A lean diet for extreme weight loss
Diet thin - minus 1 kilogram daily
Skinny diet is one of the mostpopular methods in Europe today for weight loss. Initially, it was developed by American nutritionists as an exclusive dietary program for people with a large excess of extra pounds, but due to its simplicity and effectiveness, it began to enjoy success among all those who want to lose weight in the shortest time.
The essence of a lean diet, pluses and minuses ^
The diet of a lean diet has the most minimal caloric content, which causes the complexity, if not to say, the radical nature of this weight loss program. The choice of such a diet, it is worth saying, can greatly affect the health of the losing weight and cause it to deteriorate.
The decrease in health and working capacity is associated with insufficient intake of sugars, and they are normalized only when the organism adapts to such a diet or after its full return to the usual norm.
In connection with the above, nutritionists strongly recommend that, while observing a lean diet, take multivitamin preparations that will maintain the necessary level of nutrients in the body.
In addition, the traditional methods of losing weight usually imply the presence of a certain physical load on the body, which in the case of lean diets is highly discouraged. On the contrary, this dietary program should be accompanied by a full rest and an attentive attitude to your well-being.
The lean diet has a number of undoubted advantages:
- it is quite effective;
- does not require special financial costs;
- does not require the counting of calories and the preparation of complex dishes;
- products used in it are available to all.
There are not so many lean diets, but they are quite significant:
- this method of losing weight is very extreme and can significantly undermine the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
- in addition, it can be accompanied by a constant, obsessive sense of hunger.
- contraindications are acute and chronic diseases, pregnancy, lactation.
The duration of a lean diet depends on how many kilos you plan to lose on it. In order to get rid of 5 - 7 kg, adherence to the 7-day dietary program will be sufficient, if the task is to throw off 15 - 20 kg, then it can be prolonged to 14 - 20 days.
The main thing, remember - if you, on a lean diet, feel a sharp deterioration in your health, do not experiment with yourself and do not force your body. In case of any unpleasant sensations( weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea), the diet should be stopped immediately.
Diet is thin: menu for 7, 14 and 20 days ^
The menu for a lean diet, regardless of the duration, is very meager. It is recommended to divide the required daily volume of food into 3-4 meals. Juices choose orange, pomegranate, grapefruit or apple, without sugar. It is also necessary to observe a plentiful drinking regime - in addition to the quantity indicated in the menu, you can drink up to 1.5 liters of liquid - green tea, a light compote of dried fruits, mineral water without gas.
Menu of lean diet for 7 days:
- 1 day: 1 liter of milk and 200 ml of yogurt;
- Day 2: 1 L of juice, 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
- Day 3: 200 g boiled potatoes, 1 liter of drinking water;
- Day 4: 800 ml of juice, 200 g of boiled or baked fish;
- Day 5: 1 liter of drinking water, 1 kg of apples;
- Day 6: boiled meat without salt, 1 l of juice;
- Day 7: 200 g cottage cheese, 800 ml kefir or yogurt.
There are also variants of this dietary program for 14 and 20 days. Generally speaking, dieticians initially developed only one method of weight loss, designed for seven days. All other variations were modified by the losers themselves in pursuit of a more effective result. Therefore, the safety of such weight loss programs remains questionable and requires careful weighing of all the factors "for" and "against" such fasting.
Menu for lean diets for 14 days:
- Day 1: green tea without sugar;
- 2nd: kefir low-fat - 1 l;
- 3rd: mineral water without gas;
- 4th: green apple - 1;
- 5th: low-fat milk - 1 l;
- 6th: green tea without sugar;
- 7th: low-fat milk - 1 l;
- 8th: green apple - 1;
- 9th: kefir low-fat - 1 l;
- 10th: fresh cucumber - 2;
- 11th: green tea without sugar;
- 12th: low-fat milk - 1 l;
- 13th: green apple - 3;
- 14th: mineral water.
This variant of the dietary program is very hard, it is very difficult to tolerate, and can lead to the development of anorexia. But those who can withstand such a technique are guaranteed a loss of at least 7 kilograms of excess weight. It is very important, when dieting, to drink plenty of fluids and to lead a moderately - mobile way of life, avoiding fatigue.
There is also a variation of lean diet, designed for 20 days. It in a certain way is not as strict as a two-week, and is a continuation of the slimming program for 7 days.
The diet of lean diet for 20 days:
- 1-7 days: according to the variant of the seven-day diet program;
- 8th: 200 g of low-fat dairy products, vegetables stewed or steamed, lean meat;
- 9th: 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese, juice without sugar;
- 10th: lean fish, shrimp - 200 g, sugar-free juice;
- 11th: 4 boiled potatoes, juice without sugar;
- 12th: 5 green apples;
- 13th: 200 g of boiled lean meat, juice without sugar;
- 14th: 1 liter of kefir;
- 15th: everything you want( within reasonable limits);
- 16th: 5 apples;
- 17th: 800 ml of milk, 200 g of boiled meat;
- 18th: 1 liter of kefir;
- 19th: 200 g of cottage cheese, mineral water without gas;
- 20: 1 apple, 1 liter of kefir.
With this weight loss program, you will be able to get rid of 10 to 12 kilograms of excess weight.
Skinny diet: the right way, feedback and results ^
One of the biggest disadvantages of this diet program is that it helps to slow down the metabolism in the body. This, in addition to possible negative health consequences, can also lead to the fact that after exiting the diet the former weight of the losing weight can quickly return back. In order for this to happen, you need to properly build your diet after the end of the diet.
To the usual diet, you need to go very smoothly, starting with soups, vegetables, fruits, lean fish and sour-milk products. To salt intake, too, come with caution and as much as possible reduce its number. The ideal option is if, after a lean diet, you will succeed in following a moderate and properly balanced diet, which not only secures the result, but also improves it later.
Reviews about this diet program are very contradictory. Bribes in it wanting to lose weight is that this diet does not involve constant cooking and calorie counting. In addition, the effectiveness of this method of losing weight is very high. But is it worth it to subject your body to such cruel ordeals - a controversial issue. And this is evidenced by the mass of negative reviews.
After all, this program is very heavy and hungry, and after its termination, side effects often manifest themselves from the most unexpected side. In women, hair can begin to fall out, skin deteriorate and various depressive disorders may appear. The result of such serious experiments on yourself can be complete exhaustion of the body and the development of anorexia.
Therefore, observe a lean diet is recommended only on the recommendation and under the supervision of a doctor. In addition, this method of weight loss is suitable for people who have a significant excess of their weight over the normal. Do not use it if the total BMI( body mass index) is normal. Remember that illiterate use of any diet programs in pursuit of coveted harmony can lead to very sad consequences - a strong decrease in immunity and the development of serious diseases.