  • Diet on the avocado

    Read in article:
    • Avocado diet: the essence, benefits, pros and cons
    • Diet on avocado for weight loss: menus, recipes, rules
    • How to lose weight on a diet with avocados: reviews, results of losing weight

    Diet on avocados: reviews and results of those who have lost weight

    For those who like the sweetish fruits of ripe avocados, there is a special diet that allows you to quickly get rid of excess weight.

    Avocado diet: the essence, benefits, pluses and minuses ^

    Due to the fact that the buttery taste of the fruit has a rather high calorie content - 208 kcal per 100 g, many people have a question: can I use avocado for weight loss?

    It should be borne in mind that it quickly quenches the hunger, because to comply with the usual diet will need no more than 5 fruits, and a day so you can eat no more than 1100 calories - a very small indicator.

    The essence of losing weight on a diet of avocados is precisely in reducing the calories consumed, as well as in its beneficial functions for the body:

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    • The avocado does not contain cholesterol, and the monounsaturated fatty acids it contains perfectly clean the vessels, eliminate cholesterol plaques and remove slags;
    • The inclusion of avocados in your diet will help to cure diseases of the digestive tract, thyroid gland and stabilize the state with hypertension as soon as possible, as well as skin rejuvenation.

    It is because of these useful properties that avocados for weight loss are especially appreciated by doctors: they believe that this product is the best suited to making the figure slim.

    Pros and cons of a diet with avocado

    Weight loss with avocados has a number of advantages:

    • The diet itself is easily transferred, because ripe juicy fruits reduce appetite and quickly satisfy hunger;
    • The procedure is suitable for everyone, except for pregnant women, children and the elderly;
    • There are many other products in the menu, if this is not a strict mono variant.

    The use of avocado for weight loss has a small drawback: only one fruit can not be eaten for a long time, as this can lead to metabolic disorders.

    How many can be dropped on a diet with avocado

    The caloric content of a diet on avocados, regardless of its specific variety, does not exceed 1500 Kcal, which allows one to get rid of 800-900 g of weight in one day.

    Many people are wondering whether the volumes on the diet with avocados go away, and in this case it is important to know that a decrease in body weight invariably entails a decrease in its volume - in particular, the thighs and waist.

    Avocados and diet: what foods can be consumed

    During maintenance of the diet, the following products can be used in the menu:

    • Cereal cereals;
    • Fruits and Vegetables;
    • Lean meat and fish;
    • Green;
    • Sour-milk drinks.

    Under the ban are any sweet, fatty, smoked or salty dishes, as they reduce the effectiveness of the diet on avocados.

    Diet for avocado slimming: menus, recipes, rules ^

    Avocado diet: recipes for weight loss, examples of the menu

    Rules for weight loss with avocado:

    • Fruits should only be ripe, and before eating you need to cut them into two parts, andremove bones;
    • It is necessary to eat at least 4 times a day in small portions, and also to drink 2 liters of water daily.

    Strict diet for avocados: menu

    In order to drop up to 4 kilograms for 3 days, you need to follow this menu:

    • Each day we eat 5 fruits of avocado, dividing them into several portions;
    • We drink from 2 liters of water and more.

    Diet on avocado and kefir

    A softer three-day option provides the following diet:

    • Also we eat 5 avocados;
    • Drink 1 liter of low-fat kefir.

    Diet on avocado and cottage cheese

    For 5 days of using this menu you can reduce the weight by 5 kg:

    • In the morning we eat half of avocado and 50 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
    • For lunch we eat a salad with cucumber, green onions, ½ avocado and egg;
    • We have supper 100 g boiled beef, half avocado fruit and boiled egg.

    Diet on avocado with ginger

    For a month of application of such a diet it turns out to throw down to 10 kg:

    • We eat any food from the allowed list;
    • At dinner we eat 40 g of avocado and drink tea with ginger.

    Diet on puree from avocado

    Such a diet is suitable for fasting days:

    • We eat up to 700 g of puree from avocado pulp;
    • For breakfast we also add 100 g of cottage cheese.

    Diet with Avocado Julia Roberts

    The method is designed for 28 days, during which you need to eat according to the following menu example:

    • We have a breakfast omelette and avocado;
    • At lunch we drink fruit juice;
    • We have lunch with baked fish and vegetable salad;
    • We snack with low-fat yoghurt;
    • We have dinner with boiled fish and 100 g of fruit.

    Diet of Elena Malysheva on avocado with blueberries and ginger

    According to the well-known TV presenter of the program "Health", there is the easiest way to get rid of excess weight with the help of three products:

    • Avocado: removes fatty deposits;
    • Ginger: relieves bloating;
    • Blueberry: reduces appetite and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

    All three ingredients must be present in a daily diet, the caloric value of which is 1500 kcal, while you can eat anything, adhering to a given restriction.

    Recipes for a diet with avocado

    Recipe for puree from avocado:

    • We clean several fruits, remove brushes from them;
    • Pulp is pulped using a blender or corolla.

    Recipe for salad with avocado:

    • Boil the chicken breast, cut into cubes of it together with tomatoes, cucumbers and avocado;
    • Mix, sprinkle with herbs and pour lemon juice.

    Recipe for soup with avocado:

    • Boil potatoes, peeled avocado and zucchini;
    • Add salt and pepper;
    • Beat with a blender;
    • Before serving, add a little lemon juice.
    We also recommend that you read the article Alcohol Diet.

    How to lose weight on a diet with avocados: feedback, the results of losing weight ^

    The opinion of most doctors regarding losing weight on avocados is basically only positive: this technique allows you to reduce weight without causing any harm to health, but only if it is not abused. In order to keep the figure in order, in the future it is enough to adhere to proper nutrition, and only occasionally afford harmful food.

    How does the output after the diet with avocado:

    • First, gradually add 100 Kcal to the daily ration rate;
    • After a week, introduce the usual dishes.

    The results of the avocado diet are remarkable:

    • Beautiful and slender figure;
    • Smooth and clean skin;
    • Good metabolism.

    Reviews of the diet for weight loss with the avocado of our regular readers are also very positive:

    Anastasia, 23 years old:

    "I regularly arrange myself unloading days on one avocado - it even helps not only not to gain weight, but also to lose weight for 1 timeon 700 g "

    Valentina, 39 years old:

    " I resorted to the method of Elena Malysheva, and did not regret: avocados combined with blueberries and ginger in the diet give a good result. I ate everything I wanted, and for this month I threw off 7 kilograms. "

    Olga, 33 years old:

    " For 5 days I threw off 4.5 kg on avocado and cottage cheese, but I can not say that it was easy for me. Very often I wanted to eat, but a slim figure is still worth keeping myself »