Drinking diet
With a drinking diet, the body cleanses efficiently and the stomach volume decreases
The drinking diet is intendedfor people who want to lose weight and are not afraid of difficulties, because it refers to strict, but effective weight loss programs that require considerable patience and great willpower.
Essence and peculiarities of liquid food supply ^
The drinking method of weight loss is based on taking exceptionally liquid food. To adhere to a drinking ration it is necessary 30 days, however, it does not mean that it is necessary to drink only water. Calories with this system of nutrition the body will receive enough. Although clean water should drink at least one and a half liters.
Where does the body take calories and what can you drink on a drinking diet?
- You can drink pure quality water in any quantity, but not less than 1.5 - 2 liters per day.
- Home broths, but not concentrates from packages and cubes.
- Beef, fish, vegetable and chicken broths are recommended.
- Freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices.
- You should drink tea without sugar.
- Compotes and kissels.
- Liquid milk products not more than 2% fat content.
- You can not drink alcohol and carbonated drinks.
The complexity of the drinking dietary technique is more psychological - there is no food to chew. And zazhevyvat stress, which is considered the main culprit of overeating, also nothing. If the arrow of the scales is not too distressing or there is no possibility to sustain a month without solid food, you can take a weekly drinking diet, which is much easier to bear. Advantages of liquid food system:
- Excess weight is very active.
- Full-scale cleansing of the body.
- The load on the digestive tract decreases.
- The volume of the stomach is reduced, further saturation is achieved by a smaller volume of food.
- Energy is released, the expenditure of which was spent on the processing of solid food. After 10 days, there is improvement in the condition. There is lightness and a cheerful, positive mood.
Disadvantages of drinking technique:
- There is a strong sense of hunger.
- May cause weakness, lethargy, and fatigue.
- At the end of losing weight, solid foods will have to be introduced gradually, since the gastrointestinal tract after taking only liquids can not cope with the digestion of coarse food.
- Extra kilograms can return if you do not fight with appetite and begin to "eat off" after prolonged abstinence.
You can use the drinking method of weight loss only to absolutely healthy people who do not have problems with digestive organs or pathological conditions of other body systems. It is not recommended for breastfeeding and pregnant women.
Drinking diet: menus for 7 and 30 days and stages ^
The full course of the drinking weight loss program is quite long( calculated for 30 days) and is aimed at a phased purification of the body.
- At the first stage of the diet( 10 days) there is a local cleaning of all hollow organs, and most importantly - the intestines. During this period, a raid may appear in the language you want to delete.
- In the next 10 days, in the second stage, dense organs are involved in the purification process, which are responsible for the "purity" in the body. These are the kidneys and liver. During the second stage, discomfortable sensations can be felt in the area of these organs.
- The third stage is purification at the cellular level. In the last 10 days, if all the rules were followed, there is no discomfort. There is lightness and general condition improves.
Menu for 30 days
The advantages of drinking methods include the ability to independently make a menu, alternate and combine the ingredients. The limitation is only one - all products are in liquid form. In addition to dairy products and juices, daily soup is recommended - puree, once a day is enough. Preparation of a light soup is not difficult. You can use the following recipe:
Soup - puree with vegetables
- You will need a liter of low-fat broth and vegetables: potatoes, broccoli, carrots, bell peppers and onions.
- Vegetables should be cleaned, washed, cut and lowered into boiling broth. Cook until soft.
- After the preparedness, grind it in a puree with a blender.
- Consistency should be sparse, and approximately, as kefir.
Approximate daily ration for the full course of the drinking diet:
- Breakfast - a glass of low-fat yogurt or milk.
- Extra breakfast - freshly squeezed orange juice.
- Lunch - soup-puree, green tea.
- Snack - fruit and berry or oatmeal jelly.
- Dinner - kefir, fat content of 1,5%.
Menu can be made up of personal preferences, alternating products to achieve greater variety. Between meals you can drink plain water. To break the appetite will help tea with milk or lemon and coffee in small quantities.
Important note - every day you should follow the chair - if it is absent or there is an ongoing diarrhea, then the drinking diet does not suit you and should be discontinued.
Menu for 7 days
The seven-day menu is a softer and shorter version of the drinking dietary technique.
- Monday - dairy products: drinking yoghurt, fermented milk, milk, kefir. Their fat content should not exceed 2%.
- Tuesday - soups-mashed potatoes, vegetable, fish and meat broths.
- Wednesday - compotes, freshly squeezed juices of their unsweetened fruits and berries. Thursday - berry and fruit jelly. Fruits are only fresh.
- Friday - fruit and berry compotes, dried fruits can be added too.
- Saturday - Kissel based on oatmeal.
- Sunday - repeat the milk day.
The correct way out of the diet
The way out of the drinking diet should be carried out gradually and very carefully, otherwise the body, unaccustomed to solid food, may rebel. If the liquid food system was observed for a month, then the output from it should be 2 times longer, about 2 months.
- For the beginning it is recommended to introduce a liquid mucous porridge into the diet, for example, for breakfast.
- From the second week, liquid lunch is replaced by porridge. For breakfast, you can eat an egg or a sandwich with a thin slice of cheese. Dinner will still be drinking.
- From the beginning of the third week, porridge is offered for lunch, and fresh vegetables or fruits are added for dinner, but without oil. Breakfast remains liquid.
- The fourth week will please - the lunch dish will become meat or fish, and for dinner, vegetables and fruits.
- From the beginning of the fifth week, liquid food can be consumed once a week, as unloading. The rest of the days do not increase the caloric content of the diet, limiting fats and sweets.
Results, reviews of thin and doctors about the drinking diet ^
The results of the drinking diet are very impressive. Over a week, you can lose up to 5 kilograms of fat surpluses, without compromising on health. And for a monthly course of up to 10-15 kg. The opinions of doctors and nutritionists about the drinking diet are contradictory, most consider it dangerous and harmful to the body. A good alternative is to consider unloading days on it, 5-6 times a month.
And here are the reviews about the drinking diet of people who successfully passed it and withstanding the correct period of release, mostly positive. Even if you manage to lose weight, but the desired weight did not reach, you can repeat the diet only after a year. Using this technique, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the body, if he does not accept such a diet, it is better to abandon it.
We also recommend you to watch a video on video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release, helping to lose weight fast and effectively: