Pomegranate diet
Pomegranate diet is the best way to get rid of obesity, puffiness and slagging of the body
Garnet diet is an effective, useful and health-improving system of dietary nutrition, the use of which does not cause stress in the body.
Applying the pomegranate method of weight loss, you can not only lose excess weight, but also improve the external state and strengthen your body.
How to lose weight with a pomegranate ^
The basis of the diet is a pomegranate and a drink from it. This excellent, healthy and low-calorie fruit contains vitamins C, Group B, fiber, minerals and many others that help fight fat deposits.
In addition, pomegranate juice is an excellent antioxidant, capable of removing free radicals. Garnet diet is especially recommended for use with a high degree of puffiness, obesity and slagging of the body.
The dietary method based on pomegranate has the following undoubted advantages:
- Eliminates extra pounds, while saturating with nutrients and vitamins;
- Beneficial effect on hematopoietic, immune, digestive, cardiovascular systems;
- Perfectly cleans the body of slagging and toxins, and also lowers cholesterol;
- Provides effective assistance in the fight against infectious and viral diseases.
Unfortunately, this unique technique can not be used by people who have gastrointestinal diseases and increased acidity of gastric juice.
The diet completely excludes flour, sweet products, fatty and fried dishes, pickled and salted foods.
The diet menu consists of the following recommended foods:
- Buckwheat, which can be substituted for oatmeal or pearl rump;
- Fish, seafood is allowed( cabbage, squid, shrimp, etc.);
- Lean lean meat: veal, chicken white, beef;
- Low-fat dairy products;
- Fruits;
- Nekrakamistye vegetables: greens, onions, green beans and peas, cucumbers, zucchini, leaf salads and cabbage.
During the period of observance of the pomegranate diet program it is necessary to adhere to the following mandatory rules:
- Pomegranate and juice from it must be consumed at the end of the meal;
- Juice is diluted with boiled water in proportions of 2: 1, orange, carrot or apple beverages can also be used;
- Porridges are cooked on water without adding oil, spices and salt;
- Obligatory norms of dishes: meat, porridge and fish - 150 grams, drinks - 200 ml.
Pomegranate diet: menu for 5 and 7 days ^
Garnet diet for 7 days
Weekly dietary technique will allow you to quickly reduce the weight within more than 5 kg. Together with pomegranate necessarily used barley, buckwheat or oatmeal.
The recommended food ration is the following approximate menu:
- Morning: buckwheat porridge, pomegranate;
- Lunch: fruit for any choice: kiwi - 3 pcs., Apple, pear of any sorts, plums - 8 pcs.and so on, and 100 ml.drinking yogurt;
- Lunch: porridge with any boiled lean meat or fish, pomegranate;
- Snack: an apple, a banana or a slice of melon;
- Evening: pomegranate and porridge with finely chopped greens;
- Late supper: 200 ml.drink of fermented milk.
From the menu offered, you can see that all the products are low-calorie and very useful, which is important when the weight is properly reduced.
Pomegranate diet for 5 days
The five-day procedure is slightly different from the seven-day menu. For five days of its observance, the discarded fatty deposits will amount to more than 4 kg.
- Breakfast: a glass of pomegranate-apple juice 2: 1;
- Lunch: boiled chicken or beef small piece, pomegranate-carrot juice - 2: 1;
- Snack: fruit and berry drink;
- Dinner: a pair of pomegranates, 100 grams of curd or a glass of fruit yogurt.
Diet on pomegranate juice
A diet based on the use of pomegranate drink is a unique purification method for the complete elimination of toxins, slags and other harmful substances from the body.
The pomegranate cleansing system lasts three weeks and is based on the following principles and rules:
- The four-time diet consists of only approved pomegranate diet products, but vegetable non-starch puree and salads, lean soups, tea and cocoa are allowed;
- For three weeks, the single dose of pomegranate juice is 100 ml. Daily intake of juice in the first dietary week - three times, the second week - two times and the third week - three times.
- A grenade drink should be taken strictly in between meals.
This excellent fruit drink accelerates metabolism, improves metabolism and excellently raises hemoglobin, which contributes to the most effective weight loss.
Diet on pomegranate juice with oxaluria
Oxaluria is a violation in the body of metabolism and excretion of oxalic acid salts. In this disease, the patient is prescribed a strict dietary diet consisting of:
- vegetables,
- cereals( oats, wheat, buckwheat),
- fruits( apples, melons, apricots, pears, watermelons),
- boiled meat.
- Mineral water is recommended from the liquid.
An important role in the prescribed diet is played by pomegranate juice. Its advantage is that it not only normalizes the metabolism in the body, but also contains vitamin B 6 and magnesium, necessary for the prevention and treatment of oxaluria.
Results, reviews of weight loss and doctors about a diet for pomegranates ^
The results of pomegranate diet are positive, during the time of adherence to the method it is possible to achieve significant positive changes:
- Effective weight loss - over 4 kg for five or more days;
- Complete purification and vitamin saturation of the body, strengthening its protective functions;
- Improvements in the condition of the skin, nails, hair.
It is recommended to resort to a pomegranate nutrition system once a month and a half, it is easily transferred without causing harm to health. In addition, the pomegranate can perfectly diversify at first glance lean food ration.
Competent output after the pomegranate method of weight loss provides for a gradual increase in portions of dishes and the slow introduction of other products( sweet dishes, salt, flour products, etc.) in the menu, but in a limited number.
Reviews of the pomegranate diet of women who used it are laudable. They noted that at the end of the dietary method, weight decreases, the mood improves, the work of the intestines improves. Nutritionists and doctors recommend eating useful and very tasty pomegranate fruits as often as possible. Garnet diet is noted by them as one of the best options for dietary nutrition for proper and useful weight reduction.
We also recommend you to watch a video on video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: