Oatmeal diet
Unloading days on oatmeal is a great way to keep slimness
Oat weight loss diet is very popular all over the world not only because it helps to lose weight and lose weight( 3 to 5 kilograms per week), but also due to the unique properties of oats - the source of many useful vitamins, minerals and fiber, effectively purifying the body of toxins, toxins, poisons and metabolic products.
In addition, oatmeal is an excellent dietary product and is recommended as the main food for patients with stomach ulcers, gastritis and other diseases of the digestive system, as it gently envelops the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and relieves their inflammation.
Therefore, a diet on oatmeal, like rice, is considered an excellent way to lose weight, cleanse and at the same time improve the gastrointestinal tract.
But, since any mono-diet is essentially unbalanced,( unlike, for example, the Montignac food system), and therefore can not meet the body's need for all the necessary substances, its abuse can not be abused so as not to harm the health.
Optimum period of action of oat mono-diet no more than 10 days with the subsequent repetition no earlier than in half a year of high-grade nutrition.
A strict oat diet for losing weight ^
Oat diet has acquired many modifications over the course of its existence - strict mono-diet, fruit-oatmeal, oatmeal with vegetables, unloading days on oatmeal, so everyone can choose the most acceptable variant of nutrition for themselves.
It should be noted that you can lose weight without even sitting down specifically for a long oat diet for weight loss, but only regularly eating a plate of oatmeal for breakfast, as it is very satisfying and allows you to do without snacks until lunch, thereby significantly reducing the daily calorie. The whole world is famous for the English tradition of eating oatmeal for breakfast for slenderness, freshness and efficiency.
Before starting any variant to enhance the effect, it is recommended to clean the intestines with rice or oat broth:
- Preparation of rice broth - 4 tablespoons.brown brown rice pour over 1 liter.water in the morning put on the fire and cook in the same water, without rinsing, for 1 hour.
- Preparation of oat broth - 1/2 cup oatmeal, pour a liter of water and simmer for 2, 5 hours, until the amount of water is reduced by half.
Take a cupcake-like rice or oat broth in a warm form for a week every morning on an empty stomach for 1 glass instead of breakfast. The intake of water and food is recommended not earlier than 4 hours after the decoction. In addition, during the preparatory period it is desirable to limit the intake of fatty, flour and sweet food as much as possible and to have supper no later than 4 hours before bedtime.
Oatmeal mono-diet
Oatmeal mono-diet is the most strict food option, allowing you to quickly bring the figure in order and lasts usually no more than 3-5 days.
- At the same time, during the day, only oatmeal cooked on water without salt, oil and sugar or cooked in a cold way is eaten.
- Cold method without cooking is very simple and more useful, as it keeps all the useful substances of cereal - pour oatmeal over the night with water, so that in the morning there is ready mush.
- The daily amount of meals is allowed no more than five to six, a single portion of porridge 250 grams, thanks to the presence of fiber and long carbohydrates, it perfectly saturates for several hours.
- In addition, during a mono-diet for the prevention of constipation, you should drink at least 2 liters of water daily( half an hour before meals and not earlier than 2-2.5 hours after).
Fruit and oatmeal diet ^
Fruit-oat diet, unlike a strict mono-diet, is not so strict and allows you to include fresh and dried fruits in the menu, which is especially important for sweet tooth. To oatmeal porridge you can add pears, apples, plums, oranges, kiwi, any berries, from dried fruits - prunes, raisins, dried apricots and dried apples. It is allowed to add 2 tsp to oatmeal.honey or 50 g. of nuts.
Portion of porridge should be 250 grams, a portion of fresh unsweetened fruits with a low glycemic index to 300 grams, and dried fruits not more than 100 g because of their high caloric value.
It is not necessary to include porridge in every meal, you can alternate it with fruits, for example for breakfast, lunch and dinner - oatmeal, and for mid-morning snack and a second breakfast of fruit.
This variant of nutrition can be observed longer than a strict mono-diet - up to 14 days, weight loss for two weeks can be 5-10 kilograms, depending on the initial weight and individual characteristics of the body. Oatmeal with vegetables. Oatmeal recipes ^
- Oatmeal with vegetables is no less useful than with fruit, with this option it is allowed to eat fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, bell pepper, celery, carrots, asparagus and greens.
- Eggplant, zucchini and asparagus cook for a couple or bake in the oven, fresh vegetable salads fill with lemon juice or olive oil.
- With spices, refrain from provoking an increase in appetite, for a change and improve the taste, you can add cinnamon.
- Three times a day, eat a plate of oatmeal with vegetables, and between them eat fresh salads.
A variety of recipes for oatmeal diets allow you to experiment with food and yourself to invent delicious healthy dishes.
To quickly not tired of monotonous porridge, you can add rice or buckwheat in a 3: 1 ratio to the whole undivided oats and alternate it with porridge from oat flakes "Hercules".Divide 600 grams of oatmeal per day into six sets and alternate flakes and undivided cereals, preferably starting the morning with cereals to maximize the stimulation of the digestive process.
Green vegetable salad
- 1 cut fresh cucumber into slices;
- Cut two sweet peppers into thin rings;
- 1 chop the celery stalk;
- 1 head of lettuce and a bunch of green onions finely chopped;
- 1 bunch of dill finely chopped;
- Mix everything, add 1/2 cups of lemon juice, 4 tbsp.olive oil, sprinkle a little and decorate with lemon slices.
Berry cocktail
- Mix 150 grams of fresh raspberries and blackberries in a blender, add 1 tbsp.lemon juice and 2 glasses of redcurrant juice. Pour over the glasses, decorating the top with a sprig of currant.
Sample menu of the oatmeal diet
The menu of oatmeal diets for a day includes six meals, consisting of oatmeal, vegetable salads, fruits, fruit juices and dried fruits. It is allowed to include in the menu of oatmeal diet once every two days 100 ml of red dry wine.
- Breakfast: crumbly oatmeal - buckwheat porridge( 100 g), tea without sugar.
- Second breakfast: Herculean flakes( 100 g), green salad( 100 g), a glass of vegetable or fruit juice.
- Lunch: crumbly oats - rice porridge, green salad, green apple, tea.
- Snack: Hercules flakes, orange, tomato juice.
- Dinner: crumbly oatmeal porridge, 100 ml of dry red wine, green salad, dried fruit( 50 g).
- Before going to bed: Herculean flakes, 1 kiwi, tea without sugar.
Unloading days on oatmeal ^
Regular( once a week) unloading days on oatmeal, despite the short duration, also give a remarkable effect and allow to significantly strengthen health and achieve the desired harmony.
They can be carried to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract without harm to health and often even sick with type 2 diabetes( after consulting a doctor, so as not to cause a sharp drop in blood sugar on a fasting day).
During the fasting day, you need to eat 200 grams of flakes, rolled on water to the consistency of jelly and divided into 5 to 6 receptions.
- Pour 200 g. Of flakes with three glasses of water and leave to infuse for half an hour. Then cook on low heat until ready, stirring regularly.
- Instead of cereal, you can prepare a soup of oats - 1/2 glass of flakes, pour 2.5 cups of hot skim milk and cook on low heat until full swelling( get the soup eaten throughout the day in equal portions).
- Excellent option not only for a fasting day, but for a daily breakfast - oat muesli. Take 2.5 cups of non-fast cooked cereal flakes, a glass of milk and 1 tsp.cinnamon. Sprinkle the flakes with cinnamon and put them on the microwave for steaming for 30 seconds, then pour the milk and put it on the refrigerator all night. In the morning, muesli is ready for use, divide the resulting amount into 5-6 portions and use it throughout the day.
On a fasting day, an abundant drinking regime is also mandatory. In addition to daily doses of 2 liters of ordinary non-carbonated water, a decoction broth and a weak green tea without sugar are useful. At night you can drink a glass of one-day fat-free kefir for preventing constipation and improving digestion.
Systematically arranging for yourself unloading days on oatmeal, you can easily and comfortably maintain your figure and health in the norm without exhausting diets and calorie counting in each piece eaten.
We offer to watch an interesting video about the benefits of oatmeal for health and beauty: