Honey diet for sweet tooth
Honey diet is a real find for sweet tooth
Honey diet is a real find forthose who do everything, even lose weight, with taste. Methods of weight loss on the basis of honey are very sweet and, you will agree, even the very idea that it is possible to "lose weight" is "delicious", it simply warms the soul.
And do not think that if the products of beekeeping are high-carbohydrate foods, then it will not be possible to get rid of them from extra pounds.
Do not hesitate - diet programs based on honey nectar are very effective and allow you to lose 700 grams of excess weight every day.
Rules and secrets of the honey diet ^
Honey is famous not only for its sweet taste, but, above all, its unique chemical composition. Sweet nectar contains 22 organic acids necessary for building body proteins, as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals. In addition, this product is an excellent natural antidepressant, which perfectly helps us to cope effectively with fatigue and cheer up.
The use of honey for weight loss is that it allows you to quickly saturate the body with carbohydrates and at the same time contributes to a large release of bile involved in the utilization of edible fats. In addition, this bee product has the property to regulate the acidity of gastric juice and reduce the activity of the gastric lipase, and therefore to prevent the deposition of fat in our figure.
In addition to the above, honey diet programs have other important advantages:
- they can be used in diabetic nutrition;
- promote the launch of the process of self-healing, which contributes to the strengthening of immunity and overall improvement of the body as a whole;
- interfere with the development of cellulite and even partially eliminate its visible signs;
- honey is well absorbed and speeds up metabolic processes in the body, reduces appetite, improves digestion and acts as a mild laxative, which makes it an indispensable dietary product;
- furthermore, honey nectar protects the body exhausted by diets from the decline of forces and promotes its faster recovery;
- this product of beekeeping can and should be consumed regularly, every day, throughout his life, replacing them with sugar, and thus making his diet more dietary, which will avoid the need for using rigid methods of losing weight.
In general, the honey diet is perhaps the only weight loss program that is effective not only for lovers of an active lifestyle, but also for sloths who like to spend time on the couch. The bottom line is that honey activates the hormone, which is responsible for burning fat.
And if you eat a tablespoon of this product before going to bed, then even the most lazy dorms can lose weight on such a technique, for which getting out from under the blanket and starting an active life presents a huge problem. By the way, such a program for weight loss British nutritionists and called - honey diet for the lazy.
The only drawback of weight loss programs based on honey is a possible allergy to this ingredient. It can occur as a whole for any beekeeping products, and in the form of reaction to certain of their varieties. Therefore, if you have manifested intolerance to honey - its reception should be stopped immediately.
Honey diet has its own characteristics, and in order to ensure that its result does not disappoint you, you must adhere to three very important rules:
- can not eat starch during a diet - in reaction with it, honey loses most of its active properties;
- is best during this period to give preference to sour milk products and milk - in combination with them honey will be absorbed best;
- will increase the intensity of fats in the body of vegetables and fruits, which are a source of vitamin A and carotene. To such, in particular, include carrots, apples, beets, peppers, tomatoes.
And yet - only natural honey is suitable for dietary programs. Passed any processing and pasteurization product in this case will not work, and this method of weight loss will not be effective.
Honey diet for weight loss: recipes and menus ^
Honey diet for 14 days
The most common honey diet program is designed for 14 days. It consists in the fact that in the diet must be present sour-milk products, vegetables without starch, citrus fruits, berries. In this case, before each meal, you need to eat 1 tsp.honey, and a portion of food should not exceed 200 g. Food is crushed 5 times:
- breakfast - 1 tsp.honey, fat-free curd - 150 grams, tea with lemon;
- second breakfast - dietary yogurt - 125 g, juice;
- lunch - 1 tsp.honey, boiled cauliflower, strawberry, tea;
- afternoon snack - orange;
- dinner - 1 tsp.honey, a glass of yogurt.
You have to drink water without gas, sour juices or tea.
6-day honey diet
This option is considered more mild, balanced in terms of vitamins and other nutrients, and, among other things, is curative.
Day 1:
- breakfast - a glass of low-fat milk with 2 tsp.honey;
- lunch - 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese with 1 tsp.honey;
- dinner - 1 tsp.honey, 2 cooked carrots.
Day 2:
- breakfast - 2 tsp.honey, 3 tbsp.l.15-20% sour cream;
- dinner - 400 ml of milk, 1 tsp.honey;
- dinner - 150 g grated carrots with 1 tsp.honey + a glass of kefir before bedtime.
Day 3:
- breakfast - 1 tsp.honey, 0,5 grated fresh beets;
- lunch - 1 tsp.honey, yogurt or a glass of ryazhenka;
- dinner - a salad of tomatoes, seasoned with salt and sour cream.
Day 4:
- breakfast - 1 tsp.honey, apple;
- lunch - 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese with 1 tsp.honey;
- dinner - 2 tsp.honey, 2 wiped apples + a glass of milk before bed.
Day 5:
- breakfast - 2 tsp.honey, a glass of cream;
- dinner - a salad of bell pepper;
- dinner - 0,5 grated beets.
