
Diet from Alsou for the lazy: a chocolate diet for fat burning

  • Diet from Alsou for the lazy: a chocolate diet for fat burning

    One of the most popular singers of the Russian stage - Alsou inspired her fans an ideal figure. It would seem that she is the mother of two daughters, but she is so slender. How does she manage to combine careers, raise children and preserve beauty?

    Before the birth, the singer did not think about her figure, and afterwards she came up with her own diet, thanks to which she could continue to conquer others with her beauty.

    Diet for lazy people from Alsu

    The name of the diet very accurately reflects its essence. You do not need to buy certain products, monitor the water balance, radically change your eating habits or lifestyle. Just limit the consumed food and distribute it correctly. For breakfast, you can eat any food with a volume of 30% of all meals per day. At lunch, 45% of food. For breakfast, the remaining 25%.

    In addition, it is desirable to monitor the intake of nutrients. Proteins should be 25%, like fats, and carbohydrates 50%.This scheme will save energy during weight loss, and the optimal amount of proteins and carbohydrates - good health and muscles. After all, usually a diet with a low protein content implies weight loss due to a decrease in muscle mass, rather than fat.

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    Diet from Alsu - the simplest of diets, it will allow you to adjust your eating habits yourself and consciously.

    And here are some more tips on how you can lose weight effortlessly:

    Chocolate diet

    Alsou herself advises to apply it only in the most extreme cases when you want to lose weight, but there is no time. Chocolate diet from Alsu for weight loss has a bad effect on health, although it performs its direct task perfectly.

    First, it is a very tough diet, based on the use of only one product, which does not carry a particular nutritional value. Chocolate is saturated with carbohydrates, sugars, which adversely affect the digestive system. Low caloric content - from 500 to 600 Kcal causes the body to urgently expend supplies, burning fat to ensure life.

    Secondly, to collect the dropped weight after such a diet is quite realistic and quite quickly, as soon as there is a transition to the old diet. In addition, the appearance of the skin suffers, the appearance of acne and allergies are possible due to the high concentration of sugar.

    But at the same time, the diet provides a stable weight loss of up to 7 kilograms per week. And chocolate is one of the most delicious and favorite foods, which usually becomes forbidden during a diet.

    The diet consists of bitter or milk chocolate without additives up to 100 grams, which is divided into three meals and washed down with freshly brewed coffee without sugar or green tea. If the diet is difficult, then you can add a little skim milk to the coffee.

    This combination removes excess water from the body, quickly reduces weight.

    The diet is not suitable for people suffering from chronic diseases and exercising heavy physical exercises. And if during it there is weakness, nausea or swelling, then the diet should be interrupted and found more sparing.

    Each diet suits different people, but the Alsou diet is universal. The first is suitable in any situation, it is easy to adhere to, even doing sports. And if there is not enough time, the chocolate diet will come to the rescue and help in a short time to reduce weight.

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