Diet for the zodiac sign
The essence of weight loss by the sign of the zodiac: opinion of astrologers
Diet by signThe zodiac has become for many people, unsuccessfully struggling with excess weight, a real life-saving straw.
In order to become the owner of elegant parameters, astrologers advise to listen to the heavenly stars.
Weight loss by the sign of the Zodiac: essence and use ^
Astrology - science is pleased with the mysterious, which not only predicts fate, but also promotes weight loss.
Every person, due to the influence of stars, has his own temperament, character and even metabolism. Astrologers and nutritionists have long proven that losing weight on a horoscope is much more effective than other diets.
The person, who was formed from the diaper, thanks to the horoscope, must follow his zodiacal forecast in everything: in nutrition, clothing, professional and personal spheres. And people who neglect these recommendations, subsequently suffer from negative consequences, which is primarily reflected in the figure.
Physical and moral health is firmly intertwined with the stars. Prepare the body for weight loss astrologers advise, a month before his birthday. On this day people receive gifts not only from friends, but the universe also awards them with their gifts - it charges with positive energy for the following year.
And as people are accustomed to spend their gift to the left and right, a month before the birthday, the state of health worsens both on the emotional level and on the physical: apathy, depression, weakness, dizziness and various diseases become aggravated.
Before a new portion of energy, the person at the subconscious level begins to cleanse of the negative, which accumulated over the year. Therefore, the appetite decreases, and the fat cells exit the body much more efficiently. But not just before the holiday, calories are burned instantly - a diet on a horoscope gives an excellent result for the first, third and tenth months after the name day.
The astrodiet offers to arrange unloading days in strict accordance with their sign of the Zodiac.
Unloading days on the zodiac signs
- Tuesday is the perfect day for Aries. Its essence lies in the complete refusal of fatty foods. Chicken meat, apples and cabbage are preferred.
- On Friday, Taurus needs to eat pumpkin and beetroot dishes.
- Gemini should forget about the sweet. Meat dishes are combined with corn and peas. And plums, apricots and peaches are suitable as a dessert.
- For Cancer taboos: stress. And seafood and eggs should be your favorite products.
- Lions should be cleaned on Sundays. The diet is simple: vegetable and fruit delights.
- Wednesday - the day of Dev. It is necessary to stock up on recipes for cooking beef. Use fresh salad as a garnish.
- The scales must love apples, peaches, carrots and light meat. It is preferable to arrange unloading on Fridays.
- For scorpions, Tuesday is a fasting day. You should forget about fried potatoes and smoked meat. It is recommended to use mustard, onions, figs and cabbage.
- Thursday is a wonderful day for Sagittarius. Rice, fruits and vegetables will become irreplaceable helpers on this day.
- On Saturday Capricorns need to eat cabbage, lentils, prunes and cucumbers.
- Aquarians need to love fish, carrots and apples on Saturdays.
- For Pisces - Thursday is ideal for unloading. Ration: seafood, nuts, raisins.
Follow these recommendations, and excess weight will free up the chosen places on the body.
Diet for the horoscope: recommendations for each sign of the zodiac ^
Diet for the zodiac sign: menu, astrological advice
How to lose weight to every sign of the Zodiac? Astrologers believe that the system of proper nutrition should be based on a horoscope.
Diet for the zodiac sign for Aries
The main problem of Aries is that they are overly active, and this prevents full nutrition. It is necessary to eat food on a schedule.
- Since it is difficult for Aries to imagine their life without meat, make sure that the chicken, rabbit, and beef lie in the refrigerator.
- You need to forget about the existence of a frying pan - meat is allowed to stew and bake in foil. Cabbage, mushrooms, carrots and zucchini are a wonderful side dish.
- The warming massages, baths and saunas will perfectly drive the weight.
Diet for the sign of the Zodiac for the Taurus
Taurus gain weight often, they are ruined by excessive love for food.
- Need to abandon fatty, fried and sweet foods.
- You need to eat mostly fish and vegetables.
- You should never eat at bedtime.
- For Taurus the ideal option is a separate food. And to get results sooner, visit gyms.
Diet for the sign of the Zodiac for Gemini
Gemini should not torture the body with rigid diets. By nature, they have a remarkable metabolism.
- And if you need to lose a couple of kilograms, it is enough to exclude high-calorie food.
- Gemini can not get carried away by the same exercises. Dual nature requires variety.
Diet for the sign of the Zodiac for Cancer
Sensitive Cancers all affect the waist, as they are saved by goodies. Cancers, satisfied with life, are content with small ones. Therefore, for them the most effective diet is a good mood.
- Attention should be paid to the drinking regimen. For their body, the habit of delaying excess fluid, which provokes swelling. Therefore, strong coffee and black tea should be replaced with juices, herbal decoctions and plain water.
- Harmful balance Rakam will bring yoga.
Zodiac Diet Diary for Lion
Lions are lucky, they do not get well if they realize their strength in the right direction. But if their life purpose is not defined, they seek positive emotions in food.
- Lions are ideal diet, based on eating fruits and vegetables in yellow and orange colors.
- Lions are by nature lazy, loving to behold the beautiful, so physical exertion must be beautiful: dancing, yoga, swimming.
Diet for the sign of the Zodiac for Dev
Virgo, seeing on the scales are not the numbers that they wanted, they begin to starve, which leads to health problems.
- In order for fat to be burned more intensively, it is necessary to normalize the intestinal microflora. Fiber can cope with these problems. In addition, it removes toxins.
- Take the habit of eating three kinds of vegetables and fruits daily.
- The effect of the fitness training diet will be greatly enhanced.
Zodiac Diets for Libra
Scales do not represent life without sweets, which inevitably affects the figure.
- A complete refusal from sauces, condiments, sweets and smoked meat products will help them lose weight.
- Eat simple, light foods.
- Sign in the pool - swimming perfectly burns calories and strengthens the body.
Scorpion diets for scorpions
Scorpions will help to lose weight a complete renewal of the nutrition system.
- Under the ban, spicy and fatty foods.
- Vegetables and fruits are the best friends for the time of a diet. Eliminate the express diet. Effective influence is provided by sweet fruits and honey.
- Thanks to the fighting spirit, Scorpions fit competitive sports.
Zodiac Diet for Sagittarius
Sagittarians are used to eating a bad mood, so often their waists are "decorated" with extra centimeters.
- In order for the Sagittarius to stay in shape, you do not have to go on about your stomach, which constantly requires food. A categorical ban is imposed on frequent snacks.
- Distracted by reading books, walking, cycling, outdoor games. And in order to calm the nervous system, go camping with like-minded people.
Zodiac Diet for Capricorns
Capricorns are happy representatives of the Zodiac sign, which, as a rule, do not have problems with the figure.
- But if this happens, pay attention to express diets or once a week arrange unloading days.
- As a physical activity, choose walking.
Diet for the zodiac sign for Aquarius
- For Aquarius, exotic diets will suit, as this sign is characterized by a love for experiments. Interest in the diet will not let it break.
- Do not go to the gym alone, so it will quickly get bored.
Diet for the sign of the zodiac for Pisces
Fish are often subjected to despondency and apathy, so they raise the mood with harmful delicacies.
- The monodity will help you to lose weight. A variety of cereals normalize the metabolism and give good health.
- For the sign of Pisces are not characterized by power loads, so sign up for the pool or go in for gymnastics.
Diet for signs of the zodiac: testimonials, results, real stories of losing weight ^
Did someone help a diet on the zodiac sign? Reviews of days of weight loss for weight loss on a horoscope are numerous and varied, but are extremely positive. According to astrologers, the diet for the horoscope should begin with the study of astrological data, since each day must be taken into account with the Moon position in the zodiacal signs.
The results of unloading days on the signs of the Zodiac are also impressive. The diet helped start a new life from a clean slate to many people! We publish some feedback from our regular readers sent to the editor:
Tatiana, 48 years old:
"I have always been complete. I tried all sorts of diets, but nothing helped. Weight went away, and then swiftly added. My friend advised to try a diet on a horoscope. I was skeptical about this, but I tried it. I am delighted, because I achieved excellent results - I dropped 15 kilograms for 2 months. Lose weight on buckwheat, because of the horoscope Fish. The result lasts for a year »
Eve, 25 years old:
« I Aries, ate at the same time, at the same time. Has excluded harmful products, according to a horoscope, and has lost for a month of 10 kilograms. Weight does not come back, as I liked the food system, and I have been following it for 2 years. "
Egor, 30 years old:
"The astrological diet is beautiful and effective. For a long time I could not lose weight, and the zodiac diet helped to successfully get rid of extra pounds. Now I am a happy owner of a beautiful figure, due to which I lost many complexes and even married. "