Day 6:
- breakfast - boiled carrots, tomato;
- lunch - 2 tsp.honey, yoghurt;
- dinner - 400 ml of tomato or carrot juice.
. Deviations from the diet are not allowed, and if you do everything correctly, the result of this weight loss program will be a loss of 5 to 8 kilograms of excess weight.
Like all other methods of weight loss, diet programs based on honey nectar have many varieties.
Lemon - honey diet
The lemon - honey variant, designed for two days, allows you to lose up to 1 kg per day during this time. Its essence is that only a special lemon - honey mixture is allowed, which is made as follows: 3 liters of boiled water squeeze juice from 15 lemons and add 50 g of honey.
This drink is taken throughout the day instead of the usual meals. On the second day, the same diet is used. All other products are excluded from the diet, in addition you can drink only water without gas or green tea. Honey - lemon diet has a good tolerance and has an excellent property of deep cleansing of the body of toxins.
Egg - honey diet
Very popular is the egg - honey diet for three days, which is convenient to spend from Friday to Sunday. An important component of this diet program is half a lemon, which can be eaten both separately and as additives to dishes.
Day one:
- breakfast - 2 whipped egg yolks with 1 tsp.honey and a cup of tea with lemon;
- lunch - tea with 1 tsp.honey, 90 g of cheese;
- dinner - vegetable broth, a slice of rye bread, an orange( apple or pear) + a cup of tea with lemon before bed. Day Two:
- breakfast - 2 whipped egg yolks with 1 tsp.honey, a cup of tea with lemon;
- dinner - 2 whipped egg yolks with 1 tsp.honey, 100 grams of cottage cheese, a cup of tea with lemon;
- dinner - 150 grams of boiled fish, a salad of fresh vegetables, a cup of tea with lemon.
Day three:
- 2 beaten egg yolks with 1 tsp.honey, apple, cup of tea with lemon;
- lunch - 50 grams of cheese, a slice of rye bread, a cup of tea with lemon;
- dinner - g of boiled vegetables, egg, tea with 1 tsp.honey.
Egg - honey variant is quite extreme. It is advisable to apply it only in cases where it is necessary to lose excess pounds in a short time - the result can be a loss of 1 kg of extra weight per day.
Honey and rice diet for 7 days
The honey and rice diet combined all the best properties of these two dietary products - honey nectar and rice. It helps to remove excess water from the body and is therefore especially indicated for people with cardiovascular diseases.
Dietary honey programs and are well tolerated because of the high carbohydrate of this product, rice also makes it even easier to lose weight. This method of weight loss is designed for 7 days, weight loss can be up to 5 kg. For greater benefit and efficiency, it is recommended to use brown unprocessed rice.
The daily menu is quite simple - 0.5 kg of rice boiled in unsalted water is divided into 4 - 5 receptions. A lemon - honey drink is also prepared: 1 cup of warm water is taken for 1 glass of warm water.honey and a few drops of lemon juice. He is drunk no more than three times a day for 1 glass before eating. This diet program should be used with caution for people with gastrointestinal diseases.
The honey diet from Valeria ^
Valeria was an excellent advert for the honey diet - her slender figure is an excellent motivator for those who want to lose weight using the slimming program based on bee products. The technique of losing weight from Valeria imposes restrictions not on the products themselves, but on their caloric content - when it is observed, consumption of not more than 1200 calories per day is allowed.
The essence of the diet program is that in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening for an hour before dinner drink a honey drink. It's very simple to cook: in 100 g of warm unboiled water, 1 tablespoon is cooked.nectar and add a few drops of lemon juice. Such a mixture well normalizes the digestive tract, clears the body of toxins and prevents it from accumulating excess fat.
In addition, Valeria focuses on fractional food. The meal is divided into 5-6 times a day in small portions. In the morning it is better to eat vegetables or fruits, for lunch - boiled meat or fish( no more than 300 g for men and 250 g for women).Coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol are completely excluded.
If you follow this diet plan for 7 days, you need to make one unloading kefir day. It is forbidden to combine carbohydrate and protein foods. The diet is also accompanied by increased physical exertion.
Valiari's husband, Joseph Prigozhin, also chose the same weight loss program for himself, who claims that he dropped a few extra pounds on it in 2 weeks. The producer keeps the exact figure secret, but, with his inherent humor, says that after the second week of losing weight he has already become hard to see.
We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the lemon diet.Honey diet: testimonials, results and useful advices ^
As the reviews on the honey diet, which are widely presented in the forums of "starving", use beekeeping products as an ingredient for dietary programs, this is not exhausted. This honey product is also actively used for reception of honey baths, wraps and massage.
Honey massage saturates our skin with oxygen, improves blood circulation and promotes resorption of cellulite. Honey wraps reduce fat deposits, well remove from the body excess fluid and toxins.
Doctors say that, regularly using beekeeping products for weight loss and recovery, you not only improve your figure, but also contribute to strengthening immunity, removing slag from the body, and calming the nervous system.
In conclusion, we recommend to watch a useful video on how to choose the right honey and check its quality before purchasing: