Diet in hypertension
Diet for hypertension often contributes to complete recovery without medication
Proper nutrition in the complexwith physical exertion is an important part of effective treatment of such an insidious disease as hypertension. It happens that a diet with hypertension contributes to the complete recovery of the patient without the use of drug therapy.
Therapists and cardiologists all over the world note the fact that patients who control their diet and exercise begin to normalize their blood pressure.
Causes, symptoms and features of a diet for hypertensives ^
Hypertension, or hypertension is considered the most common disease in the world, which can develop gradually due to the impact of various factors.
This disease is not only dangerous in itself, but can cause a large number of other diseases, even more dangerous than this.
The most common cause, as a result of which pressure begins to increase - frequent stress. This is explained by the fact that when a person is nervous or too excited, the body throws adrenaline into the blood. The next factor that causes an increase in pressure is the excessive use of water, which is not eliminated from the body in the right amount.
Factors that provoke the disease are huge. Among them:
- Age. The older the person, the more rigid the walls of his arteries and the higher the pressure.
- Heredity.
- Gender. In men, this disease is more common than in women.
- Smoking, drinking alcohol, improper diet, frequent experiences.
- Toxicosis in the late stage of pregnancy.
The initial stage of the disease is a constant feeling of fatigue, periodic headaches, poor memory, dizziness. For the reason that these symptoms pass, if you have a good rest, many people live with hypertension for years and do not turn to a specialist, exacerbating their condition.
Over the years, the symptoms intensify, there is a noise in the head, reddening, swelling of the face and hands. Such symptoms for fatigue can not be written off, you need to contact a doctor - a cardiologist.
If hypertension is not treated, the condition is exacerbated every year. Hypertension affects the heart, kidneys, brain, blood vessels, and in the latter stages can even lead to a change in gait, impaired movement, impaired vision and general well-being, weakness in the limbs. The most severe consequences of the disease: heart attack, stroke, renal and heart failure, impaired vision.
The diet for arterial hypertension is only part of all the recommendations that will help to feel and treat such a dangerous disease. Particular attention is paid to dietary nutrition in the event that hypertension occurs as a result of the appearance of excess weight.
In general, it is necessary to eat properly, constantly monitor the pressure, measuring it even several times a day. Talking about contraindications to a diet for hypertension is difficult, because in any case it is appointed by a specialist.
In hypertension, some products should be mandatory in the daily diet, but some of the menus should be completely or partially eliminated.
Obligatory products:
- lean meat, as well as fish, preferably boiled;
- dairy products, cheeses;
- various soups: from vegetarian and fruit to meat;
- porridge of various kinds;
- boiled, raw vegetables, fruits containing potassium, magnesium, lipotropic substances.
Prohibited products:
- coffee, tea and other high-caffeine products;
- salinity, smoked products, spices, and also canned food and spicy dishes;
- is fatty and floury;
- by-products;
- alcohol, except for a small amount of quality red wine.
You must limit the use of :
- salts;
- animal fats, including sour cream, butter;
- carbohydrates, which are easily digested;
- fluid( no more than 1.2 per day).
Diet in hypertension: an approximate menu and features ^
As you know, arterial hypertension occurs in several stages( degrees): mild( 1 stage), moderate( 2 stages) and severe( stage 3).
Diet for hypertension of the first degree
The diet for hypertension of the 1st degree is based on the conduct of a healthy way of life, and specifically on proper nutrition. At the same time, you must adhere to the list of allowed and prohibited products. At the first stage, such a diet can be called effective and mandatory prevention of the transition of the disease to the next stage.
The first variant of the technique for the treatment of the disease is based on the restriction of the daily norm of proteins to 90 g, fats to 70 g and carbohydrates to 400 g. In addition, you need to reduce salt intake, and also divide the daily menu into 6 meals. At the same time, it is better to cook food for steaming, to stew or cook at all without salt, but to serve salt already to cooked dishes.
Approximate daily ration:
- In the morning it is desirable to cook an omelet and drink unsweetened tea, you can add a little milk.
- It is tasty to have a bite by making an apple in the oven, for example with cottage cheese.
- In the lunch on the first floor, a small plate of light lean soup, and the second one - buckwheat gruel with chicken steaks.
- Dinner will be hearty and tasty if you cook mashed potatoes, boil your favorite fish and drink it all with a rose hips decoction.
- It is allowed to drink a small cup of kefir before going to bed.
- Together with basic meals a day you can eat no more than 250 grams of white, 120 grams of rye bread.
Diet for hypertension of the second degree
Nutrition for hypertension 2 degrees from the first variant does not differ significantly, however, in the diet it is necessary to include wheat bran, oat, buckwheat, dried fruits and the like. With a strong exacerbation of hypertension, it will be useful to spend a day of unloading.
An example of a fruit and vegetable unloading day:
- In the morning it is necessary to prepare a light salad with carrots, apples and cabbage, fill it with a spoonful of oil, and drink a cup of wild rose broth.
- Snack can consist of vegetable puree and fresh fruit juice.
- In lunch it is desirable to cook soup without meat, salad, to eat a small handful of nuts.
- For the second snack, it is ideal to rub the carrots and beets, drink the broth of the dogrose.
- For dinner it is recommended to eat a vinaigrette, to drink a cup of compote from dried fruits.
Diet for hypertension of the third degree
The diet for hypertension of the third degree is similar to the two previous ones, however it is considered more strict, as it provides a restriction in the use of salt and strict control over each product that enters the body.
Sample menu for severe hypertension:
- For breakfast, a good portion of semolina porridge, cream cheese and a cup of tea with milk is perfect.
- The snack may consist of a pair of fresh apples.
- At lunchtime it is recommended to eat vegetable soup with pearl barley, carrot puree with a piece of boiled meat, drink a cup of compote from apples.
- The second snack is a cup of wild rose broth.
- Dinner: potatoes and fish, pilaf with fruit and tea with milk.
- Before going to bed, drink a glass of curdled milk.
The results, recommendations and feedback from doctors about the nutritional diet for hypertension ^
The results of the diet for hypertensive patients are very good, because with its help for a short time you can lose a couple of extra pounds, remove salt and slag from the body, strengthen the cardiovascular system. It will be useful to any person, and not just a patient with hypertension, as it normalizes the pressure and improves well-being. That is why the doctors' reviews of the diet for hypertension are only positive and they allow it to be used as long as possible.
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