Diet after appendicitis
Diet after appendicitis minimizes postoperative period
After removal of appendicitis it is importantand a vital condition for recovery is a change in the habitual diet. Diet after appendicitis is extremely necessary, since after the operation the integrity of the intestine is disrupted as a result of superimposed intestinal sutures.
Therapeutic dietary food after the appendicitis transferred is aimed at the maximum reduction of the postoperative period and the fastest restoration of the stomach.
Causes, symptoms and peculiarities of nutrition after removal of the appendix ^
Appendicitis refers to the inflammatory process of the appendix - the appendix of the cecum, located in the right lower abdominal region. Depending on the stage of the disease, appendicitis can be catarrhal, phlegmonous or gangrenous. In any case, this disease requires surgical intervention.
Inflammation of the appendix can occur in the following cases:
- As a result of ingestion of purulent bacteria through lymph or blood.
- In addition, the inflammation of the appendage can provoke food, the pieces of which could not be digested and cluttered its lumen.
- Often causes inflammation the use of seeds or seeds of some fruits, small inedible parts from toys that small children can swallow.
The main symptoms of appendicitis inflammation include:
- severe pain, which at first spreads throughout the stomach, but eventually begins to localize in the lower right side and intensifies during coughing. If the appendix is lowered down, the pain concentrates in the pelvic region;
- vomiting, diarrhea or vice versa constipation, pain when urinating and darkening urine;
- dryness of tongue, fever.
To prevent serious complications, namely, rupture of the process and inflammation of the entire abdominal region, the appendix is excised, that is, appendectomy is performed.
Diet after appendicitis plays a very important role in restoring the patient after surgery, as eating habituated food can lead to stitching and development of peritonitis. This diet program consists in the gradual addition of new products to the diet. To the products allowed during the diet are:
- Vegetable soups with the addition of potatoes, onions, carrots and beets. It is allowed to cook soup-mashed potatoes and add greens to them.
- Vegetables, mushrooms, pasta casseroles.
- Porridge with vegetables. Especially useful are such porridges: buckwheat, oatmeal and rice.
- Sea fish and lean meat.
- Low-fat dairy and sour-milk products. In order not to disturb the work of the stomach they must be at room temperature.
- Berries and fruits, especially raspberries, strawberries, peaches, oranges, pomegranate.
- Honey and dried fruits.
- Herbal teas, broth of dogrose, kissels and compotes.
It is not recommended to include smoked meat and pickles, seasonings, sauces, salt and pepper, fish, pea soups, okroshka, borsch. It is necessary to exclude from the menu fat meat broths, dairy products of high fat content, flour and sweet.
Diet after removal of appendicitis: approximate menu and features ^
Diet after appendicitis in adults
Dietary nutrition after appendectomy in adults consists of several stages.
- In the first day after the operation of appendicitis, the patient does not have a desire to eat, since his body is under stress. It is allowed only occasionally to moisten the patient's lips with water. After 12 hours, depending on his condition, the patient is brought tea, broth or jelly.
- Meals on the second and third day after surgery should be carried out 5-6 times a day. Typically, during this period, experts recommend drinking yoghurts, eating puree from chicken fillet, pumpkin or zucchini, drinking chicken broth, there is rice.
- For the adjustment of the intestine in the first week after removal of the appendix in the patient's menu I start to introduce berries and fruits, vegetables, cereals, dried fruits. You can use low-fat meat or fish. An important condition for a diet is a thorough chewing on food. In addition, it is necessary to drink clean water in large quantities for the healing of wounds.
- The second week after the operation. At this time are allowed lean soups, Vegetables, which must be boiled or steamed and must pass through the blender.
- A month after removal of appendicitis, the menu is introduced with beans that were not previously available. Sweet and flour can be eaten in a couple of months, but in small quantities. If the wounds heal well in a month, then on the recommendation of the doctor you can switch to the usual diet. However, the body is fully restored only after 4 months, so nutrition during this period should be correct.
Diet after appendicitis in children
Diet after appendicitis in children should be as gentle as possible:
- All food should be served crushed, mashed potatoes, rub fruits, cook porridge, cook cutlets for a couple.
- Fried foods and fatty broths should be completely ruled out.
- It is also forbidden to give children pieces of meat and solid fruits.
- The ideal fruit after removing the appendix is a banana.
- In addition, sour-milk products with a low percentage of fat content will be useful.
Diet after appendicitis with peritonitis
Removing appendicitis with peritonitis is a more complicated operation and recovering after it is much more difficult. Therefore, diet food with appendicitis with peritonitis must necessarily be light and gentle:
- All foods should not irritate the intestines or contribute to a set of extra pounds.
- Ideally suitable soups without the addition of potatoes, various porridges.
- It is necessary to exclude sweet, soda, spicy and salty so as not to overload the body.
Diet after gangrepal appendicitis involves the use of light foods, as with previous diets. First, the diet must be filled with a large number of vitamins. It is necessary to include porridge, vegetable soups in the diet. Potatoes and sour vegetables are not recommended. It is better to use also citrus and sour berries. To restore the body, you should give preference to fruits such as apples, pears and bananas.
Diet after phlegmonous appendicitis
The dietary diet after phlegmonous appendicitis is made by the doctor depending on the patient's condition and his preferences. The menu should include liquid cereals, cottage cheese, soups, stewed vegetables, rich in vitamins and nutrients necessary for healing wounds. An important component of this program - apple, pear, pumpkin or banana puree. Such dishes are easily absorbed by the body.
The sample menu after the operation looks like this:
- You can cook porridge for breakfast and wipe it on the grater. Supplement the breakfast with a dried cottage cheese and herbal tea.
- During a snack, you need to drink a decoction of rose hips.
- For lunch it is recommended to eat vegetable soup, steam fricadels from low-fat meat, rice, fruit jelly.
- After a while after dinner, you can drink a decoction of blueberries.
- For dinner, you need to boil and wipe the buckwheat, prepare a scrambled omelet and drink green tea.
- It is recommended to drink a cup of warm jelly before going to bed.
Results, recommendations and feedback from physicians on therapeutic nutrition after appendicitis ^
Reviews of doctors about the diet after appendicitis are only good, especially if the menu was agreed with a specialist. The results of the diet after appendicitis are very positive and allow
- to quickly restore the body,
- effectively heal wounds,
- to establish a harmonious work of the entire gastrointestinal tract.
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