Kefir diet
Kefir diet helps to lose weight quickly and effectively cleanseGastrointestinal tract from toxins and toxins.
Kefir diet is rightfully considered one of the most effective dietary techniques that allow you to quickly lose weight and return a slim figure to a person.
The main component of it is, of course, kefir, which starts an active process of weight reduction in the body, which, if followed by a correct diet, can continue after the end of the diet program.
Kefir diet for weight loss: benefit or harm ^
Kefir is called a unique drink for a reason - it absorbed all the useful properties of milk, cottage cheese, sour cream and curdled milk, while remaining a product of dietary nutrition. Because the cause of excess weight is most often the abuse of high-carbohydrate food, and kefir, as a probiotic with a low carbohydrate content, is able to effectively solve this problem.
In addition, this sour-milk product has the property of removing all harmful substances and toxins from the intestine, which also contributes to bringing the body weight back to normal. But we must remember that this feature of yogurt works only if you use "living" bacteria for its preparation.
It is the products of their vital functions that have a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate the development of their own intestinal microflora and improve digestion. The high content of calcium in the kefir activates the metabolism of fats in the body and thereby greatly speeds up the process of losing weight.
Kefir has other important properties:
- Immunostimulating properties of kefir are of great importance.
- Being an excellent diuretic property, this drink allows you to remove excess fluid from the body and prevent the formation of edema.
- Very much appreciated kefir and what is well absorbed by a man of any age and sex.
- As a curative and prophylactic agent, kefir is used in the treatment of diseases of the vegetative-vascular and nervous system of the body, the gastrointestinal tract.
- In combination with other dietary products, it is also used in dietary nutrition in diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, nephritis, liver disease and blood circulation.
- Undoubtedly, this probiotic is also beneficial as a means to rejuvenate the skin and improve the condition of nails and hair.
Kefir diet has the following number of advantages:
- simplicity and accessibility - does not require the use of any exotic kinds of products;
- lightness - the diet on yogurt is tolerated without any problems and almost completely eliminates the breakdown of forces, while observing what is achieved by a combination of low calorie nutrition and active body discharge;
- effectiveness - for a week of observing kefir diet for weight loss you can lose up to 5 kg of excess weight;
- usefulness - high balance and saturation of kefir with vitamins causes its wide application as a product of therapeutic and preventive nutrition.
Of course, like any other method of losing weight, kefir diet is not without certain drawbacks:
- kefir diet program can be used only as a short-term ration or for a fasting day - for a constant diet it is not suitable;The
- program is monotonous and requires great willpower;
- an irritating moment is the process of activating the fermentation in the intestines, which brings some discomfort to the losing weight.
Kefir diet for 7 days, 3 days and 9 days ^
Kefir diet is presented in a huge number of options, from which everyone can choose the program to your taste. All of them differ from each other not only by the duration and diet regime, but also by the possibilities of introducing additional food products into the diet.
Kefir diet for 3 days
So, one of the most effective and at the same time strict methods of losing weight is kefir diet for 3 days. During its observance it is allowed to use only a natural fermented milk product to 1% fat content.
The daily volume of kefir consumed can reach 5 liters, it is divided into 5 to 6 meals and drunk with slow sips:
- Morning starts with a glass of non-carbonated mineral water.
- After 30 - 40 minutes you can have breakfast with kefir.
- A glass of water is drunk every time after another meal( kefir), but not earlier than in an hour.
- The last time kefir is taken no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
For 3 days of such a diet, it is really possible to get rid of 2 - 4 kg of excess weight and give the body a highly effective discharge after the holidays.
Kefir diet for 7 days
A kefir diet lasting 7 days is easier and more balanced. It contains the mandatory use of 1-1.5 liters of kefir per day, in addition, the diet is introduced:
- on day 1: 1 kg of fruit;
- on the 2nd day: 4 pieces of baked potatoes;
- 3rd: 0.5 liters of mineral still water;
- 4th: 0.5 kg of any cooked lean meat;
- 5-th: 1 kg of apples;
- 6th: 1 kg of any vegetables( you can make salad, but without salt);
- 7th: the day of discharge is of the 3rd type.
All of the above products are distributed in 5 to 6 receptions. If you add fish, starchy foods and vegetable oil to this menu, then it is permissible to observe a kefir diet and a longer period.
Kefir diet for 9 days
Another option is a 9-day kefir diet. It is quite tough, and at the same time - effective, because it allows you to lose in 9 days from 6 to 9 kg of excess weight. When it is observed, even the "dead" weight goes away.
It is impossible to call the fully balanced diet of this method of weight loss, but, nevertheless, it is divided into three cycles( 3 days each), each of which is injected with additional sources of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins.
