Atherosclerosis Diet
Diet for atherosclerosis cleans vessels and restores their elasticity
Diet atAtherosclerosis is an equally important part of the treatment of the disease than taking medications. Without observing its rules, any medicinal methods are ineffective.
Causes, symptoms and peculiarities of nutrition in arteriosclerosis of vessels ^
The role of healthy blood vessels for human body can not be overestimated - the length of human vessels, including capillaries, is about 100 thousand kilometers.
On how well the blood circulates in them, the health of the whole organism depends, as it is the blood that carries all the vital substances and oxygen. If the vessels become fragile and brittle, it threatens with serious circulatory disorders and hemorrhages.
Atherosclerosis is a disease of the blood vessels, in which they become rigid and lose patency. If you do not treat the disease in a timely manner, the lumen of the bloodstream can close completely, which can lead to disability and even death. Unfortunately, the problem of blockage of blood vessels is sometimes recognized too late, when it is reflected negatively on the work of the heart and brain.
The main symptoms of atherosclerosis can be:
- blueing and coldness of the limbs,
- memory impairment,
- problems in heart function,
- deterioration of blood flow in the body,
- attention absent-mindedness,
- fatigue and irritability.
If there are such signs - it is necessary to urgently go to the doctor, so as not to lose valuable time and start treatment in time.
The main causes of the onset of the disease are hypertension, smoking, overweight, elevated sugar and cholesterol in the blood. Most often, atherosclerosis occurs precisely because of the failure of cholesterol metabolism. The process of clogging of the vessels is natural, it begins in the body after 10 years of age, over the years it can become more intense, or may slow down.
Atherosclerosis, like any other disease, is easier to prevent than cure, so you need to start prevention as early as possible. A healthy and balanced diet plays a major role in preventing the development of atherosclerosis. According to the doctors, treatment of the disease without diet and certain restrictions in the diet will be ineffective.
A diet for atherosclerosis should be observed if this diagnosis is made not even by the person himself but by someone from his relatives, and also when an elevated cholesterol content or an approximation to the upper limits of his norm is detected in the blood test. Contraindications diet has little to do, because its diet is healthy and balanced.
When atherosclerosis is prohibited, use:
- Animal fats, including butter;
- Fatty meat and skin, sausage and pâté;
- Fat broths and soups on them;
- Liver, kidneys, brains and pates from them;
- High-fat dairy products, including ice cream;
- Cheese is more than 30% fat;
- Potatoes in fried form, including - chips;
- Products from butter dough;
- Caloric sweet;
- Mayonnaise.
Can be in limited quantities:
- Vegetable oil;
- Lean meat;
- Low-fat cheeses;
- 1 - 2 eggs per week;
- Soy sauce;
- Sweets: marmalade, pastille, honey, fruit syrup, sugar;
- Alcoholic beverages.
Authorized products for atherosclerosis:
- Low-fat chicken, turkey, game, rabbit, veal;
- Fish: salmon, tuna, trout, cod, sardine, etc.;
- Low-fat dairy products;
- Vegetables and fruits;
- Bread from coarse flour;
- Baked without cream;
- Macaroni and cereals;
- Nuts;
- Low-fat seasonings and spices;
- Incredible coffee and tea, sugar-free juice and mineral still water.
Diet for atherosclerosis: approximate menu and food features ^
Sample menu for the week:
For a day you can eat 250 g of bread - 150 g black and 100 g white, you can replace it with loaves.
1 Day
- Oatmeal porridge, vegetable salad with vegetable oil, not strong coffee;Beef Stroganoff, cottage cheese, apple;
- Vegetable soup;boiled meat, stewed potatoes with zucchini, compote;
- Boiled fish, potato puree, apple charlotte, tea;
- Kefir.
2 Day
- Steam omelet, millet porridge, coffee with milk;
- Salad of cucumbers with cabbage;
- Pearl barley soup with vegetables, steamed berry, berries;
- Cottage cheese is low-fat, fruit;
- Boiled fish, pumpkin porridge.
3 Day
- Yogurt, apple, tea;
- Curd cheese casserole;
- Rice soup with vegetables, steamed meatballs, salad from sea kale, compote;
- Kefir;
- Baked fish, potato puree, carrot salad with garlic and vegetable oil.
4 Day
- Porridge of barley with tomato sauce, cucumber, tea;
- Sandwich with low-fat cheese, compote;
- Borscht lean, fish cutlet steamed, tomato, rose hips;
- Curd;
- Pilaf with chicken, cabbage salad with cucumber, kefir.
5 Day
- Sponge cake without cream, coffee with milk;
- Yogurt with banana;
- Shchi without broth, boiled fish, salad from boiled beets, compote of apples;
- Tea, biscuits;
- Vegetable stew, potatoes with chicken, baked in a sleeve, Greek salad, tea. Oatmeal porridge, tea;
- Sandwich with ham, kefir;
- Beetroot, steamed meat steaks, tomato and cucumber salad, rose hips;
- Cottage cheese, compote;
- Porridge is barley with gravy, fish baked, vegetable salad, tea.
7 Day
- Casserole with curd and banana, coffee with milk;
- Yogurt, berries;
- Soup with chicken and rice, pasta, steamed meat steaks, sea kale salad, compote;
- Kefir with breadcrumbs;
- Boiled potatoes, fish in foil, tomato salad with cucumbers, tea.
For cooking, you need to use only vegetable oil or cook without fat - for example, in a double boiler. When preparing confectionery, it is better to take only egg white - without yolk. It is advisable to cook without salt, you can add salt at the table. Eating with a diet should be 5 - one-time.
- The diet for atherosclerosis of the lower extremity vessels recommends the inclusion of vitamins in the diet, except for vitamin D - it is contraindicated in this disease. If a person suffers from excess weight, unloading days on kefir, fruits, vegetables or cottage cheese will be useful.
- Diet for cerebral arteriosclerosis advises to diversify the menu with products with "good cholesterol" and vegetables with vitamins B6, B12, E and C. The products must be easily digested.
- The diet for atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries recommends reducing the calorie content of food by one fifth of the norm of weight - such a calorie rate is determined depending on the height, weight and age of the patient. Do not interfere with unloading days on mono-diets.
- The diet for arteriosclerosis of the heart vessels prohibits the consumption of muffins, puff pastry, mushrooms, fish, smoked products, preserves, salted cheese, radish and radish, spinach, chocolate, mustard and alcohol.
- The diet with obliterating atherosclerosis is a full-fledged diet, in which animal fats are replaced by dairy and plant products, low-fat meat is allowed.
- The diet for atherosclerosis of the aorta requires an increase in the diet products containing potassium, fiber, folic acid, as well as vitamins A and E - they are found in vegetables and fruits.
- Diet for atherosclerosis of the neck vessels also implies the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. At the same time, banned items include bakery products( except bread from coarse flour), jam and sugar. Attention should be paid to tomatoes.
The results, recommendations and feedback of physicians on the therapeutic diet for atherosclerosis ^
Reviews about the diet for atherosclerosis are almost completely positive, since the restrictions it provides in the diet do not harm the body - on the contrary, they help to improve well-being and health.
Doctors recommend not to wait for the advanced stage of the disease, when it can be too late to correct the situation, and periodically conduct medical nutrition courses, after consulting with a specialist.
The results of a diet for atherosclerosis are, first of all, prolongation of life due to the purification of blood vessels and the whole organism. In addition, the exclusion of oily and other harmful foods contributes to the normalization of weight and getting rid of excess kilograms.
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