Diet with increased uric acid in the blood
Diet with increased uric acid in the blood: feedback and results of patients
The level of uric acid in the blood can be normalized with the help of medications and diet, and if you do not do it in time, serious chronic diseases can occur.
Features of a diet with increased uric acid in the blood ^
Uric acid is present in the blood of every person, as it is necessary to stimulate the work of the brain and is a strong antitumor antioxidant.
Most often, it is increased due to heavy physical exertion, the use of strict diets, excessive consumption of protein or fatty foods, decreased kidney function, obesity, leukemia or prolonged use of antituberculosis drugs. What can be the complications of :
- Gout;
- Chronic arthritis.
Do you need a therapeutic diet with increased uric acid in the blood
In most cases, doctors, in addition to medications, prescribe a therapeutic diet with increased uric acid: it helps to reduce it to normal, and also to prevent possible complications.
If uric acid in the blood is increased, then foods that are rich in purines: flour, offal, anchovies, alcohol, fructose syrups and cakes should be removed from the diet.
Speaking about what kind of diet is needed with increased uric acid, several features should be considered:
- Its menu should be gentle;
- Drink as much water as possible to remove excess liquid and salt;
- The amount of proteins must be reduced, and meat should be consumed no more than three times a week;
- If there is excess weight - it is desirable to reset it, since obesity provokes the development of gout.
What foods should be in the diet for patients with increased uric acid in the blood:
- Limited: seafood, low-fat fish and meat;
- Sour-milk products;
- Eggs;
- Macaroni and cereals;
- Any vegetables;
- All dried fruits, except raisins;
- Honey and preserves;
- All berries, except for raspberries;
- Citrus fruits;
- Fruits;
- Juices, compotes, decoctions, teas;
- Marmalade, fruit jelly and mousse, jelly and jam;
- Vegetable or sour cream sauces;
- Green.
Health food with increased uric acid completely excludes meat broths, sausages, fried and smoked dishes, canned food, hot sauces and pickles.
Diet with increased uric acid: menu, features of therapeutic nutrition, recipes ^
Diet with increased uric acid in the blood: therapeutic menu, recipes
Therapeutic diet table number 6 with increased uric acid in the blood: menu
The menu of this table includes proteins, carbohydrates and fats in a small amount:
- We have breakfast with carrot pudding, boiled egg, vegetable salad and tea;
- At lunch we drink broth of dog rose;
- We dine with noodle soup, potato cutlets, and jelly;
- We snack with apples;
- We have supper with cabbage rolls, cheese cakes and tea.
Diet with increased uric acid and gout
If the increase in uric acid has caused complications, then you need to exclude the purine-saturated foods to the maximum, using this menu:
- We have breakfast with cottage cheese, jelly and a cup of coffee;
- We have a snack with a glass of tomato juice;
- Lunch rice soup with vegetables, drink compote;
- We snack a handful of marmalade and an apple;Dinner with baked potatoes and green tea.
Diet for the prevention of increased uric acid
To prevent the acid from rising again, you need to use the following diet for two weeks:
- Have breakfast with milk buckwheat porridge and green tea;
- For lunch we bake a baked apple with the addition of nuts and honey;
- We dine with lean cabbage soup and broth of rose hips;
- We snack a banana;
- We have dinner with stewed potatoes, vegetable salad and a glass of low-fat milk.
Recipes for a diet with increased uric acid
Vitamin salad recipe:
- Rub the carrot, cut the apple peeled;
- Mix and season with low-fat sour cream
Recipe for sour cakes:
- Wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve, mix with flour, baking powder, egg and sugar;
- We cut the banana pulp, knead it and add it to the cottage cheese mass;
- We make cheese cakes, we lay in flour, we place in the form;
- Fry from both sides.
Recipe for okroshki:
- Boil potatoes and carrots in a uniform;
- We clean, cut into cubes;
- Cook and crumble the eggs;Cut radish and cucumber;
- Fill with kefir, add mineral water and a little sour cream;
- Sprinkle with herbs and salt.
Results, testimonials and doctor's recommendations about proper nutrition with increased uric acid ^
It should be remembered that the results of a diet with increased uric acid are expressed only in a temporary decrease in its level in case it again returns to an incorrect diet.
To prevent the increase in the level of uric acid in the blood should be used only low-fat foods, as well as to limit the amount of protein in the diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.
Reviews of doctors about a diet with increased uric acid in the blood:
Catherine, 38, therapist:
"If unfavorable patient tests come, then any doctor, in addition to the main treatment, prescribes a diet. This applies to all diseases regardless of their nature. If the uric acid levels in the blood are reduced in time, it is possible to prevent the appearance of gout, which is most often the result of an irresponsible attitude towards one's health in this case. "
Tatiana, 37, rheumatologist:
" I had many patients who, despite myrecommendations to adhere to the diet, continued to eat unhealthy food. As a result, the progression of gout and the constant high level of uric acid, and this despite the fact that they, according to them, they drink medication. "
Anastasia, 33, therapist:
" Increased uric acid is not as harmless as it might seem, and if the time does not reduce its performance in the blood, then in the coming years you can become a permanent patient of a rheumatologist. To prevent this from happening, one must adhere to the initial recommendations of the therapist, drink prescribed medications and follow a diet ยป