Diet DAN
Diet DAN: reviews and results of weight loss
Diet DAN- this is one of the most strict diets for weight loss, designed to significantly reduce body weight in 50 days.
The diet of an anorexic dysfunction DAN: essence, efficiency and features ^
The essence of the DAN diet is a very limited use of calories, due to which the weight begins to decline rapidly: the body ceases to receive the energy it needs, and begins to independently break down fat cells.
Many people are wondering if the volumes go to the DAN diet? Of course, with such a rigid diet, not only does weight decrease, but the volumes decrease, so all those who lose weight after 50 days can buy clothes 2 sizes smaller.
Pros and cons of DAN diet for weight loss
This technique is considered very tough, as its name suggests. Perhaps the only advantage is a really fast weight loss, but it has many disadvantages:
- It's very difficult to sustain a diet, becausein most cases it is allowed to consume no more than 700 Kcal;
- It is suitable only for absolutely healthy people, and in the presence of any diseases, during pregnancy and breastfeeding is strictly contraindicated;
- Because of the constant starvation, gastrointestinal diseases can develop.
How many can be dropped on a diet DAN
Everyone has a different weight loss process, and the more extra pounds - the easier it is to get rid of them. In general, for 1 day, about 800 g, but this figure can vary from 500 g to 1 kg.
The main condition of the diet is a strict restriction of calories, that is allowed to eat any food, but their caloric value should not be higher than indicated in a certain day.
Diet for anorexiche new recipe for weight loss: detailed menu, rules, recipes ^
Diet DAN: menus and recipes for beginners anorexichek
Diet DAN: instructions for use
In order to lose weight quickly and withstand all 50 days, several rules are required:
- Drink at least 1.5 liters of purified water daily;
- Calculate calories and do not go beyond what is acceptable;
- The product of a specific day is divided into several portions;
- It is recommended for the time of diet to abandon physical exertion, and also it is necessary to take extra vitamins and minerals.
Diet DAN: menu for 50 days
Below is a diet that must be adhered to:
- Day 1: we consume no more than 500 Kcal;
- Day 2: have breakfast, then drink only water;Day 3: We eat 600 Kcal;
- Day 4: arrange unloading on one product;Day 5: drinking milk;Day 6 and 7: unloading;
- Day 8 and 9: eating chocolate( 100 grams each);Day 10: We eat 700 Kcal;Day 11: Unloading;
- Day 12: in the morning we eat 50 g of cottage cheese, for other meals we drink 200 g of kefir( 1%);
- Day 13 and 14: use only milk;Day 15: We eat cottage cheese and yogurt;
- Day 16 and 17: repeat as on days 8 and 9;Day 18: we eat 700 Kcal;
- Day 19: we drink a cocktail of yogurt and lemon;
- Day 20: we eat only 100 g of bitter chocolate;
- Day 21: everything is like in the menu 5 days;Day 22: do the unloading;Day 23: eating food at 600 kcal;
- Day 24: 100 g of chocolate;Day 25: unloading on kefir;Day 26: We eat on 550 Kcal;Day 27: we drink milk;
- Day 28 and 29: not more than 50 g of chocolate;
- Day 30: only we drink kefir, compote without sugar or water;
- Day 32: repeat the diet of the 27th;
- Day 33: from morning till night we eat cottage cheese and low-fat kefir;
- Day 34 and 35: use only steamed buckwheat;Day 36: Chocolate( 100 g);Day 37: unloading;
- Day 38, 39 and 40: only we drink, we do not eat;
- Day 41, 42 and 43: eat stewed vegetables;Day 44 and 45: fruit;Day 46 and 47: chocolate;Day 48, 49 and 50: unloading.
Which products are allowed to unload:
- Curd( max. 70 g);
- 1.5 liters of 1% kefir;
- No more than 1 kg of citrus( preferably grapefruit);
- Maximum of 9 apples;
- 1-1.5 liters of milk;
- Boiled chicken breast( 500 g);
- Natural juices( 1 l);
- Not more than 1 kg of green vegetables;
- Berries( up to 800 g);
- Low-fat milk( 1 l);
- Green tea with honey addition( 1 tsp).
Diet DAN: recipes
Recipe molokocha
- Boil 0.5 liters of milk, brew in it 1 tea;
- We insist for a quarter of an hour, filter and drink.
Recipe for dietetic buckwheat
- At night, steaming two glasses of boiling water 1 glass of grains, cover with a lid;
- We leave it till morning.
Recipe for stewed vegetables
- Shinch cabbage, chop the onions, zucchini and tomatoes;
- Grate the grated carrots, chop the greens;
- Pour water into the pan to the bottom, bring to a boil;
- Put all the vegetables, simmer on low heat for about 40 minutes.
Diet DAN: reviews, results, stories of losing weight ^
Judging by the doctors' reviews of the diet for weight loss DAN, this technique is not safe and requires great willpower. Often after her stomach problems begin, so those who do not stop such a rigid menu, it is not recommended to use it more than once a year. To keep weight in the future, it is enough to periodically do unloading days and do not eat fatty foods.
As a result, DAN diet can significantly reduce weight - up to 40 kg for the entire period. Those who can not stand 50 days, also get good weight loss, but this figure will be significantly lower.
It is important to follow the exit rules after the diet of an anorexic beginner:
- Do not eat meat and fish in the first week after the release: at this time only dairy products are allowed to eat;
- Starting from 3 days, you can increase the amount of food you eat by 100 Kcal per day.
Reviews about the diet of DAN from our readers:
Anna, 29 years old:
"I have sustained exactly 20 days, for more I was not enough. I managed to lose about 12 kg for this time, so that it was not meaningful to limit myself further, becausemy weight is now normal "
Alice, 33 years old:
" I still lasted all 50 days, although it cost me tremendous efforts. The menu speaks for itself, and it's really hard to sustain this diet, but in my case for the lost 25 kg it cost »
Natalia, 35 years old:
« On the first day I ate, anything, even roasted meat, but it was more difficult, especially on fasting days. Nevertheless, I survived all 50 days, albeit with difficulty, but I lost 28 kg "