Menu for 9 days is very simple:
- 1-3 day: kefir is not more than 1.5% fat, 100 grams of boiled rice without salt;
- 4-6 day: kefir, 100 g of boiled white chicken without salt;
- 7-9 day: kefir, green apples( without restrictions).
Very important in observance of this diet program is the maintenance of water balance in the body. You can drink mineral water without gas or green tea - up to 2 liters per day. The diet can not be changed - eat in those hours, which you are accustomed to, but do not neglect breakfast.
Kefir diet for 7 days: menu.
Varieties of mixed kefir diets ^
There are many mixed kefir slimming programs that use kefir with other dietary products more effectively.
Kefir - buckwheat diet
For example, kefir - buckwheat, although very strict, but very effective. Its duration is usually a week, during which you can lose up to 10 extra pounds. This diet program very well stabilizes the work of the digestive tract.
An important point in this technique is the correct preparation of buckwheat. It is distributed with boiling water, again filled with water in a proportion of 1: 2 and insisted for 12 hours. You can fill buckwheat and yogurt, but to improve intestinal motility, experts recommend still the first option.
- Kefir - buckwheat menu for the day includes 1 liter of probiotic and an unlimited amount of buckwheat.
- The entire diet is broken into 5-6 receptions, the latter - no later than 4 hours before bedtime.
- At night you can drink a glass of kefir.
You can use this method of weight loss as fasting days - 1-2 times a week.
Other varieties of mixed weight loss on kefir are equally popular:
Kefir - apple diet
For 7 days on it you can lose up to 6 kg of excess weight.
- For one day, such a slimming program will need 5-6 green apples and 0.6 liters of kefir.
- At each meal one apple is eaten and half an hour after it one drinks 0.5 cups of low-fat kefir.
- It is also necessary to drink half a cup of sour milk drink before going to bed.
The variant is very hard and can not be repeated more than once every 4 months.
Kefir - cottage cheese diet
Designed for 3-5 days of compliance. It will be very useful for those who lack the calcined products. For this diet program use kefir 1% fat and curd 9%.
- The menu is quite simple - for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner, you consume 60 g of cottage cheese and 200 ml of kefir.
- In case of a painful feeling of hunger, you can increase the portion of cottage cheese to 100 g.
- For flavoring it is permissible to add a few berries, fruits or nuts to the curd.
Kefir - cucumber diet
Especially the best option is for those who want to get rid of swelling. Due to the withdrawal of excess fluid from the body, you can throw 2-3 kg of weight in 3 days.
- If this program is observed, 2-3 l of fat-free kefir and 2-3 kg of fresh cucumbers per day are allowed.
However, do not get carried away and excessively increase the duration of this dietary food system, so as not to harm your health.
Kefir diet: reviews, results and opinions of doctors ^
Kefir diet refers to highly effective weight loss programs. The results of it are sometimes simply staggering - in fact, when it is observed, the real loss is 1 kg of excess weight daily. Although, of course, the final outcome will depend on the individual characteristics of the slimming and his willpower.
To lose weight on yogurt was more effective and did not lead to a deterioration in overall health, it is necessary to choose the right product for the diet and observe several important recommendations.
How to choose kefir for the diet
- When buying kefir, pay attention to its composition. It should contain two main ingredients - milk( preferably whole) and leaven.
- The fat content of the product should not exceed 0.5-1.5%.
- Carefully follow the date of manufacture on the label. You do not need to take the freshest kefir - if it is made today, it can be oversaturated with live crops, which will lead to excessive gastrointestinal function and excessive gas production.
- But the product with the date of manufacture later than three days, too, will not work - its useful properties will be greatly reduced.
- Probiotics intended for long-term storage are subjected to additional heat treatment, and therefore are not recommended for dietary nutrition.
- If the manufacturer of sour-milk products does not cause confidence, you can prepare yogurt yourself - the starter for it is sold in pharmacies.
- It should be noted that you can not drink kefir cold, because it is much less absorbed by the body due to the slowing down of the cleavage of nutrients.
Reviews about the kefir diet are more positive. The dietary program is fairly balanced and very effective. A greater result can be achieved if, on the way out of it, to switch to the correct diet and limit oneself to eating flour, fatty and sweet.
Nutritionists are wary of all mono-diets, and kefir has not escaped this fate. You can not drink sour-milk products in large quantities for more than three days in a row - this threatens the appearance of problems in the work of the digestive tract. It is believed that most kefir dietary methods are suitable for unloading days, and in this regard they can not be overestimated.
And remember - to force the body in any case impossible! If at the beginning of adherence to the dietary program you feel a sharp deterioration in health, weight loss should be stopped immediately.
We also recommend you to watch the video of the famous children's doctor Evgeny Komarovsky about the benefits of kefir and other fermented milk products: