Diet on fiber
Diet on fiber: reviews and results of weight loss
Diet on fiber is the optimal diet for low-calorie nutrition for people who want to lose weight without experiencing a debilitating feeling of hunger.
Diet with fiber: essence, benefit or harm, features ^
The essence of a diet with fiber is that products containing this substance quickly fill the stomach and allow you to satisfy the feeling of hunger at its low calorie, thereby reducing weight and dulling appetite.
For example, it is enough to eat 2-3 apples in order to get rid of the obsessive feeling of hunger, because their skin contains a large amount of insoluble fiber. In addition to apples, it is present in most other fruits and vegetables.
What is the benefit of a fast diet for weight loss on fiber:
- Improves bowel function;
- The body is cleansed;
- Colon disease is prevented;
- Normalizes blood pressure, lowers cholesterol and sugar levels;
- The formation of gallstones is prevented.
Based on the above, the effect of a diet on fiber is not only to get rid of excess kilograms, but also in a favorable effect on human health.
Pros and cons of the diet on the fiber
In addition to a rich diet, the diet with fiber has many advantages:
- It is suitable for almost everyone except pregnant and lactating women, as well as for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- Fiber has a positive effect on the entire body, and also removes all harmful substances.
The only drawback of this technique is that the menu may lack some vitally important vitamins and other elements, so it is not recommended to practice this method of weight loss for more than two weeks.
How much can I lose on a diet with fiber
As a rule, the daily caloric content of a diet with fiber does not go beyond 1200 kcal, so it's possible to lose 5-7 kilograms per week even for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
During the diet all harmful products are banned, namely:
- Sweets, flour;
- Fried and smoked dishes;
- Alcohol.
What is allowed to eat:
- Bran and cereals, beets, cabbage;
- Beans;
- Cucumbers, carrots, apples;
- Eggplant, radish;
- Strawberries;
- Bran;
- Meat, dairy products and seafood.
Diet for weight loss on fiber: menu, recipes, dietary rules ^
Diet on fiber: menu, recipes for weight loss
Rules for diet on fiber:
- In addition to products, fiber can be bought at the pharmacy, and taken as diluted with water, soand as an impurity to sour-milk food;
- During the diet it is necessary to drink a lot of liquid, i.e.for a day use at least 1.5 liters of clean water.
Kefir diet with fiber
In this case, you need to eat fiber in a diluted form, and for this is best suited yogurt. There is also one condition: you can use this method of purification and weight loss for no more than 1-2 days.
Discharge day menu:
- Divide 1 liter of kefir( 1%) into 4 portions of 250 g;
- In each of the portions we add fiber in the form of 2 tablets or 2 tsp of powder;
- We consume 250 g of cocktail every 3 hours.
Low Carbohydrate Diets with Fiber
This diet is based on protein products with a low carbohydrate content, and can be applied up to 14 days. Sample menu:
- For breakfast, eat 1 cup of yogurt, where we add 1 tbsp.l.cellulose. Also we drink a cup of tea;
- At lunch we eat a piece of cheese;
- We dine with seafood soup and 100 g of boiled meat;
- For a mid-morning snack we drink 200 g of low-fat kefir, mixed with 1 tsp.cellulose;
- We dine with curd and a couple of boiled eggs.
Protein diet with fiber
This diet provides for the presence in the daily diet of protein food only: meat, dairy products, fish, cheese, milk, but it is allowed to eat fruits and vegetables 2 times a day.
Approximate menu for 7 days:
- We have breakfast with an omelette and vegetable salad;
- Snacking 100 g of raspberries;
- Lunch boiled meat( 100 g), cottage cheese, fruit salad;
- For an afternoon snack we eat apple and cheese;
- We cook broccoli for dinner, eat with chicken breast.
Diet with vegetable fiber
You can use this diet, built exclusively on products with vegetable fiber. Its duration is 1-2 weeks, and the weight loss indicator is 5-10 kg.
Sample menu:
- We have a salad of peach, apple and linseed oil( 2 tsp), we use milk for refilling;
- Lunch potatoes in uniform and a portion of sea kale;Dinner with fruit salad and braised beans.
Diet with pharmacy fiber
In the pharmacy fiber is sold in the form of tablets or powder, but you can consume it for no longer than two weeks, using the following example menu:
- We empty the mouth with water, 1 tsp.fiber, mix with a glass of yogurt and drink a drink;
- We have breakfast with yoghurt and tea;
- We ate apples for lunch;
- We have lunch with vegetable soup, a piece of cheese and tea;
- We drink kefir with fiber for a mid-morning snack;
- Supper with stewed vegetables and 100 g of boiled chicken breast.
Diet with dry fiber
Dry fiber is a powder that can be purchased at a pharmacy and added to any liquid food 3 times a day for 1 teaspoonful for 1-2 weeks.
Sample menu:
- In the morning we drink a cup of tea, we eat a piece of cheese;
- For lunch we eat berries or fruit;
- We have lunch with mashed potatoes and salad from vegetables;
- We snack with kefir( 200 g);
- We have dinner with baked fish and boiled cabbage.
Wheat fiber diet
Wheat fiber is found in large quantities in bran and it is necessary to use it every morning on an empty stomach for 2-3 weeks in order to purify the body and reduce weight using this menu example:
- A large spoon of bran is brewed boiledwater, eaten on an empty stomach;We have breakfast with fruit salad and tea;
- We have lunch with baked meat and vegetables;
- We snack cottage cheese;
- We dine with stewed zucchini and low-fat meat.
Diet with Siberian fiber
Siberian fiber is sold only in pharmacies in the form of a jar with a powdery composition. To successfully lose weight for 1 week to 7 kilograms, you must adhere to this menu:
- We have breakfast with yoghurt, mixed with 3 tbsp.l.cellulose. Eat a little marmalade, we drink tea;
- At lunch we drink kefir with 2 tbsp.l.cellulose;
- Lunch lettuce in vegetable oil, vegetable soup and 150 g of boiled fish;
- For a snack drink a cocktail of banana, milk and 2 tbsp.l.cellulose;
- We have dinner with steamed fish and stewed beans.
How fast to lose weight on a diet with fiber: reviews, results, real stories of losing weight ^
Despite the many advantages of a diet for fiber, doctors do not advise you to use it for longer than 2-3 weeks and more often 3 times a year, as abuse can cause problemswith the intestine.
The exit after a diet on fiber is quite simple:
- Gradually reduce the number of foods that contain fiber, but increase the intake of proteins and carbohydrates;
- Also smoothly reduce portions of fiber in the finished form;
- In the first week we do not allow any fats in the menu.
The results of the diet on cellulose are remarkable:
- Safe and effective weight loss;
- Cleansing of the intestines;
- Activation of metabolism.
Reviews about the diet for losing weight with the fiber of our regular readers are also very positive:
Alisa, 27 years old:
"I liked the protein menu: it contains the most favorite foods for me, but at the same week I dropped 5.5kg
Regina, 33 years old:
"For 2 weeks I added dry fiber to all liquid dishes, and here's the result: I got rid of constipation, dropped 7 kilos, and now I feel wonderful!"
Olga, 50 years old:
"When I needed to lose weight, I usedwith low-carbohydrate menu, and has not lost: for 2 weeks got rid of extra 8 kilograms. However, occasionally still there was a famine, but I still successfully fought with it, having a snack with apples ยป