White diet
The white diet will help to lose weight by 5 kg per week, accelerate metabolism and strengthen bone and muscletissues
The white diet is a low-calorie slimming technique, which got its name because of the color of the foods that make up the main food ration.
There are several options for a white slimming program, but the recommended duration of any of them should not exceed 7 days.
The essence and rules of weight loss on a white diet ^
The essence of the white diet program is the use of products of the appropriate color:
- Milk and lactic acid: curd, milk, fermented milk, sour milk, sour cream, kefir, yoghurt, cheese;
- Eggs( quail, chicken), rice, oat flakes;
- Fish and chicken fillet;
- White beans;
- Fruit - sweet apples( without peel), bananas, white currants;
- White cabbage or Peking cabbage.
In addition to white food, sweet fresh and dried fruits - peaches, apricots, pears - are allowed on the menu. As for plums with grapes, it is better to use them in the form of dried fruits. Products that are not included in the diet are strictly prohibited.
The white technique excellently reduces weight due to the presence in the dietary products of proteins, fiber, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals and beneficial bacteria. Thanks to them the white technique has many undeniable advantages:
- Excess weight to the end of weight loss will drop to 5 kg;
- Improves intestinal microflora, digestion normalizes;
- Metabolism and metabolism will accelerate;
- The organism will be cleared of toxins, poisons, slags, pesticides and other harmful compounds;
- Bone and muscle tissue will be strengthened;
- The state of the skin will improve, namely: its elasticity and elasticity, the processes of rejuvenation and renewal of skin cells are activated.
Among the shortcomings of the white food system are the following:
- Lactic acid products are contraindicated in gastritis, stomach ulcer and other gastrointestinal diseases;
- Over-saturation in the body of calcium can cause deposition of slags and a violation of the processing of protein foods.
The white diet is based on compliance with four mandatory rules:
- Milk and lactic acid foods and beverages should contain no more than 4% fat content;
- Sour and citrus fruits are prohibited;
- For 15 minutes before any meal, 150 ml of mineral water without gas should be consumed;
- Salt with sugar is excluded from the diet completely.
White diet for weight loss: menus and features ^
White milk diet
The duration of the white milk method is 7 days, after which you can effectively lose weight by 5 kg or more. The approximate menu offers the following:
Day 1 and 4
- Breakfast: saucer sauce, porridge porridge with raisins on milk, fermented baked milk;
- Lunch: natural dietary yogurt with 2 pcs.dried apricots, banana;
- Lunch: a couple of boiled eggs, green milk tea, 150 grams of cottage cheese from Art.l.sour cream;
- Dinner: peeled pear, yoghurt.
Day 2 and 5
- Breakfast: yogurt, rice porridge with natural honey, milk green tea;
- Lunch: pieces of peach, filled with 100 ml of dietary yogurt;
- Lunch: cheese cake 200 g, milk;
- Dinner: cream ice cream, banana.
Day 3 and 6
- Breakfast: braised white cabbage in sour cream, milk;
- Lunch: ryazhenka, 3 pcs.plums;
- Lunch: milk porridge with honey, green milk tea;
- Dinner: salad from a pair of boiled eggs and 40 gr.cheese with sour cream, milk.
Day 7
- Breakfast: rice pudding( sugar substitute for honey), kefir;
- Lunch: cottage cheese with prunes and sour cream;
- Lunch: low-fat steam fish, cabbage salad with potato mash 150g / 70g, milk;Dinner: apple - banana puree with yoghurt 150g / 100g.
Diet on white wine
The three-day diet of the wine dietary method consists of white dry wine, cheese, wheat dried bread or slice and 2 liters.drinking water. Due to the use of wine, it is advisable to use this technique on weekends. The final result of the wine system of weight loss will be a weight loss of 2 kg and above.
Sample menu for 1 day:
- Breakfast: wheat toast, 150 gr.cheese, a glass of wine;
- Lunch: three wheat slices, 200 gr.cheese, a glass of wine;
- Snack: a couple of slices of cheese;
- Dinner: wheat dried bread slice, 100 gr.cheese, a glass of wine.
White diet after teeth whitening
After bleaching procedure it is advisable to abstain for three days from the following food:
- Coloring drinks - fruit drinks, black tea, coffee, red wine;
- Bright vegetables and fruits - blueberries, carrots, black grapes, beets, etc.; Sour juices and fruits.
The white technique for teeth is aimed at preserving the snow-white color of tooth enamel after bleaching, and not for weight loss. An approximate menu for the day is recommended as follows:
- Breakfast: mashed potatoes, a couple of boiled eggs, milk;
- Lunch: boiled rice, a piece of white fish, a sour milk drink;
- Snack: banana;
- Dinner: salad of boiled white mushrooms with cheese and sour cream, green tea with cream.
Diet on white rice
Rice is an affordable and unique product that helps to lose weight and remove salts, slag and heavy metals from the body. There are several options for rice weight loss, but the most acceptable is a seven-day white rice diet with vegetables, fruits and lean meat.
The approximate daily menu includes 500 grams of rice:
- Morning: boiled rice 200 grams, a piece of chicken fillet, a glass of water;
- Lunch: milk and banana cocktail;
- Lunch: boiled rice 200 g, salad from boiled corn, fresh carrots and tomato, green tea;
- Evening: rice boiled 100 g, apple - peach salad with low-fat cream, drinking water.
Diet on white meat
Chicken white meat is an easy and tasty diet food, rich in vitamins, high-grade protein and amino acids. Chicken fillet will be an excellent basis for dietary intake, as it is low-calorie and does not contain cholesterol. The recommended duration of this diet is 4 days, for which weight loss can range from 3 kg or more.
The approximate menu is as follows:
- Morning: chicken boiled fillet with vegetable salad 150g / 150g;
- Lunch: salad of minced fillet 100g with apple;
- Lunch: buckwheat( rice, barley) porridge, boiled fillet 150 g / 150 g;
- Snack: potato - carrot puree, boiled fillet 100 / 100g;
- Evening: boiled fillet 50 g, chicken broth with vegetables 200 ml.
Diet on white beans
This method of weight loss is one of the fastest diets, allowing you to throw off up to seven extra pounds per week. However, the bean nutrition system is contraindicated in diseases of the digestive system. In addition, in order to avoid the appearance of severe flatulence, it is recommended to adhere to an abundant drinking regime during its observance.
Sample menu for the day:
- Breakfast: cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir or sour cream 100 gr., Slice of cheese, slice;
- Lunch: white boiled beans 100 gr. Further not a choice - sauerkraut, salad from boiled or fresh vegetables;
- Snack: berries / fruit;
- Dinner: vegetable, mushroom or chicken soup, white boiled bean 100 gr.
Results, testimonials of thinner and doctors about the white diet ^
The results of the white diet, regardless of the chosen option, are excellent. Loss in weight for seven days is from 3 to 6 kg. To adhere to the white food system is easy, because during this period there is no strict restriction in nutrition. However, to leave dietary methods should be very cautious, gradually including in the diet previously prohibited products.
For those who decided to save the result for a long time, they will have to give up "harmful" high-calorie food. Repeated application of this power supply system is possible in a month and a half.
Reviews about the white diet, especially among lovers of dairy products, commendable. In many, thanks to this technique, the weight loss was from 5 to 7 kg. Nutritionists also do not oppose the white diet, considering the included in its diet products are very useful for the body. They negatively speak only in the direction of a diet on white wine.
It is also recommended to watch a video of the video with useful advice of nutritionists on the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: