Mandarin Diet
Weight loss on tangerines is tasty, useful and increases immunity
Today, citrus fruits are very popular among those who want to losethe weight. And all thanks to the tangerine diet, which allows you to get rid of unnecessarily extra pounds without any problems.
Features of weight loss on tangerines ^
The diet for tangerines is not only delicious, but also useful, because these sunny fruits are just a storehouse of microelements and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.
- They contain in their composition a shock dose of vitamin C, which helps in strengthening immunity and fighting the common cold.
- Vitamins K, D, B, P help in protecting and restoring bone tissue, maintaining the work of the heart, vessels and vision.
- Potassium, calcium and magnesium have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails and teeth.
- Pectins, salts and essential oils stimulate metabolic processes, which can not but affect the rate of splitting of adipose tissue.
- Nobiletin protects internal organs, especially the liver, from excess fat. It also prevents the development of diabetes, and also reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks.
- Citrus helps the body cleanse itself of toxins and lowers the level of sugar contained in the blood.
- Beta-carotene, folic acid contained in citrus, help in the fight against stress and fatigue.
- The fruit is great for sweet tooth. Despite the fact that often tangerines are rather sweet, they have a low calorie content - no more than 45 kcal per 100 g.
- A glass of mandarin fresh on an empty stomach is an excellent tool for the prevention of "orange peel".
Unfortunately, the mandarin diet is not shown to everyone. The most popular factor that causes many to give up such food is an allergic reaction. Therefore, those who notice after using a large amount of citrus various rashes on the skin or redness, this method of weight loss is not suitable.
Citrus diets are also contraindicated in such diseases as:
- peptic ulcer;
- gastritis;
- increased acidity;
- cholecystitis;
- colitis;
- acute nephritis.
Mandarin diet: menus for 3 and 7 days ^
Mandarin, like any other dietary technique, has several varieties. For those who are not yet ready to drive themselves into a rigid framework, it is simply necessary to replace certain products with mandarins. These bright fruits can be a wonderful alternative to high-calorie desserts and "harmful" snacks. Such a power system is suitable for those who do not expect instant results and want to lose no more than 5 kg.
Menu for 7 days
Here is an approximate menu of the program for losing weight for one week. During this time, you can lose up to 5 - 6 kg.
- Breakfast: a glass of fresh, 50 grams of ham, coffee or tea( sugar not add).
- Lunch: 5 tangerines, 200-250 g of vegetables, tea.
- Dinner: a portion of salad from vegetables, 150 g of boiled, stewed or baked meat, tea, some honey.
- Breakfast: 5 tangerines or a glass of juice, 2 eggs, tea or coffee.
- Lunch: 5 tangerines, low-fat cottage cheese or cheese.
- Dinner: 200-250 grams of fish, 200-250 grams of vegetables dressed with olive oil, a slice of rye or bran bread.
- Breakfast: 5 tangerines or a glass of juice, a portion of oatmeal or muesli, seasoned with low-fat yogurt or kefir.
- Lunch: 5 tangerines, a bowl of vegetable soup, a slice of rye or otrubnogo bread.
- Dinner: 200 g of chicken breast, 2 tomatoes.
- Breakfast: tomato juice and one egg.
- Lunch: 5 tangerines, carrot salad, seasoned with low-fat sour cream or olive oil.
- Dinner: 400 grams of vegetables in any form.
- Breakfast: fruit salad with apples and citrus, tea or coffee;
- Lunch: 2 medium potatoes in baked or boiled form, cabbage salad dressed with "light" sour cream or vegetable oil.
- Dinner: 200-250 g of beef, fish or poultry, tomato juice or tomato salad.
- The second dinner: a glass of mandarin fresh.
On Saturday and Sunday, you should repeat any menu you like. Every day, in addition to the main products, you can drink no more than a glass of skimmed yogurt.
Menu for 3 days
There is also a more gentle option - it's a three-day power system, thanks to which you can lose from 2 to 4 kg. Here is an approximate menu, which must be repeated every day.
- Breakfast: coffee or tea, a teaspoon of sugar or honey is allowed.
- Second breakfast: 3-4 tangerines, one boiled egg.
- Lunch: 120-140 g of boiled meat, salad from sauerkraut or fresh cabbage;
- Snack: exactly the same as the second breakfast.
- Dinner: vegetable soup, 200 grams of fish, 1 fruit.
Mandarin Relaxing Day
Citrus is an ideal product for unloading days, during which it is allowed, besides the main product, to consume water, green tea, and sometimes kefir. Do not abuse mono-diet, because they may not have the best effect on health and mood. Therefore, meals with only one product should not exceed three or four days. For this period of time there is a chance of losing up to 4 kg. But it's better if you practice one fasting day on a weekly basis.
Results, reviews of thin and doctors about a diet on tangerines ^
As the reviews on the mandarin diet show, it is transferred quite easily, if daily observe the principles of a correct and balanced diet. For best results, you should try to exclude salt from the diet, as well as use only lean meats. Meat and fish should be cooked for a couple or bake in the oven, but do not fry. As a juice, only a natural drink, not a product from a box, will do. In addition, in a daily diet should be present at least 1 liter of clean water.
The mandarin diet has one fatty minus. Due to the constant use of one product as a result, you can "earn" an aversion to it. Therefore, to practice this method of weight loss is recommended not longer than 7 - 10 days and no more often every 6 months.
To a couple of weeks after the end of the selected program for weight loss the missing kilograms did not return and the results of the mandarin diet were still pleasing, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances:
- First, this is a reasonable eating behavior. Many people think that low-calorie foods can be consumed in any quantity. But this is not so. It is necessary to watch your diet and do not exceed the daily caloric intake.
- Secondly, the correct way out of the diet is important. Arranging a "belly holiday" immediately after receiving positive results of a mandarin diet is not the best solution. To maintain a certain weight, it is necessary to eat moderately throughout life, and not only during certain periods. For those who only arrange days off for citrus fruit, it is recommended that at least a day before and after the "unloading" it is recommended to switch to the right food with the predominance of the fruit and vegetable menu.
- Third, any food system has a greater effect in combination with other methods of losing weight: sports, massage, wraps.
We also recommend you to watch a video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: