Acting Diet
Actor's diet is based on the alternation of effective mono diets
Acting diet is considered one of the most extreme, but very effectivemethods of weight loss, as it is designed for rapid weight loss in a relatively short time.
This technique received such a name due to the extreme popularity among the stars of ballet, stage, cinema and show business.
The basic principles of losing weight on the actor's diet ^
The basis of the actor's diet is the use of a limited number of allowed low-calorie foods and effective cleansing of the body of toxins and toxins. Actor's technique of losing weight refers to mono-diets, since no more than two types of foods are allowed per day.
Depending on the food consumed in food, the days are referred to as fruit, protein, milk and wine. The diet is quite strict and monotonous. Weight reduction in the actor's diet is mainly achieved by removing excess fluid from the body.
Actor's method of losing weight is strictly contraindicated for those who have weakened the immune system as a result of a cold or surgical intervention, gastrointestinal and chronic diseases and pregnancy. In addition, if during the dietary nutrition symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, weakness, or skin reaction, it should be stopped immediately.
The benefits of the actor's diet include:
- Weight decreases quickly and in a very short period of time;
- Muscles are not depleted due to the consumption of protein foods;
- Food is not limited per day.
The drawbacks of the actor's system of losing weight are as follows:
- The result of the diet is short, since the lost fluid from the body will recover very quickly, hence the weight will increase;
- The body is gradually beginning to experience an acute shortage of vitamins, minerals and fats;
- As a result of rapid reduction of excess weight, the body skin can not find the desired shape and will look stretched.
During the slimming period, the following types of products are allowed to be used:
- Fresh, ripe and juicy fruits, namely pears and apples;
- Sour-milk products and beverages with low fat content: skimmed curd cheese, yogurt or 1% kefir;Boiled dietary meat - veal, chicken, turkey or rabbit;
- Boiled unpolished rice;
- Low-calorie hard cheese;
- You can drink only green tea, freshly squeezed orange and tomato juice, wine and water in limited quantities.
- It is strictly forbidden to add or add salt, sugar and other spices to dishes to enhance flavor.
- During this period it is recommended to use vitamins and minerals to make up for their deficiency in the body.
Acting diet: menus for 5 and 12 days ^
Acting diet for duration is calculated for 5 and 12 days. The only rule on which this method is based is that a certain set of products must be eaten for breakfast, lunch, lunch and dinner every day.
Menu for 5 days
The five-day menu is as follows:
- Unlimited amount of boiled rice and 200 ml of tomato juice, or a glass of boiled rice and unlimited volume of tomato juice.
- 1% kefir not more than 1 liter and skim curd - 800 gr.
- Any boiled dietary meat without salt and spices, green tea without sugar.
- Wine red dry( not more than 700 ml) and hard cheese - 150-200 gr. For those to whom alcohol is contraindicated, wine can be substituted for freshly squeezed orange juice.
- Juicy apples or pears in unlimited quantities.
After 5 days, the weight reduction will reach 5 kg.
Menu for 4 days
There is another version of a similar diet, which allows you to lose 4 kg in 4 days. The principle of power remains the same as in the five-day menu. However, it is desirable that the fourth wine day falls on the day off. If alcohol is contraindicated, then it can be replaced with orange juice, or within a day to consume only fruits. In addition, meat can be substituted for fish or shrimp.
Menu for 12 days
Twelve-day dietary food does not differ much from the five-day diet, only the number of days increases. Those who want to lose weight from 10 kg or more in a very short time can take advantage of the actor's diet, designed for 12 days.
The approximate daily menu is made in two versions in the following form:
Option first
- 1 - 3 day: 1% kefir and low-fat cottage cheese;
- 4 - 5: Juicy pears or apples.
- 7 - 9: boiled turkey or chicken without skin;
- 10 - 12: hard cheese( no more than 200 grams per day) and red dry wine( orange juice).Wine and cheese are divided into equal proportions and used in 4 divided doses.
Option of the second
- First day. Boiled rice and tomato juice;
- 2. Kefir - 2.5%;
- 3. Dietary boiled chicken or fish, green tea;
- 4. Fruits.
- 5. Same as the first;
- 6. Same as in the second;
- 7. Boiled fish or shrimp, green tea;
- 8. Wine - 400 ml and cheese - 150 g.
- 9 - 10. Same as on the first and second days;11. Boiled beef or veal meat;
- 12. Apples.
Results, weight loss and recommendations of dieticians ^
The result of the actor's diet is a significant weight loss in a short time, namely up to 5 kg in 5 days or 12-14 kg in 12 days. Go out of the actor's diet program is very careful, because its menu is not balanced enough. Therefore, if you immediately begin to introduce fat and carbohydrates into the diet, a bowel movement may occur. For the same reason, it is worthwhile gradually introducing vegetables, cereals, cereals and vegetable oils into the menu.
Reviews of the actor's diet who want to lose weight quickly and nutritionists are different. According to slimming women, the acting dietary program is quite effective and effective. Despite the fact that it is very difficult to carry in the first few days, many because of the high performance want to use this diet again.
Nutritionists are very skeptical of the actor's method of losing weight. They believe that an unbalanced diet, low caloric intake, alcohol consumption and a small amount of consumed liquid can significantly worsen the state of health. Also, nutritionists advise those who decided to lose weight in the actor's technique, use it very rarely and with extreme caution, and during weight loss carefully monitor their health and well-being.
We also recommend you to watch a video on video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: