Cereal diet
Cereal diet for weight loss: reviews and results of losing weight
The cereal diet is the most popular method of weight loss, which has been used by many women and men for several decades.
Diet on cereals for weight loss: essence, benefits and features ^
Cereals are monocotyledons, which include rye, oats, wheat, rice, corn, barley, etc. In the food sphere of them, it is customary to make flour and cereals.
The benefits of dieting on cereals are that they all contain a large amount of fiber that improves the functioning of the intestines and digestive organs - through such cleansing and weight loss occurs. In addition to fiber, the grains contain other substances useful to the human body:
- Vitamins improve the structure of the skin and hair.
- Protein strengthens muscle fibers.
Also all components from grains actively oppose the appearance of cancer, and in the presence of cancer tumors prolong the period of remission and soften the course of the disease.
Doctors recommend conducting any diet on cereals from time to time absolutely everything, becauseit helps to improve digestion, stabilize metabolism and metabolism. It is forbidden to use cereals in your diet only for those who have an individual intolerance, which happens in rare cases.
The benefits of a cereal diet are obvious:
- Nourishing dishes with low calorie content;
- Porridges have a beneficial effect on digestion - it has a positive effect on health and well-being;
- Easy portability.
Of the disadvantages is that the nutrition of some porridges deprives the body of useful substances that are contained in other foods, so dieticians advise to adhere to such a diet no more than two weeks.
In addition to cereals, vegetables, fruits, sour-milk products and greens are present, but from eating sweet, flour, roast and smoked products it is worth to refrain.
Cereal diet: recipes, rules, menu ^
Cereal diet: the best recipes for weight loss
Cereal regimen rules:
- During each day it is necessary to drink at least one and a half liters of water without gas: half an hour before meals and one hour afterhe, and also in the intervals when there is a feeling of hunger, which is quite rare;
- For cereals, you need to use only the highest grade cereals;
- If only porridges are present in the diet, then it is recommended to take multivitamins in parallel, tk.not all cereals have vital substances.
Cereal diet: for 7 days minus 10 kg
For a week of such a diet, the weight is reduced by 5-10 kilograms, while the process of losing weight is relatively easy to transfer, the main thing is to drink the necessary amount of water and not to lean on high-calorie food after the release.
Menu for the week
First day:
- Breakfast cereal( 100 g);
- Lunch is the same breakfast, only a portion is cut to 50 g, washed down with milk;
- We have dinner with porridge( 50 g), we eat yogurt on saccharin.
The second day: we repeat the last diet, but for dinner we eat an apple and drink lemon juice with saccharin.
The third day:
- We have breakfast oatmeal( 100 g);
- For lunch we eat vegetable broth and 50 grams of porridge;
- We are having supper with a bundle of cottage cheese and porridge.
Fourth day:
- We eat rice mush and apples all the time.
Rice and apples porridge recipe:
- Cook 150 grams of rice, at the same time quench the peeled and finely chopped apples( 0.5 kg);
- Mix everything, add a little saccharin and lemon juice. Fifth Day:
- We are having breakfast with barley porridge( 100 g);
- Lunch vegetable broth( 100 g), 50 g porridge;
- For dinner we eat porridge and drink a glass of kefir.
The sixth day:
- In the morning we eat boiled buckwheat( 100 g);
- For lunch - vegetable broth and cereal;Dinner with boiled buckwheat( 50 g) and a glass of kefir.
The seventh day:
- We mix wheat, oats and buckwheat( 50 g each), cook porridge;
- At noon we drink broth and eat 50 grams of porridge cooked in the morning;
- We dine with porridge, mixed with grated apple( 50 g).
Kefir - Cereal Diet
This diet is suitable for emergency weight loss for 3 days for 3-5 kilograms, so you can use it not more than twice a year. All three days you need to eat cooked on the water porridge from different cereals and drink kefir, or to soak the cereals in this sour-milk product.
Sample menu:
- In the morning I eat buckwheat soaked in kefir( 100 g);
- For lunch - boiled oatmeal( 100 g) and a glass of kefir;
- We dine only with yogurt( 100 g).
Zlakovo - vegetable diet
You can stick to the ration on cereals and vegetables for no longer than 5 days, and for this period the weight decreases by 3-5 kilograms. All that is recommended to eat is porridge, broth, fresh or boiled vegetables.
Approximate menu:
- In the morning we eat oatmeal( 100 g);
- At lunch we eat boiled vegetables( beets, cabbage, carrots, etc.), 50 g of oats or boiled rice;
- In the evening we eat any porridge( 50 g).
Cereal and fruit diet
For quick cleansing and body discharge, this diet is most often used, becausein it there are fruits only fresh - so they retain the greatest amount of vitamins. The maximum duration of the diet is 3 days, for which the weight is reduced by 4-5 kg.
Sample menu:
- In the morning we eat any fruits and 100 g of boiled oatmeal;
- Dinner buckwheat porridge( 100 g) and a couple of apples;
- Bites of citrus;
- In the evening we eat 50 g of oatmeal.
Diet on cereal flakes
As a fasting day on porridges, this option is best suited, allowing you to reduce weight by 1-2 kg. All you can eat is oatmeal, soaked in boiling water, and snack only a couple of fruits.
Approximate menu of a fasting day:
- In the morning we steal 100g of flakes in boiling water, wait half an hour and have breakfast with them;
- For the second breakfast we eat an orange;
- Lunch porridge( 50 g);
- Having a snack with an apple;
- For dinner - porridge.
Diet on germinated cereals
This diet uses grains of oats, corn, barley and wheat with sprouts that saturate the body with the maximum amount of vitamins and contribute to weight loss in 14 days by 7-10 kilograms. During all time it is authorized to eat only salads from fresh vegetables, to drink kefir and to eat porridges.
Sample menu for every day:
- In the morning we eat a portion of oatmeal( 100 g);
- We take a snack with a glass of kefir;
- For dinner, we prepare a salad of sprouts with sea kale: grind the onion, greens, red pepper and sea kale, mix with 10 grams of corn seedlings and pour lemon juice;
- We dine with a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with the addition of wheat sprouts.
The cereal unloading diet
Another way of unloading the body from excess kilograms and harmful substances is the consumption during the day or boiled corn without salt, or buckwheat porridge and vegetables. Such a diet can be used once a month absolutely all to throw 1-2 kilograms.
The menu of a fasting day on porridge:
- In the morning we eat boiled buckwheat porridge and one boiled egg;
- Have a snack with any vegetable;
- Lunch porridge and boiled beets;
- For dinner - buckwheat and yogurt.
Cereal Diet for Cancer Treatment
This technique was developed by the doctor-oncologist Laskin, and the regime lasts long enough - more than six months. Its advantage is to stop the development of cancer cells - this, in turn, inhibits the deterioration of the patient's condition and prolongs remission.
First stage( 30 days)
Sample menu:
- Half an hour before breakfast we eat porridge from the ground hips, diluted with water and 1 tsp.honey;We ate breakfast with boiled buckwheat with vegetable oil;
- After 1 hour we drink green tea and eat raisins;
- We have lunch and dinner the same as ate for breakfast.
The second stage( 6 months)
- We use the same menu, only add nuts, fruits, figs, apricots, almonds, bran bread.
- A couple of times a week we eat boiled meat( 70 g), as much as fish.
- For the second breakfast we eat grapes and blueberries.
Cereal diet Brad Pita
For a quick weight loss of 2 kg in 5 days, the famous actor uses a healthy diet of cereals. His menu is quite diverse, but absolutely not high-calorie.
Sample menu of Brad Pita
- In the morning we mix a large spoonful of muesli with unsweetened berries( 200 g), pour yoghurt without sugar and eat;
- We have a snack with a cocktail of yogurt and juice( 200 ml each);
- Lunch vegetable stew of pepper, cauliflower, onion, celery and peas;
- We snack a boiled chicken breast;
- We have dinner with pilaf with apples( 100 g).
Diet on porridge of 5 cereals
This diet can last from 3 to 5 days( 3-7 extra kilograms go away), during which it is allowed to eat only one porridge prepared according to the following recipe:
- Mix 100 grams of oatmeal, wheat, barley,corn and rye flakes;
- 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, add salt and throw the cereals;
- Wait for the boil, reduce the heat and cook for another 10 minutes.
With a strong sensation of hunger, snacks are allowed with any fruit, except bananas.
We also recommend that you read the article Vegetable Diet.Cereal diet for weight loss: reviews, results, real stories of losing weight ^
Nutritionists are extremely supportive of the diet of cereals, and it is recommended to periodically arrange for discharge even for those who do not have excess weight. To keep the result after losing weight, doctors advise to continue to adhere to the rules - not to eat sweets, flour, etc.
The results of the cereal diet for weight loss are remarkable:
- Safe weight loss;
- Improvement of well-being;
- Effective body cleansing.
Reviews of the diet on cereals for losing weight our regular readers are also very positive:
Raisa, 39 years old:
"I sat on one oatmeal for 3 days, dropped almost 4 kilograms. It was morally difficult - I wanted to eat something forbidden, but I overpowered myself and brought it to the end »
Irina, 23 years old:
" I thought the diet was quite effective on the cereal "5 cereals", although I cooked it formilk. I ate only 3 days, but did not feel hungry and lost weight for a couple of kilograms. "
Galina, 50 years old:
" I lost 3 kilograms of excess weight on a cereal diet from Brad Pitt, very impressed: I did not have to limit myself, and the result was incrediblepleased! Honestly - I did not think it would work »