet with the following food:
- Prawns, squid and cabbage, sea( 100 gr.);
- Pears, kiwi, pineapples, citrus;
- Chicken fillet - no more than 150 gr.per day.
For 8 days of bowel cleansing, you can reduce weight to 4 kilograms or more.
Exemplary cleansing menu for intestines:
Day 1 and 5
- Morning: boiled rice, kefir;
- Lunch: squid, pineapple with rice;
- Snack: a couple of kiwi fruit;
- Dinner: apple - tangerine salad, boiled rice.
Day 2 and 6
- Morning: grated green apple with yogurt;
- Lunch: rice with chicken, peach drink;
- Snack: a small pomegranate;
- Dinner: cucumber cabbage salad, rice, kefir.
Day 3 and 7
- Morning: grated fresh carrots mixed with rice, kefir;
- Lunch: rice vegetable soup, vegetable salad;
- Snack: rice broth;
- Dinner: boiled shrimps, corn, tea.
Day 4 and 8
- Morning: rice groats with cabbage, orange;
- Lunch: kefir, rice pudding, pumpkin puree;
- Snack: salad of radishes, tomatoes and greens;
- Dinner: chicken fillet, rice, apple juice.
Cleansing diet from slags
Cleansing diet from slags is based on simple rules:
- Strict drinking regime - two liters of clean water daily;
- Enter for a couple of weeks in the diet the following drinks: apple and carrot juice( in any amount), radish juice, beets or cabbage( dilute with a small amount of water and eat before eating);
- At the time of excretion of slag, limit in the menu semi-finished products, flour and sausage products;
- Daily diet cleansing diet should include a lot of fiber - vegetables, fruits, cereals.
Cleansing diets for acne
In order to get rid of acne spoiling the appearance of the face and body, it is necessary to make a daily diet based on rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, fish, meat, berries, fruits, sour-milk products and vegetables.
Approximate daily menu of the cleansing diet:
- Morning: boiled any cereal, sour-milk drink;
- Lunch: salad of kiwi, apple and sea buckthorn with bio-yogurt;
- Lunch: assorted vegetable with chicken fillet, fruit juice;
- Snack: Carrot and honeysuckle drink;
- Dinner: fish steam under vegetables, boiled rice, ginger tea.
Cleansing diet for skin
Skin health and its excellent appearance is inextricably linked with the purity of the whole body. If it is slagged, it will directly affect the condition of the skin. Therefore, during the recovery of the body, it is necessary to concentrate on the following food:
- Oats, barley, bran, rice decoction, buckwheat;
- Chicken meat, fish, beef;
- Milk, yoghurt, cottage cheese, yogurt and other sour-milk drinks;
- Fruits - apples, pineapples, citruses, pomegranate;
- Vegetables - cabbage, cucumbers, carrots, turnips, beets;
- Drinks( up to 8 glasses per day) - herbal and ginger teas, decoctions of parsley, lemon - honey drinks, fruit fresh.
Adhering to the use of these products, in a few days a positive effect can be seen on your freshened and radiant face.
Results, reviews of thin and doctors about cleansing diet ^
The results of a cleansing diet are getting rid of salts, toxins, heavy metals, slags and from excess 4-7 kg of weight for several weeks. The correct way out of this technique prohibits eating fatty foods. Familiar dishes must be introduced carefully and constantly monitor their own well-being.
Adhering to cleaning power systems is easy due to the lack of hunger. Repeat any of the methods of cleaning the body is allowed two to three times a year. Reviews about the cleansing diet of numerous thin ones confirm its excellent results and dignity.
Many successfully lost weight up to 5 kg or more, perfectly cleared the body and improved the appearance and condition of the hair, skin and nail plate. Nutritionists recommend to periodically resort to a cleansing diet, for example, kefir mono-diet. However, they recommend using only detoxifying diets, which do not exceed seven days.
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