English diet - strict calorie counting
On the English diet for 21 days you can lose 8- 12 kg
The English diet in most women is associated with the image of stiff English women - beautiful, slim and dressed with the highest taste and quality.
Such associations are not unfounded - the food system, which these ladies adhere to, allows them to maintain their figure in perfect condition and prevent the appearance of extra pounds. So, on the basis of the development of English dieticians, this amazing method of losing weight appeared.
The essence and principles of the English diet ^
The essence of the English diet consists in the constant alternation of vegetable and protein foods lasting two days. In this case, the daily caloric intake of the diet should be approximately 1000 Kcal.
The peculiarity of this weight loss program is that, when it is observed, a feeling of constant, burning hunger, physical weakness and dizziness, as a rule, are absent. Rather, on the contrary, the body begins to work very clearly with this method, and this has a very beneficial effect on improving the appearance of the losing person and his well-being.
Protein and fiber stores in the body are constantly replenished, the need for the consumption of fats during the application of this diet does not arise, because their stock is filled from their own fat stores of man, which leads to weight loss.
The advantage of the English diet is also that during its compliance, a person normalizes blood sugar level, reduces cholesterol, stabilizes blood pressure and improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Recommended this method of weight loss and those who for a long time was exposed to antibiotics - so from the body excreted all harmful substances, toxins and even radionuclides.
Beginning to lose weight is necessary with unloading days, which prepare the body for the reorganization of the food system. Two days before the start of the program, you can not eat weight, you can only eat a day not more than 2 pieces of black bread. Also on fasting days you need to drink a lot, preferably milk or kefir - up to 2 liters daily.
The English diet is based on five basic principles:
- Observance of the right drinking regimen - it is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of clean water a day.
- Replacement of salt for spices and herbs( which are also better for consuming in minimum quantities) or sea salt.
- Cooked dishes only for a couple, a way of extinguishing on water or oil or grilling.
- The ban on food after 19 hours.
- At night, it is desirable to drink 1 tablespoon.olive oil, which will have a cleansing effect on your intestines during sleep.
If you follow this diet program, you can eat only those products that are allowed to eat, and the lack of vitamins and minerals must be replenished by taking multivitamin preparations.
For twenty days you can throw off 8-12 kilograms of excess weight. This method of losing weight is often called the English diet "Thin waist", which very vividly reflects its essence.
Also such a program is sometimes called the diet of the English queen, although this is not quite a correct comparison. In fact, Elizabeth II adheres to a somewhat different diet than presented here. But, nevertheless, the principle of its nutrition is also based more on protein-vegetable products than fats, and in breaks between meals, the queen takes only carrots, tomatoes and cucumbers.
One of the variants of the English diet program is the Old English diet, designed for 5 days and including a low-calorie menu.
Recommended, Prohibited and Undesirable Products ^
The English diet allows the following types of products to be eaten:
- vegetables - preferring to give better to celery, carrots, bell pepper, beets, green beans, asparagus, pumpkin and eggplant. You can eat garlic and onions;
- cereals - oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, semolina;
- fruit - lean better on apples, pears, lemons, kiwi, pineapples, grapes, bananas;
- is allowed to diversify its menu with hazelnuts, walnuts and pine nuts;
- spices are allowed - cinnamon, black pepper, mint, cardamom, thyme, basil, etc.
Refuse to have from no less impressive list of products:
- salt;
- pasta,
- of dairy products;
- carbonated drinks;
- sweet, baked, cake;
- of fatty meat, mayonnaise, sauces;
- black tea, coffee;
- alcohol.
We offer you some examples of recipes for protein and vegetable dishes for the English diet.
Protein recipes:
Chicken fillet stewed in kefir
- 50 ml of kefir is diluted 1: 1 with water. Chicken fillet( 100-150 g) cut, salt, pepper, add greens and pour kefir. The dishes are covered and cooled in the refrigerator for several hours. Then, the contents are laid out on a heated frying pan and extinguished for 10 minutes.
Omelette with curd
- Low-fat curd( 100 g) is mixed with egg white from two eggs. Add 2-3 tablespoons.water, chopped greens, salt, spices. The mixture is whipped and spread on a pan. Bake in the oven until cooked.
Vegetable recipes:
Cabbage cabbage cabbage cabbage
- Pork cabbage( 1 head) is divided and boiled until half-ready in slightly salted water.1-2 carrots rubbed on a grater, chop the onion, boil the string bean( 200 g), cut it into bars. Vegetables are mixed and fried in a pan without adding oil. The cooled mixture is wrapped in cabbage leaves, piled in a saucepan, poured with diluted tomato juice, stew for 20 minutes.
Baked vegetables in foil
- Diced squash or zucchini, as well as champignons. Finely chop the onion, strips are divided into 2 Bulgarian peppers. All this is mixed with chopped herbs, garlic, add soy sauce. The mixture is put on foil, make a "knot" and put on the grate in the oven. Bake for half an hour.
Stages and menu of the English diet for 7, 14 and 21 days ^
The scheme of the English diet is an alternation of vegetable and protein diets, each stage is divided into two days.
Before proceeding to this method of losing weight, it is necessary to conduct preliminary training - arrange for yourself two days off. Slimming in English begins with protein days. You can make the menu yourself, at the rate of 1000 Kcal of daily allowance( use the calorie tables on our website.)
English diet for 7 days
Breakfast( 200 kcal):
- Option 1: 1 boiled egg or scrambled eggs, slice dried bread, 100 g freshly squeezed
- Option 2: 1/3 plates of oatmeal with milk removed( 1 glass), 1 tablespoon of raisins, 150 g of juice
- Option 3: 2 tablespoons whole-grain porridge with milk removed, apple
- Option 4: 200 g of fruit salad, 150 g of yogurt or yogurt.
Lunch( 300 Kcal):
- Option 1: potato in mun(1 pc.) with cottage cheese and sweet fruit( 100 g), vegetable salad dressed with sunflower oil, pear, apple or orange
- Option 2: vegetarian broth, grated cheese( 25 g), whole grain bun, pear orapple
- Option 3: 2 slices of dried bread, baked beans( 50 g), fresh fruit( 100 g)
- Option 4: omelet with vegetables, cheese from two eggs, tomato slices, green pepper, mushrooms, apple.
Dinner( 500 Kcal):
- Option 1: a hot dish of beans, fruit( 100 g).
- Option 2: semi-dairy vegetable soup, grated cheese( 25 g), whole grain bun, dried apricots, soaked with cheese.
- Option 3: potatoes in uniform( 1 pc.), Baked beans( 60 g), cabbage, carrots, 2 cups of kefir with shredded apricots.
Weight loss is on average 2 to 3 kg per week.
English diet for 14 days
1, 4, 8 and 11 days:
- breakfast: brown rice - 100g, 1 grapefruit, green tea;
- second breakfast: carrot salad - 200 grams, 1 apple, herbal tea;
- lunch: vegetable broth - 250 g, boiled vegetables - 200 g;
- afternoon snack: 1/2 pineapple, or 3 kiwi fruit, or 2 oranges;
- dinner: salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, bell pepper, herbal tea or vegetable juice
2, 5, 9 and 12 days:
- breakfast: a glass of boiled water of oatmeal, grated apple, herbal tea;
- second breakfast: hazelnut - 100 g, vegetable or fruit juice;
- lunch: vegetarian borsch( onion, parsley, cabbage, beets, carrots and celery), boiled or baked potatoes with olive oil - 200 g, baked eggplants - 200 g, herbal tea;
- afternoon snack: cabbage, carrot, greens salad - 300 g;
- dinner: fruit - 300 g.
3, 6, 10 and 13 days:
- breakfast: buckwheat porridge - 200 grams, banana, green tea;
- second breakfast: salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, greens - 300 g, vegetable or fruit juice;
- lunch: fish broth - 250 g, boiled fish - 100 g, vegetable salad - 200 g, herbal tea;
- snack: grapes - 300 g;
- dinner: fruit salad - 200 g.
Unloading days( 7 and 14):
- fruit or vegetables in small portions - 2 kg;
- 4 cups of herbal tea.
Every day in the morning on an empty stomach should drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice( 1 tablespoon).
Classic English diet for 21 days
The classic English version is designed for three weeks. It can be freely modified to your own taste, leaving unchanged caloric content of dishes, the number of products and, of course, the overall scheme of the program of weight loss.
Sample menu for 21 days( protein diet):
- breakfast - a cup of coffee, a slice of black bread, 1 tsp.honey;
- lunch - meat or fish broth, a piece of boiled meat or fish, a slice of black bread;
- afternoon snack - a glass of tea with honey;
- dinner - a piece of boiled meat or fish or 2 eggs, cheese - 50 grams, kefir with a slice of black bread.
Sample menu( vegetable ration):
- breakfast - 2 apples or orange;
- lunch - vegetable soup, slice of black bread, salad or vinaigrette;
- afternoon snack - 2 apples or orange;
- dinner - salad with a slice of black bread, green tea with honey.
Do not forget about unloading days before applying this diet program.
Reviews of slimming and the results of the English diet for weight loss ^
This contraindication has no special contraindications. The only disadvantage is the inadequate balance of the diet, which can be corrected by the additional intake of multivitamin preparations. On vegetable days, some people may also be bothered by flatulence, which in itself is not a contraindication to the use of this program.
The output must be implemented gradually. It is better to make the first post-diets unloading day, in which you can drink only boiled water( about two liters per day) and do not eat anything. The next day it is allowed to return to the usual diet.
It is not recommended to use this weight loss program more than once every six months, but there is an opinion that if the menu is built as diversely as possible and do not forget to take multivitamins, then the food scheme in English can be taken as a basis for the daily diet. It corresponds to all the basic principles of healthy eating and allows you to maintain weight in the norm.
Reviews of those who lose weight about the English diet are mostly positive. It can not be transferred very easily, but the results are impressive - in three weeks this technique can reset about 10-12 kg of excess weight. The process of losing weight is different for everyone. By the end of the dietary program, there may be a feeling of hunger, weakness, in rare cases - the development of diarrhea.
As for the comments of doctors, they do not contain any sharply negative assessments. Moreover, this method of losing weight is even prescribed by some dieticians and endocrinologists for medicinal purposes, since in certain diseases the English diet is not only useful, but also mandatory.
In conclusion, we advise you to watch a video of a doctor, a nutritionist at Dr. Bormental's center, about how much a person should consume on a day of fresh fruits and vegetables, which ones are more useful for health and whether exotic fruits are needed at all.