Egg Diet
Egg diet results - loss of up to 5 kilograms in 7 days
Lose weight without severe restrictions and harm forhealth is the dream of most women who are overweight. That's why they have adopted an egg diet, through which, according to the weight loss, it is easy to achieve amazing results.
Features of losing weight with the help of the egg diet ^
The benefits of this product is great and is as follows:
- High protein content.
- Amino acids involved in the construction of tissues.
- Almost 98% assimilated by the body, thanks to which it perfectly satisfies hunger and speeds up metabolic processes.
- Relatively low calorie content.
- Contains minerals( calcium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, iron), without which the normal development and functioning of tissues and organs is impossible.
- Iodine has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, which often causes problems with metabolic processes.
- Contains 12 vitamins, including A, B, D and E.
But the egg diet may not be suitable for everyone. It should be abandoned:
- to people with kidney disease;
- with liver disease;
- having problems with alcohol;
- to pregnant women;
- with an allergy to eggs.
Egg diet: menus for 1, 2 and 4 weeks ^
For those who want to get rid of up to 4 - 5 kg in 7 days, the following menu should be used. Every day you have to stick to the same breakfast: the main product, half a grapefruit and a little coffee.
Egg menu for 1 - 2 weeks
1 day
- Snack: 2 eggs, medium tomato, a glass of tea( preferably herbal, but possible fruit).
- Lunch: 2 eggs, salad from sauerkraut, grapefruit, tea.
2 day
- Snack: 2 eggs, grapefruit.
- Lunch: 200 - 250 grams lean meat, salad of cucumber, tomato, lettuce and celery. Spicy spinach and 2 eggs.
Day 4
- Snack: 1-2 eggs, spinach, a cup of coffee.
- Lunch: a portion of baked, boiled or steamed fish, vinaigrette, a cup of coffee.
5 day
- Snack: same as on Thursday.
- Lunch: fish, cabbage salad, coffee.
Day 6
- Snack: fruit salad.
- Lunch: a portion of meat with a garnish of fresh vegetables( cucumber, tomato, greens).
Day 7
- Snack: grapefruit, 150-200 grams of chicken, tomato.
- Lunch: 200-250 g of poultry, salad of fresh vegetables - carrots, cabbage, tomato, cup of coffee.
If desired, you can extend this method to two weeks. The second week will have to repeat the menu first. To this system of losing weight has borne fruit, you must exclude meals 3-4 hours before bedtime, and use of sugar and sunflower oil as a dressing.
Egg Diet for 4 Weeks
For those who have enough time and are ready for stricter nutrition principles, a program designed for 4 weeks is suitable. It is tougher than the previous ones, but some managed to drop it to 23 - 24 kg.
As in the previous case, the first two weeks will have to eat the same breakfast every day. It should consist of the main product( 1 - 2 pieces) and halves of a large orange or grapefruit.
The first stage of
- Day: you can eat any sense of satiety of any fruit.
- Evening: a portion of boiled or baked meat.
- Day: a little boiled or baked chicken( better without the skin).
- Evening: egg, vegetable salad( greens, cucumber, tomato, pepper), toast or toast, citrus.
- Day: Toast with lean cheese, tomatoes.
- Evening: a portion of baked or boiled meat.
- Day: fruit.
- Evening: a portion of meat with a garnish of lettuce leaves.
- Day: eggs, baked vegetables, such as carrots or zucchini.
- Evening: a portion of fish with a side dish of lettuce, citrus.
- Day: one of the fruits in unlimited quantities.
- Evening: a portion of meat with a side dish of lettuce.
- Day: chicken with garnish of stewed vegetables, tomatoes, orange or grapefruit. Evening: Assorted vegetables.
The second stage
- Lunch: meat and Peking cabbage.
- Dinner: 2 eggs with lettuce, citrus.
- Lunch: meat with lettuce leaves.
- Dinner: 1 or 2 eggs and an orange.
- Lunch: meat with cucumber garnish.
- Dinner: 2 eggs, citrus.
- Lunch: 2 eggs, steamed vegetables, any low-fat cheese.
- Dinner: it is worth to limit the main product.
- Lunch: a portion of boiled, baked or steamed fish.
- Dinner: the main product.
- Lunch: a portion of meat with a garnish of tomato, orange.
- Dinner: any fresh fruit, but not bananas.
- Lunch: chicken with garnish of boiled or parboiled vegetables, tomatoes, orange or grapefruit.
- Dinner: same as dinner.
Third stage
- Monday: fruit day, except for high-calorie fruits( bananas, dates, mangoes, figs, grapes).
- Tuesday: vegetable day. You can eat vegetables, except potatoes, in any form.
- Wednesday: any fruit( except listed) and vegetables in any kind and quantity.
- Thursday: fish, boiled or steamed vegetables, fresh lettuce leaves.
- Friday: lean meat or chicken, boiled or baked vegetables, greens.
- Saturday: fruit monody. It is necessary to choose any fruit( excluding those listed above) and eat it all day in unlimited quantities.
- Sunday: fruit monody.
The final stage of
- Monday: 100 - 150 g of boiled meat or chicken, 4 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, toast or a piece of dried rye bread, grapefruit or orange, a can of tuna( oil drained).
- Tuesday: no more than 150 - 200 grams of meat, cucumbers and tomatoes, fruit to choose from: apple, pear, citrus, melon( no more than slices).
- Wednesday: no more than 30 - 40 g skim cheese or cottage cheese, 150 - 200 grams of cooked vegetables, salad of fresh tomato and cucumber, citrus, toast.
- Thursday: not more than 400 g of chicken, toast, orange or grapefruit, cucumber and not more than 3 tomatoes.
- Friday: 2 eggs, 2 - 4 tomatoes, lettuce leaves, citrus.
- Saturday: about 500 - 550 g of boiled chicken, no more than 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese or cheese, a glass of curdled milk, a piece of dried bread, an orange, 2 tomatoes and cucumber.
- Sunday: no more than 30 g of cottage cheese, tuna, 150-200 g of boiled vegetables, fresh vegetables( cucumbers and tomatoes), orange or grapefruit, toast.
After the weight loss techniques described above, the lost kilograms do not return, especially if then adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and eat within the daily calorie rate. That any of the diets had a greater effect, the eggs should not be fried, but cook "in a bag".It is in this state that they are better and faster absorbed.
Popular varieties of mixed egg diets ^
There are a huge variety of diets, based on the same basic ingredient as other products. We list only the most popular of them:
- Egg-citrus diet is based on a combination of the main product and citrus. Designed for 1 week, during which you can get rid of 5 kg.
- Egg - curd diet, like the egg - honey diet, is suitable for those who are confident in the quality of products. For three days in the morning it is necessary to drink a cocktail, which includes raw eggs, but this, as is known, is not always safe.
- Egg Diet Maggi has several options. It is designed for 4 weeks. During this period, on average, you can lose 11 - 15 kg, but in some cases, these figures may be more. Those who are already fed up with the egg diet, it is worth combining the egg and curd options of this diet.
- The egg diet of Osama Hamdi is based on the chemical processes that occur in the body after consuming a certain set of products. Some managed to achieve amazing results on it - to lose for 4 weeks to 28 kg.
We also recommend you to watch a video on the video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: