  • Relaxing day on grapefruit

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    • Read in article:
      • Grapefruit weight loss day: benefit or harm
      • Grapefruit unloading day: popular recipes for grapefruit unloading, menu
      • Grapefruit unloading day: reviews, results, real stories of losing weight

      Grapefruit unloading day: reviews and results of losing weight

      Unloading day on grapefruit is useful for everyone who wants to have a beautiful skin, cheerful mood and, of course, a slim figure.

      With the regular use of this citrus fruit miracle, riboflavin, carotene, thiamin, cellulose, are able to maintain normal blood pressure, sugar level, do not give rise to "bad" cholesterol and unnecessary kilograms.

      Grapefruit weight loss day: benefit or harm ^

      It's interesting to know that if you eat a kilogram of yellow, pink or red fruits of this citrus, we get only 380 kilocalories. In this fruit there are no fats, proteins, heavy carbohydrates, but, according to scientists, there is an inositol - a substance that does not allow to accumulate excess fat in the body, together with fiber actively participates in the process of digestion and releases the liver from toxins.

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      Thanks to the huge, in comparison with many other fruits, the amount of vitamin C, as well as antioxidants, flesh, peel, and especially grapefruit bones are the strongest means for fighting viruses and bacteria.

      Nutritionists recommend to constantly include in the diet for a beautiful figure these fruits. With caution, only after consulting with a doctor, it is worth to eat fruit to such people:

      • pregnant - due to the possibility of provoking heartburn or allergic reactions;
      • to people who regularly take any medication because grapefruit substances can significantly inhibit the effects of drugs.
      We also recommend that you read the article Unloading days for weight loss: health benefits.

      Grapefruit unloading day: popular grapefruit unloading recipes, menu ^

      Grapefruit unloading day: menus, recipes

      Unloading day on grapefruit and eggs

      • To supply the body with the right amount of proteins and amino acids, up to four eggs can be eaten on the day of unloading. Two for breakfast and one for lunch and dinner.
      • Add to this two grapefruit fruits and tea, brewed on its peel.
      • Three or four lobes of fruit should be eaten during snacks and add three glasses of raw water.

      Unloading day on grapefruit and chicken

      Including in the ration of the day of unloading chicken, it should be remembered that you can use only white meat of chicken breast. It contains the least amount of calories, but the amount of protein is enough to feel cheerful and strong all day. Combining grapefruit with chicken meat, you can cook more than one delicious dietary dish.

      Easy salad for the day of unloading: recipe

      • Stew 150 grams of chicken fillet, adding grapefruit zest. Cool, cut into cubes.
      • Place on a plate with three slices of grapefruit, rukkolla and parsley. You can fill with low-fat yogurt.

      This salad is suitable for breakfast and lunch. And for a snack and dinner - for a whole citrus fruit.

      Unloading day on grapefruit and kefir

      Kefir, being a fermented milk product, is perfectly digested. Doctors recommend it for any diets. And in combination with the fiber of grapefruit, it is a powerful motor for the intestine. Doctors do not advise people who have diseases of the stomach or intestines, to use these foods at the same time.

      • On a fasting day, it is enough to eat three fruits and drink three cups of kefir.
      • You can drink water up to one and a half liters.

      Unloading day on grapefruit and cucumber

      Cucumbers, like grapefruits, almost entirely consist of water. Therefore, sitting on such a discharge, it must be remembered that the intake of other liquids( especially closer to sleep) is desirable to reduce in order to avoid edema.

      • After eating two or three citrus fruits and six cucumbers during the day, we get a quick and qualitative cleansing from slags and from an extra kilogram of weight.

      Relaxing day on grapefruit and green tea

      The composition of organic compounds and elements of green tea is so great that this plant has been used for centuries as a medicine for a variety of diseases. Decoctions of green tea leaves are a powerful stimulant of brain activity and the immune system, the strongest antioxidant. With regular use of this drink a person will be practically protected from cardiovascular diseases.

      However, doctors warn against excessive consumption of green tea varieties, as it can provoke excitability of the nervous system, insomnia and increased blood pressure.

      • When arranging a fasting day of food, it is worth to drink during it no more than three or four glasses of green tea.
      • A brushed grapefruit - in equal parts to a kilogram.

      Unloading day on grapefruit juice

      Those who follow their beauty and health should be aware that in a day a person needs to consume about two liters of water or other liquids.

      Having decided on unloading with juice, it is necessary to remember that it contains many different acids. And its abundant use can cause heartburn or worsening of ulcers and gastritis. Therefore, grapefruit juice is desirable to drink, diluting in half with water and not more than 250 grams at a time.

      Five glasses of such cocktails per day will be quite enough. And at night it will be useful to make tea with zest of this citrus.

      Unloading day on grapefruit and curd

      Low-fat curd is an excellent source of animal protein, amino acids, calcium, vitamins A, B, PP and many others. Nutritionists recommend regular use of it for those who want to have beautiful body shapes. After all, animal protein acts as a building structure for our muscles.

      Curd and grapefruit menu for a day is a wonderful day off for the liver, vessels and intestines. Here is its approximate composition:

      • for breakfast: 100 grams of cottage cheese, one glass of diluted grapefruit juice;
      • for the second breakfast: half of the citrus fruit;
      • for lunch: 130 grams of curd with low fat, half of the fruit of grapefruit;
      • for a snack: tea with fruit rind, 100 grams of unsweetened cottage cheese;
      • for dinner: whole grapefruit, tea.
      We also advise you to read the article Unloading day on cucumbers.

      Unloading day on grapefruit: reviews, results, real stories of losing weight ^

      Specialists - nutritionists believe that no diet can manage without grapefruit. It is advisable to arrange light days with this fruit twice a week, if in combination with it there is a chicken or cottage cheese, and once, if this citrus is consumed with tea, kefir, eggs, or in the form of juice.

      Olga, 34 years old:

      "By the nature of my work, I am very much confronted with information about various tablets and supplements that help to lose excess pounds. Maybe someone is helping such drugs, but I still have not decided to try it without harming my health.

      Instead of swallowing the chemistry, I've been a whole year, once or twice a week, "sitting" on grapefruit juice or salads from this citrus. No more hated 15 extra pounds! And the work of the intestine was also improved. And do not torture yourself with long diets. "

      Angela, 44:

      " I, as a doctor, can advise everyone a thousand times on discharge with grapefruit and chicken or eggs. Getting a full set of vitamins, nutrients and pleasure, I lost five and a half kilograms in three months and have been keeping a new weight for two months.

      If you still want to lose, it will be quite easy: not one day a week, but two to eat a boiled chicken and drink a wonderful grapefruit juice. Both I and my fellow doctors celebrate the excellent results of unloading days on grapefruits. "

      Inessa, 25:

      " I read that many famous actresses have chic figures thanks to the dishes of grapefruits that they include in their diet. And their feedback about the grapefruit unloading day for losing weight is always enthusiastic. Also decided to try.

      On Mondays and Thursdays I choose the ripe fruits on the fruit counter and eat them all day. And from the skin I make tea. If tea is tired, I buy a packet of kefir. I did not believe myself when I was on the scales in a month. Minus four pounds! And this is just a month! A few more weeks and I will become as beautiful as the stars of the cinema! "