Diet of physicians
The diet of physicians belongs to the most extreme kinds of weight loss
The diet of physicians is often called the development of doctors for patients with high degreeObesity, preparing for surgical intervention, during which fat deposits can cause great problems.
However, there is no reliable evidence to support this claim, and it is likely that this system of supplying the attitude to medicine does not.
Moreover, this method of losing weight is very tough and suggests a greater likelihood that, along with excess kilograms, you can lose health.
So, having decided on observance of the program of weight loss of physicians, it is necessary to weigh carefully all arguments "for" and "against", and to estimate the physical possibilities to sustain a serious load on an organism.
The essence, dignity and contraindications of the diet of physicians ^
The effectiveness of the diet of medical professionals to challenge no one - for a week of compliance it can lose as much as 10 kg of excess weight. At the same time, no problems arise with the recruitment of products for it, since the power supply system is very simple. The main thing that it will require of you is a huge willpower.
The whole point of the technique is that you will have to eat very little, and sometimes even starve. In this case, an abundant drinking regimen must be observed, as a result of which all sorts of toxins and toxins start to be eliminated from the body.
At the beginning of this method of losing weight, there will be practically no nutrients in the body, and the feeling of hunger these days can be just unbearable. But then the body begins to adapt to an unusual diet for itself, and soon its observance will not be as frightening and painful as in the beginning.
There are several recommendations that allow you to lose weight on the diet of physicians is especially effective:
- to maintain the balance of nutrients in the body must take multivitamin preparations;
- does not need to allow severe fatigue and physical strain during this period;
- is the best way to adhere to this dietary program during holidays or vacations;
- if the process of losing weight is accompanied by a sharp deterioration of well-being, it is necessary to stop observing it and seek qualified help from a doctor.
In addition, this program of weight loss has a number of contraindications. It is not recommended for people who have gastrointestinal diseases, cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, chronic diseases of other organs. Contraindicated diet doctors suffering from anemia and general weakness of the body, as well as users with food intolerance of those foods that are included in the diet of this diet program.
Another nuance - this system of nutrition can not be used for people with high physical activity and athletes, since a meager diet can not provide enough energy for this category of people.
One huge plus of the diet of doctors is its incredible effectiveness. Its disadvantages include the following:
- power system is very stiff, often leads to breakdowns, which pulls back the reset weight and even more;
- this method of weight loss does not apply to balanced;
- in the presence of chronic diseases often leads to their exacerbation.
Nutritionists recommend using this diet only in critical cases associated with the need for rapid weight loss, and no more than once every three months.
Diet of physicians: menus for 7 and 14 days ^
Diet of doctors: effectiveness, testimonials, results
Menu of the diet of physicians for 7 days
- 1.5 l of mineral still water during the day.
- 800 ml skim milk for the whole day, in the evening no later than 20.00 - 1 apple.
- medium is again a mineral without gas all day.
- vegetable salad( cabbage, carrot, herbs), dressed with vegetable oil, 1 kg of salad is divided into 3-4 meals. You can drink unsweetened tea.
- on the ration of Tuesday.
Saturday - this day the menu will be more diverse:
- breakfast: 1 boiled egg, half a cup of tea;
- second breakfast: vegetable broth;
- lunch: 100 grams of boiled meat, 100 g of canned peas;
- afternoon snack: apple;
- dinner: an apple.
- all day long drink 2 cups of milk, as much kefir and eat 100 g of cottage cheese. At night you can drink a cup of unsweetened tea.
For a week on such a diet you can lose up to 10 kg of excess weight.
Menu for 14 days
If the seven-day weight loss program did not scare you away, and you decided to go further and lose the maximum amount of weight, then you can try a diet of doctors, designed for 14 days. It is very similar to the weekly method of weight loss and its beginning, namely the days from Monday to Friday, is identical to the previous diet. Differences begin on Saturday:
- breakfast: 1 boiled egg;
- lunch: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese;
- dinner: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.
- 1.5 liters of mineral water.
Next comes the second week of the diet:
- 1.5 liters of mineral still water.
- 1 liter of milk for the whole day, at night - an apple.
- 1.5 liters of mineral still water.
- 1 kg of celery salad, parsley and dill, seasoned with butter, unsweetened tea.
- 1 liter of milk for the whole day, at night - an apple.
- breakfast: 1 boiled egg, half cup of tea without sugar;
- lunch: 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese and mineral water without gas.
- 1.5 liters of mineral still water.
Reviews, results and correct exit ^
For a two-week period of compliance with the diet of physicians, a real result is the discharge of 13 kilograms of excess weight.
Everyone who tried this method of losing weight on themselves, are unanimous in one thing - it is very difficult and requires the mobilization of all the forces and patience. In this case, the outcome of this weight loss two - people either break down after the first few days, or bring the diet to the end, throw off an extra ten kilograms and refuse to use such dietary programs once and for all. And the weight is often returned again.
In order to prevent this from happening, experts recommend that they organize a proper way out of such deep hunger strikes. It consists in that every week to the diet it is necessary to add 100-200 kcal daily until its caloric value reaches normal criteria. In addition, it is very important not to lean on leaving the diet for carbohydrate food - the norm of carbohydrates should not exceed 2 - 3 g per kilogram of weight losing weight.
Comments of doctors about the diet of physicians were not found, but it was possible to single out a number of cases in which this nutrition system can be justified:
- in case of morbid obesity, which carries a clear threat to human life;
- if the patient complies with bed rest;
- when preparing a patient for gastric banding procedure( but here it is preferable to give liquid diets).
We advise you to watch the video of the famous doctor - dietician Alexei Kovalkov, how correctly to count calories and whether it should be done at all: