Diet after a stroke
Therapeutic Stroke After Stroke is Critical in Complex Treatment of
Diseasea disease associated with acute disruption of the blood supply to the brain requires complex complex treatment in which a healthy and balanced diet plays an important role. For this, there is a special therapeutic diet after a stroke of .
Causes, Symptoms, and Features of Nutrition in Stroke ^
Brain circulation disorders occur due to a blocked thrombus or an atherosclerotic plaque of the lumen of the vessel feeding the brain - ischemic stroke. Or there is a rupture of the vascular wall and a hemorrhage in the brain - a hemorrhagic stroke.
- Provocateur of ischemic disorders is atherosclerosis, rheumatic heart disease, a previous heart attack, heart surgery, myocarditis of infectious origin. Alcohol, smoking and stress also increase the risk of a stroke.
- The main culprit of hemorrhagic cerebral abnormalities in the blood supply is hypertension. The vessel does not withstand pressure, bursts and blood spills in the brain - as a result, the damaged area dies. This type of disturbance can also be provoked by narcotic drugs, an aneurysm of the cerebral artery or a tumor of the vessel.
This insidious disease accounts for most of the disability of the population. About 80% of patients who have had an attack of the disease remain lifelong invalids. About 50% of patients die within a year. After heart disease, the death rate is the second highest.
The main symptoms of a stroke
Stroke is dangerous because at the first stages the symptoms are not pronounced and the precious time( the first 6 hours) for rendering emergency care is hopelessly lost.
- In the beginning, there is dizziness, numbness of cheeks and arms, speech changes slightly, blurred vision may appear.
- Then comes confusion, headache, convulsions, vomiting, neck stiffness, coma, disorientation and fever.
Treatment and recovery after a long-term attack. Correct nutrition plays an important role in the complex of therapeutic measures. The patient, who suffered this severe disease, needs a lot of energy to restore health, so his diet should be rich in vitamins, fiber, minerals and all nutrients necessary for life.
Prohibited products:
- Fatty types of fish and meat, including sausages, semi-finished products, rich broths.
- Marinated, smoked, fried.
- Fatty milk products.
- Fried potatoes, beans, radish, sorrel, mushrooms, spinach, grapes.
- Buns, it is not recommended to use mango from cereals.
- Strong tea, coffee, soda and very sweet drinks.
- Chocolate, ice cream, fondant, fatty creams.
Recommended products:
- Boiled or baked chicken, turkey, veal, rabbit.
- All low-fat varieties, occasionally salmon, herring, tuna.
- Low-calorie dairy products, occasionally butter.
- Eggs, but not more than 1 per day.
- Cereals, sometimes white bread and pasta.
- Boiled, fresh and baked vegetables.
- Berries, dried fruits, fruits, except for banned.
- Jelly, puddings, jam, jam, jujube, honey.
- Herbal decoctions and rosehip, weak tea, unsweetened compotes and jelly, occasionally cocoa.
Using the menu of these products is useful not only for people who have already had an attack of the disease, but also is a reliable prevention of this formidable disease. A diet consisting of these products is useful for blood vessels and heart, helps to reduce excess weight, which is the culprit of many health pathologies.
Diet after stroke: approximate menu and features ^
Even if it is possible to feed a patient without using a probe, chances are most likely that swallowing difficulties will occur anyway. Therefore, the food must be thoroughly crushed. By and large the diet should consist of broths, wiped first dishes, kissels, liquid cereals, vegetable and fruit purees, juices and dairy products.
Diet after hemorrhagic stroke
Diet after cerebral stroke requires mandatory restriction of salt and animal fat intake. These limitations have their justifications. Reducing the amount of salt helps to reduce pressure. Maintaining normal blood pressure is very important, especially with hemorrhagic stroke.
Increased pressure can cause not only deterioration of the condition, but lead to another hemorrhage. Therefore, the diet after hemorrhagic stroke , , in addition to limiting the amount of salt and animal fat, should contain a lot of potassium and magnesium. These trace elements are vital for normalizing the work of the heart and pressure.
Diet after ischemic stroke
Restriction in the diet of animal fats reduces the level of cholesterol, and cholesterol plaques are just the cause of the occurrence of ischemic circulatory disorders. And, although, with any kind of stroke, food is similar, a diet after an ischemic requires the most severe restriction of animal fats.
Diet after a stroke with diabetes mellitus
Has its own characteristics and nutrition after a seizure in diabetic patients. Since diabetes is characterized by damage to blood vessels and a violation of the water - salt balance, the stroke among those suffering is much more common. Such patients are characterized by the allocation of a large amount of urine.
This leads to further thickening of the blood, which can provoke a repeated bleeding in the brain. It is extremely important, in addition to general requirements, to constantly replenish the water reserves in the body to avoid blood clotting.
The nutrition method developed in the Soviet era after cerebral circulation disorders has been used up to the present day. It is called "Diet No. 10".A menu is made of the recommended products, taking into account the peculiarities of the organism and accompanying diseases. Food is carried out in small portions, from 3 to 5 times a day.
The use of special nutrient mixtures markedly reduces the rehabilitation period, as they have a strictly balanced composition and take into account all the characteristics of the sick organism. This is especially important when the power can only be fed through the probe.
Special mixtures can also be used as a supplement to dietary nutrition. In this case, the daily caloric content of the diet can not exceed 2500 kcal. For example, the daily menu can look like this:
Sample menu
- Breakfast - liquid oat or millet gruel with berries or dried fruit, banana and tea.
- Extra breakfast - low-calorie cottage cheese, mixed with yoghurt, until sour cream, a glass of fresh orange juice.
- Lunch - fish soup made from pink salmon, cereals and vegetables. A glass of jelly.
- Snack - a salad of any vegetables grated, seasoned with olive oil and citrus juice.
- Dinner - boiled buckwheat, with a sauce of fresh tomatoes and meatballs from chicken breast, steamed, compote.
- 2 hours before sleep - a glass of skimmed yogurt.
Results, recommendations and feedback from doctors about dietary nutrition after a stroke ^
The diet for stroke patients is curative - it is aimed at the speedy recovery of patients and is developed taking into account all medical norms. Positive feedback from doctors about the post-diets diet only confirm this. The food is rich in all the elements necessary to maintain health, and a sufficient amount of fiber in the diet menu will even help to lose weight to people suffering from excess weight.
The results of a diet after a stroke are positive and from the side of slimming and health-conscious people. Adhering to this therapeutic diet, you can gradually normalize the weight - with proper nutrition for a month goes to 4 extra pounds. The main advantage of the diet of a therapeutic diet is the balance and rationality of nutrition.
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