Coffee Diet
Coffee diet reduces appetite and speeds up metabolism
The coffee diet is perfect for coffee lovers,who do not represent their day without a cup of this delightful invigorating drink. Although this technique is quite tough, in terms of reducing excess weight, it is quite effective.
Can I lose weight with coffee ^
The main burner of extra kilograms of this diet system is coffee, which has excellent taste and invigorating properties.
This is due to the presence in its composition of many chemical compounds, the main of which are amino acids, vitamins B 1 and 2, PP, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other macro- and microelements.
Coffee drink promotes weight loss by reducing appetite, speeding up metabolism, cleaning the body and removing excess fluid. In addition, the undoubted advantages of coffee beans include:
- Improvement of blood circulation;
- Metabolism acceleration;
- Stimulation of the brain;
- Beneficial effects on the nervous system and heart function, but with limited use of this drink.
The disadvantages of the dietary method based on the use of a large amount of coffee are:
- Adverse effects on the stomach, blood vessels, heart and nervous system;
- Appearance of dark plaque on tooth enamel;
- Dehydration of the body;
- Sleep disturbance.
Weight loss with coffee is strictly contraindicated in hypertension, stomach ulcer, heart disease, blood vessels and kidneys, as well as with chronic sleep disorders. Depending on the type of coffee dietary technique, the following foods are included in the food ration:
- Bitter chocolate;
- Vegetables, eggs, olive oil;
- Apples;
- Fish, chicken, beef.
The main rules of the coffee diet:
- It is forbidden to add milk, sugar;
- The last reception of a coffee drink is 19.00 or 4 hours before bedtime.
Coffee diet: menus for 3 and 7 days ^
The coffee diet for 7 days is the most sparing, as the diet menu consists of vegetables, cottage cheese, juices, fish and beef. The seven-day dietary method is based on three basic rules:
- Strict prohibition of sugar, salt, milk;
- Coffee should be natural, that is, passed through a coffee grinder and cooked in a Turkish just before the reception;
- The daily amount of liquid drunk - about 2 liters.
Menu for 7 days
The approximate seven-day menu of the coffee method can be as follows: Day 1
- Morning: drink coffee;
- Lunch: a couple of boiled eggs, fresh salad( cauliflower, tomatoes), coffee;
- Evening: water, pumpkin puree and boiled fish.
Day 2
- Morning: a couple of crackers, coffee;
- Lunch: salad( cabbage, greens), boiled fish, coffee;
- Evening: ryazhenka, boiled beef.
Day 3
- Morning: toast, coffee;
- Lunch: boiled salad( beet, olive oil), egg, coffee;
- Evening: water, two apples, medium carrot.
Day 4
- Morning: drink coffee, lettuce( fresh carrots, olive oil);
- Lunch: stew( beetroots, zucchini, carrots, peppers, onions, tomatoes), apple, coffee drink;
- Evening: water, boiled egg, salad( fresh cabbage, apple, olive oil).
Day 5
- Morning: coffee, salad( carrots, apple, olive oil);
- Lunch: baked piece of fish, a little cottage cheese, tomato juice;
- Evening: water, boiled fish, a pair of tomato and several leaves of green salad.
Day 6th
- Morning: a couple of rusks, coffee;
- Lunch: chicken breast, a pair of green apples, coffee;
- Evening: water, carrot salad, a couple of eggs.
Day 7th
- Morning: a little cottage cheese, coffee;
- Lunch: boiled beef, carrot juice;
- Evening: baked piece of fish, salad( apple, chicken meat and olive oil), a weak coffee drink.
If such a diet is observed, the excess weight will be up to 7 kg per week.
Chocolate - coffee diet
The three-day food ration consists only of coffee and 150 gr.bitter chocolate. With this dietary method, you must strictly follow the mandatory rules:
- Strict prohibition of sugar;
- Coffee break between drinks - 2 hours;
- Daily volume of liquid( mineral non-carbonated water) - 2 liters.
During this low-calorie diet, the feeling of hunger is a little blunted and excess fluid is quickly eliminated, resulting in a weight loss of one kilogram per day.
Coffee-cigarette diet
This method of losing weight is the most extreme and aggressive, and is contained in the black list of all doctors - dieticians, as the basis of the diet is strong coffee and cigarettes. However, the cigarette - coffee technique will really help instantly lose weight, since this combination inhibits appetite and reduces excess weight.
At the same time, it should be remembered that, besides losing weight, such a diet causes irreparable harm to health, because a complete lack of food causes a huge stress in the body, and nicotine supplements it with toxins and other harmful substances.
Results, testimonials of those who lose weight and doctors about a diet for coffee ^
The results of a coffee diet, regardless of the chosen method, make up to one lost kilogram of excess weight per day. But, unfortunately, the weight will decrease mainly due to the removal of excess fluid.
Therefore, after the coffee diet should strictly adhere to the correct way out of it, in order to avoid the same rapid weight gain, as well as with its loss. A competent exit is based on observance of the following mandatory recommendations:
- It is necessary to increase cautiously and gradually the portions of dishes, but not to exceed them afterwards more than 200 g;
- Daily intake of drinking water - not less than a liter;
- Minimize fatty and fried foods and excessively sweet flour products;
- Sugar into the coffee drink and teas to introduce gradually.
The food ration at the exit from the coffee dietary system should be approximately as follows:
- Breakfast: coffee, any cereal, egg, cracker, toast or cracker( go to black bread);
- Lunch: juice or tea, any low-fat soup, pasta or stew, salad to choose from, bread;
- Snack: fruit;
- Supper: soup or mashed potatoes, a piece of fish or meat, salad, any drink.
The coffee power system can be armed in a weight loss fight, provided there is no difficulty with health. Reviews about the coffee diet among women who used this technique, not all deserve a positive evaluation.
Some successfully lost weight on coffee and were satisfied with the result, others noted the occurrence on the 2nd - 3rd day of rapid heart rate and headache. Doctors are categorically against the method of weight loss, based on the use of coffee, considering it very dangerous and harmful to health.
We also recommend you to watch a video on the video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: